Arrow The Official Helena Bertinelli Thread


May 21, 2007
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Thought I would start one :woot:


I really liked her, can't wait to see her again in the next episode. I looked around the internet and it seems like she's [the actress] gotten some mixed reviews?
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I didn't mind the actress. I mean she had no chemistry with Amell but I think the one dimensional teleplay was a big part of that.
She did good with what she was given. There were only a few lines that didn't sound right, acting wise.
some of her delivery was pretty bad imo. especially when her character got "passionate" about stuff lol.
Regardless of what she was given...she was awful.
Yeah, I don't think the writing was the issue, it was the acting.
Yeah, I don't think the writing was the issue, it was the acting.

I think it was more the character that Jessica De Gouw played. She seemed sort of uncertain of herself at times. I knew someone who had that kind of personality once. I still think it was a good episode, though. Just for the record, here is a clip of Jessica De Gouw in another role:


She can do a much better job than what we saw the other night.
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I liked her. I thought her chemistry with Amell was as passable as it is with him and everyone else.
She's hot, not the best actress and feature-wise not quite on the money for Helena, but overall I thought she did fine.

some of her delivery was pretty bad imo. especially when her character got "passionate" about stuff lol.

Yeah those were very fake deliveries, her best scene was the dinner with Ollie, I felt they came off well together.
I liked her too.

And nice avvy, Sawyer. :D
To be honest, Kate Cassidy is pretty bad too. KC is miscast IMO.

But this girl isn't.
Maybe,once meryl streep is done playing wonder woman,they can cast her in this series as a super heroine too.:o

I think some people are confusing acting skills with lack of charisma. The actors on the show are all passable (some more than others). Not every actor has strong screen presence.

Man she was wearing the heck out of that dress.

Her acting was a lot better this ep. The tension between them came across amazingly.
my only problem with her this episode was how she got pissed with Oliver for having dinner with his ex when SHE F***ING INVITED HER. so the drama after all that came off as really forced for me. but that's an issue with writing, the actress was better this episode. maybe it was because her character was allowed to let loose a little and not be so serious the whole way though, thus removing some of the stiltedness.
Helena shined better in this episode than last week's. She captured the look and essence of the character from the comics. Either they give her a spin-off or be a recurring character.
Helena shined better in this episode than last week's. She captured the look and essence of the character from the comics. Either they give her a spin-off or be a recurring character.

Yeah I agree with that.
next time she appears I hope she got some training from a certain character in gotham and just ups her game in general. And is in a better costume.
I can understand the less skimpier outfit but I thought the little sliver of a mask was stupid. It's CLEARLY her taking out someone in her dad's gang who must know what she looks like. It hearkens back to the one good thing about about the Green Lantern movie; that scene where Carol called out Hal on his BS disguise since she's "seen him naked".

And this show has done a fairly decent reinterpretation of a character who's disguise was arguably worse than Clark Kent's in the comics. Shadowy hood, blotchy makeup, only fights at night time...his peripheral vision must suck but I'll buy it. It hides his identity well.

Helena's mask is a step backwards from the fairly plausible atmosPhere of the show. At least the biker helmet protected her head and identity.

Furthermore, I KNOW it's her signature weapon and I kind of hate bringing this up, the crossbow was silly. Not only is one that size impractical for it's limited range and reload time, there was no real reason to switch to it besides SAYING it's emotional and unpredictable.
That was actually my favorate part.When Ollie gives her the crossbow.Fanboy giddyness.:woot:
So I signed up just to comment on this thread. While I respect everyones opinions, personally I absolutely love this character and this actress' portrayal. This is not an oscar winning movie, or a remake of a certain comic book story. This is a tv show unique take on a comic book, with artisitic license to shape the characters as they wish.

I found her gritty, sexy, intense, she shone perhaps even more as "Helena" than she did as "the Huntress" which is unusual in these kinda things. I thought she was awesome quite frankly and the highlight of the series so far. Gripes about the costume are a little unneccessary.. I'm not a huge fan of the comics so I guess I don't have much to compare, but I thought she looked the part and wore it well. The crossbow, however unrealistic, was a great touch, and if it's her signature weapon then they needed to put it in there tbh.

I would love a spin off, but I doubt that is where they are going, so I hope she will be a recurring character, 2 or 3 episodes per season.

Also I kinda wish she would be Olivers long term love interest, but that obviously would go against the bo
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Wish the mask was bigger and more Huntress-like. Could still be fixed only to the face like the three far right.

The crossbow WOULD make sense if she was stealthily taking out guys from the shadows and NOT going right up to her would-be victims at point blank range. It COULD have worked in the right context.

Here's hoping, in her next appearance, it will be.
I liked her well enough. Thought her costume was one of the better ones this show has designed.

I thought the actress got the anger, the recklessness, the extreme methods right for Huntress.

And she wasn't bad to look at either. Though I think she got hotter in the second episode.

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