The Perfect Hulk Movie

Yeaaah that title belongs to TASM2.

These were all things that have happened or have been explored in some medium in the comics, so where you get this idea that this is all made up is beyond me....

I'll take a million TASM2's/SM3's or MoS's or TDK's & B&R's before I watch Anghulk again. I'll take Catwoman & Elektra over Anghulk.

And I said he mutilated it. He took a great thing like the domestic abuse aspect to Banner's past and got absorbing dad out of it and repressed memories. Dad should've been dead, like in the comics. Bruce doesn't have repressed memories, he has repressed emotions and a repressed personality. But he always remembered what happened. That's how his dad died in the comics. They scuffled at his mother's grave decades later and his father fell, hit his head on her grave stone and died. But his legacy lives on forever in Bruce's mind and THAT is what Ang Lee missed. He took that which was great and somehow made it much less great.
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The Hulk dogs were always in the comics, I don't know why people foam at the mouth when it comes to that aspect.

I'd also say Hulk's internal conflict with Banner was much more apparent in the '03 film than it was in TIH.
The Hulk dogs were always in the comics, I don't know why people foam at the mouth when it comes to that aspect.

Just because something was in the comics doesn't mean it was a good idea for adapting to live action. This is where their judgement stinks. Superman had rainbow colored kryptonite in the comics as well but I sure don't want to see it in the movies.

I'd also say Hulk's internal conflict with Banner was much more apparent in the '03 film than it was in TIH.

True but given it's limitations I prefer the less we got in TIH. It's a matter of either go all the way or don't go at all. Anghulk didn't go near far enough but the fact that they knew to try is even more upsetting.
Well for starters pump the breaks, cos Rainbow Kryptonite can be pretty damn cool when it's utilized by Geoff Johns. :oldrazz:

But in terms of Hulk Dogs, it makes sense to me. They were extremely limited by the technology available at the time and needed Hulk to have a physical foe to fight. The Hulk Dogs weren't a major CGI issue and helped showcase the big guy's more brutal style. Would I have made one a poodle? No, but it's not something to get in a twist over.

And as for the mirror scene....I really have no idea what you mean. You agree that it was a step in the right direction, yet hate it because they didnt have more? That's bizarre. I'm sorry but I can't get around that mindset at all.
I'll take a million TASM2's/SM3's or MoS's or TDK's & B&R's before I watch Anghulk again. I'll take Catwoman & Elektra over Anghulk.

Oh yeah, I forgot you hated TDK lol.

Whelp, I'm already done.
Anything good outside of Planet Hulk/World War Hulk?

Future Imperfect, Crossroads Saga, Hulk: The End, The Pantheon, Ground Zero, The Brute That Shouted Love At The Heart Of An Atom, are all great stories.
Well for starters pump the breaks, cos Rainbow Kryptonite can be pretty damn cool when it's utilized by Geoff Johns. :oldrazz:

Honestly it was just a guess on my part. I've never read Superman comics but even in a campy sort of world rainbow kryptonite seems especially silly. The point still stands, just because the comics did something doesn't mean everything they did was a good idea. They had decades of issues to fill and plenty of crap got into EVERY superhero's comic from time to time. Just the nature of the beast. Anyone who wants to adapt a comic to a movie should understand that, I would hope and be judicious in the selection of what to put in their movie. I know the audience will expect them to.

But in terms of Hulk Dogs, it makes sense to me. They were extremely limited by the technology available at the time and needed Hulk to have a physical foe to fight. The Hulk Dogs weren't a major CGI issue and helped showcase the big guy's more brutal style. Would I have made one a poodle? No, but it's not something to get in a twist over.

Honestly the Hulk dogs is by far one of the more minor issues with that movie. The issues of getting the characters wrong and the basic mythos wrong is far worse than any Hulk poodle.

And as for the mirror scene....I really have no idea what you mean. You agree that it was a step in the right direction, yet hate it because they didnt have more? That's bizarre. I'm sorry but I can't get around that mindset at all.

To paraphrase Mike Ehrmantraut, it's a half measure...when a full measure was what was required. A half measure can be worse than none at all. At least with full or none it's a total commitment. A half measure just seems wishy-washy and like Lee and Shamus didn't really get what they were adapting. Does that help?
Any of them seem movie worthy?

Ground Zero is probably the one you'd use if you want to show off the Leader as a credible threat, and could be handled pretty cool as a by the books, Hulk vs the Leader film would go. I don't think it would be overly hard to adapt into film.

The Brute That Shouted Love At the Heart of an Atom is a very heavy Science Fiction, tragic romance story that could kind of work in a more morose way. It has action and adventure, and ties into subatomic particles, so that could help connect with the likes of Ant Man. Though the ending is very sad and might not fully work in a MCU film, CGI would also be an issue.

Future Imperfect could probably be done as a blockbuster movie, with rewrites to include more Banner. It's intelligent, has a lot of action, cool set pieces and really unique villain. I think it could be doable with the right hands.

Pantheon is kind of more traditional superhero, with Hulk joining a team of demigods. Again, with rewrites it could maybe work out as a fun film, it connects to Thor and the Asgardian characters as well, so that could be another element they could play up.

The End is probably not film material. It's Bruce Banner and the Hulk after the rest of the world has been destroyed by nuclear war and is mostly the two characters struggling in a hellish situation. In a dream world, maybe it could be done, but its not a franchise thing and probably wouldn't appeal to the masses.

Crossroads...that's a personal favorite of mine, but it'd be a weird ass movie. Hulk goes on a rampage, reduced to a completely animalistic state with Banner deeply repressed and not even the Avengers could stop him. Dr Strange basically dumps him into the Crossroads of reality, a strange intradimensional place where Hulk is constantly being thrown from one world to another, getting involved in various lives of the different people's across reality. Along the way we get a slow and deep look at who the Hulk is and how exactly he came into being. It'd be very tricky to adapt into a film, and would probably have to be a Hulk/Dr Strange team up story, and it's budget would be massive given the material. Maybe if they took the same kind of liberties that they took with Cap and the Winter Soldier storyline then it might work out.

I think he has a lot of great stories, some that are told very cinematically, but the problem is that they focus on Hulk a lot, which is something that would eat up the budget.
The Brute Who Shouted Love at the Heart of the Atom is basically a early version of the Planet Hulk story. Very similar. Between the two I prefer the original but both are good.

Countdown is actually a who-dunnit?? murder mystery with the grey Hulk(Fixit) getting poisoned(which usually should be impossible but it was tailored to beat his super-healing specifically) and he has to track down multiple old foes in an attempt to find out...well, who-dunnit? and if there is a cure. He gets weaker and weaker as the story goes until he's basically Banner sized again but still in his grey Hulk form. Could work well as a movie. I don't know if we've had a superhero murder mystery movie yet. Think of this kind of like that Dennis Quaid movie remake D.O.A.(which is actually pretty good, check it out) except with much more action. Of course you'll want to have established plenty of Hulk's enemies in other films before they make this movie. Otherwise it won't have the same impact.
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I was going to jump in on the shamockery* that is AngHulk, but basically... what kendrell said.

* To quote litterateur and 4 time DPOY, Ben Wallace.
If they do another solo flick where it's not WWH involved, they're probably just gonna do an adaptation of Indestructible. Have him work for whatever agency or on his own if SHIELD is still out of the picture, and he transforms for various missions.
Future Imperfect would be interesting considering it deals with Time Travel, alternate selves and an evil version of the most powerful being on the planet beating himself nearly to death. I don't know if they'd be up for something like that this early in the MCU but later on once they get the Infinity Gauntlet done then it might be possible. Especially if they have the Gauntlet mess with reality enough that time travel gets possible back and forth. If they want to lampshade it after the IG movies then have Stark or whoever they want for the big physics/science guys to talk about how the time gem warped the timeline or something.
well first thing is that we need the hulk to talk and have his own mind. then you can start the internal struggle. then from there, you can go into the hulk personality forming his own ideas and strategies.
Take Ang's Hulk, get rid of the comic panel presentation, and you have two perfect Hulk movies. Both of them are the only comic films that I've seen where I didn't really have any suggestions or critiques for improvement.
I liked Ang Lees Hulk. Maybe a bit less of the human talky bit and more of the Hulk stuff and it would be better but I loved seeing his dad go bananas the entire movie and ending with his tantrum then biting into the power cord. That was one of the best parts of the movie.
If they do another solo flick where it's not WWH involved, they're probably just gonna do an adaptation of Indestructible. Have him work for whatever agency or on his own if SHIELD is still out of the picture, and he transforms for various missions.

I hope not. I want PAD's stuff redeemed. I'll always be a tad miffed anyway that Hulk never had a proper gamma bomb origin movie and that they went Ultimate with his origin in TIH(which never made much sense to me on a gut level).
well first thing is that we need the hulk to talk and have his own mind. then you can start the internal struggle. then from there, you can go into the hulk personality forming his own ideas and strategies.

Amen. A Hulk without this is simply not the Hulk done right.
Yep, it was more made him genetically mutated by his insane dad (in no Hulk comics) made him endure a childhood of domestic violence (in no Hulk comic) made him an orphan adopted by another family (in no Hulk comic) made him full of tissue repairing and body growing nanobots (in no Hulk comic)......making up new **** can get very complex.

:up: :up: :up:
The only comics-related part of that movie was the paneling effect, and that got annoying real fast.
There was nothing complex or deep about that disaster of a movie.

But I did enjoy Bana's and Connelly's performance. That was the only positive for me.
I personally love Ang Lee's Hulk, so to me it's already been made.
:up: :up: :up:
The only comics-related part of that movie was the paneling effect, and that got annoying real fast.
There was nothing complex or deep about that disaster of a movie.

But I did enjoy Bana's and Connelly's performance. That was the only positive for me.

The paneling effect was a very poorly thought out idea. It seems obvious now that movies and comics are different and that it wouldn't work but apparently they didn't get it.
I don't know what Ang was thinking. It made that last battle scene with his Absorbing-dad impossible to watch.
It was a noble failure, that's the best thing I can say about that film.

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