The Official "Ultimate Avengers" DVD Thread


Dec 30, 2004
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Yeah, saw it on the Continuum earlier. They will have more news about it tomorrow. :)
Hot. I wonder what the actual animation for the feature will look like, because there's no way it's going to be as detailed as that cover.
I just hope the animation is close to Hitch's art.The only way to beat his illustration is have his illustrations in motion.
WallCrawl said:
Hot. I wonder what the actual animation for the feature will look like, because there's no way it's going to be as detailed as that cover.

This isn't a cartoon. They've been developing these DVD's for a long time. It's going to be very high quality. It'll be nice when we see some stills but I would not be surprised if it was that detailed.

NOTE: The article says "DON WU" is doing the animation. I searched thet net with not luck to find some of his work. Anyone else have a link to his work???
I'm looking forward to this DVD. Does anyone remember the contest LGF/Marvel were having for fans to audtion for voice over work? I wonder if anyone from here heard anything if they sent stuff in.
blades_shades said:
This isn't a cartoon. They've been developing these DVD's for a long time. It's going to be very high quality. It'll be nice when we see some stills but I would not be surprised if it was that detailed.

NOTE: The article says "DON WU" is doing the animation. I searched thet net with not luck to find some of his work. Anyone else have a link to his work???
by any chance do you mean "don woo animation?
Pretty sweet. Question. It is titled "Ultimate Avenegers". So does that mean it is going to be based on the Ultimates or the MU Avengers?
Cool poster.Let us hope this series will do well and will last then the 1999 version on Fox Kids
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]by Hannibal Tabu, Staff Writer[/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]Posted: August 6, 2005[/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica] With Wizard's Richard Ho moderating, Marvel's Craig Kyle and Lion's Gate Family Entertainment's Ken Katsumoto sat down with an over-capacity audience at Wizard World Chicago Saturday afternoon to discuss the first of a proposed series of direct-to-DVD animated releases featuring Marvel properties. Taking several pages directly from the books, "Ultimate Avengers" is slated to be the first release, in February 2006, based on the first six issues of "The Ultimates" by Mark Millar and Bryan Hitch. The film will run 75-80 minutes with letterboxed format, will be recorded in Dolby Digital 5.1. sound and be aimed at PG/PG-13 audiences. With availability at all major retailers, the price point has not been settled on yet.

After the prerequisite "this company is great" material from both parties, they discussed the new studio MLG, where they used a "fantasy league" styled method of cherry picking talent to try and make the best product possible. "Doing these straight-to-DVD in an animation allows us to keep them as true as possible to the comics," Kyle said, "and keep the kind of emotion and look and feel you love from the books. I think we're coming very close, it's an exciting opportunity and it's for you guys." Katsumoto mentioned a meeting with Avi Arad where this first project was likened to the NBA All-Star game, with huge talents finding a way to work together. Look for Nick Fury (based on the Ultimate design), Black Widow, Thor, Hulk, Giant Man and the Wasp, among others.

"Avi's mandate was not 'make a good animated movie,'" Kyle said, "it was 'make a great movie.' We're all dying to deliver, you guys have huge expectations. We're doing our best to deliver. If they do well, there's no reason we can't continue. "

They wanted to get Hawkeye in the film, but Kyle said, "We couldn't give him the screen time. We just didn't want him to be in the background once, with an arrow, and everybody's like 'hey, Hawkeye!'" They also said the film would not stray too far from the source material, with the World War II segment as the opening scenes. "As close as we get to 'Saving Private Ryan,' we tried," Kyle said. "There won't be any of that 'ooh, he missed,' 'they all make it to shore' stuff. Broken glass, violence, romance. This is not Saturday morning stuff."

There will be some deviations, though. "There are moments of this film where you can grab a panel from the book and hold it up to the screen. To fill the time of the movie, we had to expand upon it and build upon it. We tried to grab specific shots." But some things just went too far, even for this treatment.

Don Wu will be doing the animation work on this film, and they called on the talents of many veterans of "Batman: The Animated Series" including Frank Parr on design, producer Bob Richardson, and Kurt Geida ("Return of the Joker") and Steve Gordon as co-directors. "Steve took Bryan's designs and opened them up so we could animate them," Kyle gushed.

The films will not all be "Ultimate" based -- "We're not planning to say these all synch up," Kyle said, and the "Iron Man" feature will be based on the classic Marvel Universe version. "There are places that we thought if a hero were to do that in a moving picture, it would be hard for the audience to come back to them. Victimizing women, it's just when you cross that line ... we try to make the smart choices. Everything in our film is motivated. I think you'll find as you watch the film that everything makes sense. We had a good script and we built from there."

Also, there's no need to look for the current American president in this film, nor any overt political statements. "We think that it has to go and be organic in the story," Katsumoto said. "There are some political aspects, more in the second film than the first, but we're not really trying to make a statement about today's affairs. We never move forward with that kind of intent, but if it happens that way, great."

They were also not willing to disclose voice casting, but promised there would be no stunt casting. "We found the best voices possible," Kyle said, "it needs to sound like Captain America, not Julia Roberts. We know we can never cast the voices as well as you do, we could never feel the explosions as much as you do. That's the beauty of comics. You finish the journey."

"Ultimate Avengers" is the first of eight proposed character-based films, focusing on Captain America as the through line (as well as in the sequel, based on Millar and Hitch's second six issues). There will be a second "Ultimate Avengers" feature in the second quarter of 2006, an "Iron Man" one (written by Greg Johnson and produced and conceived by Frank Parr) for the third quarter, and a fourth animated feature that they were coy about discussing. Of the latter, they did say that it is a lesser-known Marvel character, that it would be an origin story, and that the character is not an Avenger. After a considerable lag time, the film will be released for prime-time broadcast viewing with a partner they were not willing to disclose. The promotional plans for the project will ultimately include television ads and the like, but their first instinct was to bring the work "to the fans. If we haven't gotten our core, we haven't done our jobs," Kyle said. "Wizard's helping a lot, at each 'con coming, we're going to have a different one-sheet release that Bryan [Hitch]'s working on." They are open to toys and soundtrack CDs, but there's no concrete plans now, as they're still hiring the composer and orchestra to score this film.
I was wondering what happened to that. I heard the news that it was gonna happen then time flew by and nothing....until now.
Oh, I hope it is as detailed as that poster or at least something of great quality. I'm sick of DC cartoons like Justice League being done so well and Marvel does nothing.

I love Marvel and they need to have some really high quality cartoons. Don't get me wrong, X-men was very good and Evolution was good too but, we need something that just makes your jaw drop and gets high praise as JL did.

I just want more for Marvel's cartoons. As long as it's not crap like The Batman and Teen Titans.

That new FF cartoon looks like cheap japanicrap and it really ticks me off. They deserve better.

Great poster.
One thing I noticed, though, they're certainly cutting A LOT from the story.

No political messages? Man, that's practically what Ultimates is about.

Also, none of the Pym/Jan stuff? Again, a HELL of a lot cut.
Awesome find:up:

Love the avvy DarkKnightJRK:D
gregtestagent said:
I was wondering what happened to that. I heard the news that it was gonna happen then time flew by and nothing....until now.

Time flew by because you forgot about it likely, however the powers that be have been busy developing it over at LGF and Marvel. The same quiet work is being done on the new Punisher video game for the XBOX360 which should be annouced on Aug 9th along with the sequels release date.
SWEET!!!! As long as Cap is less of a dick and more like 616 Cap I'll be happy. ANd if they go past two movies, then they'll probably start delving into 616 continuity. THAT MEANS ULTRON!!!!!! And hey, mabey this will lead to a serious, mature, sophisticated Avengers cartoon on TV. ME AM SO HAPPY!!!!! I wonder who's gonna do Cap's voice.
The Question said:
SWEET!!!! As long as Cap is less of a dick and more like 616 Cap I'll be happy. ANd if they go past two movies, then they'll probably start delving into 616 continuity. THAT MEANS ULTRON!!!!!! And hey, mabey this will lead to a serious, mature, sophisticated Avengers cartoon on TV. ME AM SO HAPPY!!!!! I wonder who's gonna do Cap's voice.
Oh hell yeah. I've always pictured Cap's voice as either the guy who plays Optimus Prime or the dad from Smallville. Something really deep and commanding and soldier-like and yet friendly and the family man and apple pie.

Man, 4 animated Marvel flicks in one year. I can't freakin wait.:D Especially with vol.2 coming out right after...Maybe that 4th character/movie is Moon Knight...Maybe even Heroes for Hire...or Shang Chi...Man, my mind is still reeling from this.:D

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