Well, I got the Donner Cut on Tuesday. First off, I have to agree with some reviewers when they said that the Donner Cut should be viewed as a supplement to the theatrical of Superman II. Without the theatrical, SII

C would seem terribly disjointed in the middle and have some continuity issues. It just makes me wish that everything worked out with Donner and the producers so we could've had Donner's TRUE version of SII.
That said, I absolutely love this DVD, and I think a lot of people in this thread said what I wanted to say already. So rather, I'll just discuss the new scenes and what I thought of them.
The New Credit Sequence: I marked out once I saw the credits. I love what they did with the new credits and w/ John Williams' score to boot.
Lois finds out Clark Kent is Superman - Great chemistry and very fun scene. Yet, I'm very torn by this scene in general. Its MUCH better done than the Lester sequence in the middle of the theatrical cut, but I actually find it to be more of a stretch to believe a reporter would jump off a 30 story building, than to jump into the Niagra Falls. It stretches my suspension of disbelief too much. Other than that, I love the acting and the humor involved with it.
Extended Lex Luthor Prison & Escape Sequence - I saw this on TV when I was a kid, so I was happy its been restored for this cut. As for the new setting for the hot air baloon scene, I admit that I dig it.
Lex Luthor & The Fortress of Solitude: Great to see some of the old scenes on TV restored, and the Brando excerpts. Damn, it was great seeing it, and I prefer it much more than Susannah York and the bald guy reciting "Trees". I give credit to Thau for making it an interesting scene.
Lois Shoots Clark Kent - I would've loved to see how Donner would've shot this if he stayed on as Director. I think the scene worked well all things considered, and the chemistry was there from the start. I also loved the way it ended. Though I admit, the John Williams score was a little out of place when Lois pulled out the gun.
Superman Gets Stripped of His Powers - BEAUTIFUL scene. Absolutely beautiful. Brando and Reeve were awesome, and the scene is far superior than the Susannah York one.
Jor-el's Final Message - Again, another beautiful scene, and works a LOT more than the theatrical cut. I do think Reeve's "FAAATHHHERRR" shout was better in the Lester version, but the Donner scene is just leaps and above in quality.
The Metropolis Fight - I liked how they didn't insert music during the Villains' destruction of the Daily Planet. It gave it a more foreboding mood. Though I do miss, "Would you care to step outside?" I really don't get why Donner didn't keep that line. Freedom of the press makes almost no sense. That said, the whole fight sequence was a lot more serious and less campy. I enjoyed it this way.
Confrontation at The Fortress of Solitude - This scene felt anti-climactic after the Metropolis fight. Then again, maybe it only felt that way because I was so used to the fight in the Lester version. That said, its a very good scene.
Superman Destroys the Fortress - Its a very cute scene and really shows off the chemistry between the two co-stars of Reeve and Kidder.
Superman Drops off Lois at Her Apartment (Extended) - This worked a lot better with the dialogue. I always wondered in the Lester version why Lois was crying at that scene, and know we know why.
Superman Turns Back Time - Hmm . . . I'm sorry, I disliked this scene for two reasons. One, its a cop-out. Two, its been used already in part 1. Granted, it was how it was originally conceived, but I would've left in the Lester kiss.
Epilogue w/ Clark and Lois - The scene was amusing, and works solely with the idea that Superman turned back time (which is probably why Donner & Thau opted to do that). I also liked when Lois told Clark he was "super". Leaves it open to the idea "does she still know even after all that?"
This DVD is a great addition to my library, but again, its merely a supplement to the Lester version since the Donner Cut was never finished. Its such a shame we never got to see Donner do his version.