i'm a very athletic person. i'm always trying to jumper higher and run faster.
well one time, i was 15 at the time, 3 years ago. i was hanging out/watching kids younger than me. hanging out in a sense that they have a huge pool and i get to use it if i hang out with them. yep, i'm a user
but they are 10, 9, 8, and 6. 10 and 9 year old are bro and sis, 8 and 6 year old are bro and sis, and they are all cousins.. and their mothers are sisters and are really REALLY anal parents about what you say and do and what they eat and drink and at certain times they eat certain things...its really stupid. ex. they aren't allowed to drink chocolate milk at certain times of the day
but we were walking around a park one fine summer day and there were piles of garbage bags outside of someones house, before the park. so i just take a giant leap over this huge pile of garbage. and as i land and continue to walk, i hear a huge crash on the floor and a scream. the 8 yearold tried to make the jump to, but was VERY unsuccesful!
he scraped his knees and palms of his hands ALL up badly!!! contimplating on wether or not to run down to mexico and jump the border, i just stood there knowing it was my fault.
lesson learned...never do stupid things in front of young ones. they imitate everything!!!!