The official X-Manips thread

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My 7th manip ever...and probably one of my far :D


These aren't mine, but they're a couple years old and I have no rememberance as to who did them...


A friend of mine did a bunch of manips but this is his most recent one...
Ryo Jin said:
These aren't mine, but they're a couple years old and I have no rememberance as to who did them...


Oh, God....that is so awesome. I would cry if they put the Fastball Special in X3.
Chiara said:
A friend of mine did a bunch of manips but this is his most recent one...

I can imagine Jim Ross speaking right now...

"Bah gawd. Colossus just delivered the Batista... ah mean the Colossus Bomb!"

I thought Brock Lesnar would have made a good Juggernaut.
the phoenix logo and the colors in that teaser poster are amazing...
Nice attempt at the Vinnie Jones one although I'd have the mask have less space around his jaw area.
Electric Wire said:
Another masterpiece of mine :D


Nicely done :up: .

Not sure it was the best choice of picture though. Storm should be smiling whilst using her powers :p.

The effects are well done mind.
ok, this is a manip i've been working on.

what do you think?


based on the John Byrne pic:

I'm also working on the 'unrated' version of the pic. but since i can't post it here, leave me your email address and i'll send it when i'm done.
Ryo Jin said:
These aren't mine, but they're a couple years old and I have no rememberance as to who did them...



So cool...:eek:...:D...
Neto Magnus said:
ok, this is a manip i've been working on.

what do you think?


based on the John Byrne pic:

I'm also working on the 'unrated' version of the pic. but since i can't post it here, leave me your email address and i'll send it when i'm done.

Neto Magnus said:
I'm also working on the 'unrated' version of the pic. but since i can't post it here, leave me your email address and i'll send it when i'm done.

[email protected]:up: :up: :)
Great Phoenix and Juggernaut pics guys! keep up the good job :)
wow, thanx. I didn't think it was that great. but it's ppl like you that keep me goin!
I loved the Phoenix one as well, plus funny... *cool flames, we need that kiind of flame!*
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