The Ongoing Serie A, La Liga, All English Football, Champions League Thread - - - - - - Part 15

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Our first major controversy of the season! Everton 'goal' not given despite clearly crossing the line!
What a game this was!
There should be some kind of review booth for goals. That not being a goal is some bulls***.
Cracking game between Everton and Newcastle, Everton dominated the first half but Ba, Cabaye and Ben Arfa helped turn the tide in the second. I thought Howard was too slow getting down for Ba's first but his second was a really clever finish.

Everton definitely have a right to feel aggrieved though, two perfectly good goals chalked off.

I think both teams will finish in the top 7 this season, Newcastle have kept all their best players and I think Everton look to have done some good business with the Mirallas signing,.they are two sides with plenty of quality, good team ethic and game changers.
great game that! touching by Everton at the begining too

I went to a Hillsborough memorial fundraiser in London on sat night, good night and Razor Ruddock was hilarious! That man has some great stories.... you'd never guess he was ever a professional athete though!

Also my signed Liverpool shirt arrived (courtesy of Brad Jones) I'll post some pictures (of all my signed shirts) when I've had it framed
Speaking of Brad Jones, I've seen a lot of people calling for him after Reina's rough start to the season, but I thought he was their 3rd choice keeper? Either way, what do you think spidey?
Doni is in Brazil for family reasons, so Jones is currently second choice.... I would start Jones on thursday night for sure, shows Reina he isnt ness always first choice AND gives Jones a chance to show he can do it... would keep Reina for the weekend though
Doni is in Brazil for family reasons, so Jones is currently second choice.... I would start Jones on thursday night for sure, shows Reina he isnt ness always first choice AND gives Jones a chance to show he can do it... would keep Reina for the weekend though

Long term though, do you think you guys either start letting Jones get more games and let Reina fade out or is Reina your man for the foreseeable future?
Arsenal 2-1Montpeller Arsenal looking good so far, scoring 2 goals in 2 min.
Kompany is lucky to be on the pitch still..... that should have been a red card on Ronaldo there, not a move was made to play the ball... he just went for the player....
A red card? I think your being a slight bit biased there mate! 1-1 Marcelo.
Can't even keep up 2-2! Will Real steal it in the last few minutes?
A red card? I think your being a slight bit biased there mate! 1-1 Marcelo.

i think a lot of refs would give a red to a defender taking down one of the other team in a challenge where the defender never made a move to the ball right on the edge of his penalty area.

What a game.... 3-2 now to Real...
That game.

Un-Real game that. Ronaldo with the winner, written in the stars. The group is looking interesting with Dortmund snatching a late winner too.
i think a lot of refs would give a red to a defender taking down one of the other team in a challenge where the defender never made a move to the ball right on the edge of his penalty area.

We'll have to agree to disagree mate, I'd be disappointed if a Leeds centre half was sent off for that.
Long term though, do you think you guys either start letting Jones get more games and let Reina fade out or is Reina your man for the foreseeable future?

Love Brad Jones... he gave me a signed squad shirt afterall.... but no way is he as good as Reina... Pepe needs to find his form though

not seen the champs league games tonight as I went to the Wtford Brighton match.... Watford remind me of Liverpool atm
^^They're losing all the time? :p
Watford remind me of Liverpool atm

A Spanish keeper down on his luck
Previous manager harshly sacked
Questionable owners
Questionable Italian up front

All your missing is a jailed striker!
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