BATMAN REBOOT: your personal preferences?


Nov 3, 2012
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No i'm not really going to go into casting of batman and matters as such. Thats debated in another thread. just a simple, quick fire bullet-pointed list of various issues- was just interested to see where people stand on them.

NAME OF 1ST FILM: i'd be happy with 'THE BATMAN'. it's pretty simple and to the point. we can worry about more inventive names as the series goes on. I definitely want the word 'batman' in the title.

SERIES DURATION: i'd personally like to see atleast 5 films in this series preferably all with the same actor playing batman.

BAT-SUIT: i prefer the all-black rubber/kevlar look of the movies. but i've been doing alot of reaing on blogs/forums and there seems to be alot of people that want a return to the dark cape/cowl mixed with grey body look. i personally think this would look stupid on the big screen. what is your opinion?

ROBIN PARTICIPATION: I personally think on the big screen batman works best alone. but i wouldn't say no to robin but i wud keep batman alone at least for 2 films. i wouldn't have a 3rd partner (batgirl) in under any circumstances. a dynamic duo is more than enough IMO. where do u stand? would u have robin in straight away? would u have batgirl in? would u avoid both & go straight to nightwing? would u keep partners out altogether from the series?

JOKER PARTCIPATION: i agree that we need some distance from the whole ledger tragedy but u simply cannot keep Batmans main arch-villan out of the entire series. I say bring him in maybe by film 4 which will be in the mid 2020s most likely. i would also say don't kill him off- try and keep him in at least 2 of the reboot films.

GOTHAM CITY: what was your favourite gotham? Burtons Gothic city? Schumachers neon Gotham or Nolans modern skyscraper-like Gotham.
Personally i'd like to see a city which is 80% burtons gotham & 20% Nolans gotham.

ORIGIN STORY: i think most agree it shouldn't be an origin story but when do u suggest the start date? i personally would still like it to be early on in his career. i'd probably start it about 5/6 months in to his batman career?

BATMOBILE: The tumbler was good but personally i'd go back to a more fancy, sleeker design.

1st MOVIE VILLAINS: who would your crooks be in the first film. I'd have 3 to start the series off with a bang. Hugo Strange, Killer Croc & i'd bring back the riddler. and they'd be the obvious mafia hanging round in the background aswell

DIRECTOR: who would you like to direct the movie? IMO i'd go with any anyone who will still make the film dark, series and gothic. Just anything that isn't like the laughable Batman & Robin (the one bad film in the series IMO). I'd like a mix of the Burton films + the Nolan films- with a few new, fresh ideas here and there from the new director.

* one last thing. one MUST for this series is denzel washington- possibly lucius fox or even more controversially as commissioner gordon (as one blogger i read suggested). The warner bros studios should try and start tapping him up now. also michael madsen, ray liotta, joaquin phoneix & john travolta r some high-profile targets i'd like to see in this series.
Have new series be closer to the comics in tone, serious but fantastic. Focus on Dick as the perspective character and through the trilogy (as these things often become) he'll go from Robin to Nightwing. Lots of attention given to the Joker, he should be omnipresent and make him both funny AND scary. Bruce himself should be aloof and brooding, but believable as a real person, which is something I find lacking in most of the Batman movies aside from, ironically, Batman and Robin. (Losing one's parents in such a way shouldn't completely ruin someone's ability to relate to others.)
- if it was a trilogy then i'd bring robin in in the 2nd film and then make him nightwing in the 3rd one. personally i'd hope they made more than a 3 films.

- we all know with the whole ledger tragedy the joker (probably) won't be back for a while. the omnipresent thing i don't see happening. they could still make references to him though throughout the series and bring him in in the last film.
Ledger's death will have no impact on whether or not they use the Joker. If there's even a slight chance of that happening, Warner Bros. should fire the person thinking that now.
i hope ur right but trust me. you only have to spend as little as 20 mins trawling through 4 or 5 internet forums/blogs to see that there is alot of opinion that the joker should be retired. its almost like a sports team retiring a jersey number after a great player retires. it's quite ridiculous if you ask me.

batman & the joker have been around for almost a century, long before many of us were even born. Not meaning to be disrespectful but the franchise is bigger than the nolan trilogy and certainly bigger than 1 individual actor and must carrying on going in the right direction- that definitely means including joker in any series of batman.
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People are stupid. People are stupid in droves on the internet.

Just warning you since you're new. You're in the lion's den on this forum.
Joker will be back if they want him back. No actor is bigger than the Joker.
No i'm not really going to go into casting of batman and matters as such. Thats debated in another thread. just a simple, quick fire bullet-pointed list of various issues- was just interested to see where people stand on them.

NAME OF 1ST FILM: i'd be happy with 'THE BATMAN'. it's pretty simple and to the point. we can worry about more inventive names as the series goes on. I definitely want the word 'batman' in the title. Agreed

SERIES DURATION: i'd personally like to see atleast 5 films in this series preferably all with the same actor playing batman. Sounds good

BAT-SUIT: i prefer the all-black rubber/kevlar look of the movies. but i've been doing alot of reaing on blogs/forums and there seems to be alot of people that want a return to the dark cape/cowl mixed with grey body look. i personally think this would look stupid on the big screen. what is your opinion?Works for me

ROBIN PARTICIPATION: I personally think on the big screen batman works best alone. but i wouldn't say no to robin but i wud keep batman alone at least for 2 films. i wouldn't have a 3rd partner (batgirl) in under any circumstances. a dynamic duo is more than enough IMO. where do u stand? would u have robin in straight away? would u have batgirl in? would u avoid both & go straight to nightwing? would u keep partners out altogether from the series? Jason Todd has been dead for nearly 3 months,Dick Grayson has been Nightwing for just over a year and Tim Drake has just recieved a scholarship at Wayne Enterprise's computer division.

JOKER PARTCIPATION: i agree that we need some distance from the whole ledger tragedy but u simply cannot keep Batmans main arch-villan out of the entire series. I say bring him in maybe by film 4 which will be in the mid 2020s most likely. i would also say don't kill him off- try and keep him in at least 2 of the reboot films. For the first film,the Joker is only seen in flashbacks,torturing then murdering Jason Todd.

GOTHAM CITY: what was your favourite gotham? Burtons Gothic city? Schumachers neon Gotham or Nolans modern skyscraper-like Gotham.
Personally i'd like to see a city which is 80% burtons gotham & 20% Nolans gotham. 50/50

ORIGIN STORY: i think most agree it shouldn't be an origin story but when do u suggest the start date? i personally would still like it to be early on in his career. i'd probably start it about 5/6 months in to his batman career? 5 years after the first Batman sighting,Professor Hugo Strange comes to Gotham City for research on a book on Batman,after learning of Jason's death and Bruce's own tragedy,he discovers Batman's identity setting up for a sequel.Strange conducting interviews with citizens and criminals of Gotham throught the first movie is how the orgin is dealt with.

BATMOBILE: The tumbler was good but personally i'd go back to a more fancy, sleeker design.
I want to see various different Bat-vehicles in the Batcave but I'd also go with a fancier,sleeker version of the Batmobile as the primary vehicle.
1st MOVIE VILLAINS: who would your crooks be in the first film. Joker is seen in flashbacks,Hugo Strange is set up for the sequel,an emotionally unstable Batman nearly kills Killer Croc until Nightwing interveens and in a dark mirrored parrallel,after his wife dies,Mr Freeze escapes Arkham to seek vengences on the people who cut the funding of her cure.
DIRECTOR: who would you like to direct the movie? IMO i'd go with any anyone who will still make the film dark, series and gothic. Just anything that isn't like the laughable Batman & Robin (the one bad film in the series IMO). I'd like a mix of the Burton films + the Nolan films- with a few new, fresh ideas here and there from the new director. Whoever can create something that draws from Nolan's Batman and Arkham City the best.

* one last thing. one MUST for this series is denzel washington- possibly lucius fox or even more controversially as commissioner gordon (as one blogger i read suggested). The warner bros studios should try and start tapping him up now. also michael madsen, ray liotta, joaquin phoneix & john travolta r some high-profile targets i'd like to see in this series.
I think Denzel would make a great Mr Terrific.
wow great and detailed response there. went in-depth there
The Batman(2016)

By this point there is Nightwing,Robin(Tim Drake), and Batgirl(Barbara Gordon), think TNBA + Jason and Jasons death.

Suit: New 52

Joker in at least two movies, with Harley Quinn.
Watcher that idea is sick. Im so ready to see the Bat Family. Its sad weve never seen Nightwing or even Barbara Gordon.

Tim and Jason dont have to be in the new series but my god if they were i would die from excitement.
Thanks bro!

I forgot to add that the third movie would be based off of Batman and Son.
I imagine that this reboot will be tying in with the potential Justice League and Man of Steel.

With that in mind, I'd have the first film taking place at the dawn of Bruce's career, he'd be initially trying to fight crime in a less theatrical fashion. Using his fortune to develop toys for him to infiltrate gangs and take them out by alerting the police before taking them out.

He'd realise this isn't good enough and begin to develop his Batman persona.

The origin story would be told through flashbacks.

His first mission would be to quell the gang wars between Oswald Cobblepot, Roman Sionis and the enigmatic terrorist Red Hood. While being pursued by GCPD psychological profiler, Edward Nygma.

The ending of the film would be Gordon lighting the signal for the first time, explaining to Barbara that it is a symbol to the people of Gotham. Across Gotham, Dick Grayson is stopping a mugging in the Grayson circus, Jason Todd is partaking in a robbery, but takes down his murderous partner, and Tim Drake is foiling his teachers attempts at embezzling from the school. They each look up into the sky and are in awe of the symbol.
Honestly? If I could have anything I wanted, I'd have Cassandra Cain introduced in the second film.

But that will never happen. :o
TITLE: Depends on the content of the film really. But I do want 'Batman' in there somewhere. I don't like 'The Batman', because I find it irritating when people call him 'the batman' outside of the films.

DURATION: I'd like for it to be indefinite, but with a strong continuity throughout films, so it doesn't feel too 'villain of the week'.

SUIT: I like the classic grey suit. I still think a Dark Knight Returns-styled suit with materials like Captain America's could work a treat.

ROBIN: I wouldn't mind if Dick Grayson or Tim Drake or whoever was present from the beginning, but didn't necessarily become Robin right off the bat. That said, if they found a way for it to work well, then why not?

JOKER: Keep him out of the first film. But down the line, definitely.

GOTHAM: My favourite Gotham is BB Gotham. I think Gotham needs to be eternally bleak-looking, and very noir-ish.

ORIGIN: The odd flashbacks to flesh out the character is good. But an entire origin story is unnecessary.

BATMOBILE: Needs to be sleek and stylish but also with a real sense of power to it, between Nolan's and Burtons.

1st VILLIANS: Black Mask.

DIRECTOR: Part of me wants to see a well established director like Ridley Scott or Martin Scorsese take it on. Terry Gilliam would be a fine choice though, I think. He could bring appropriate levels of fun, weirdness and darkness. And Tom Waits. Tom Waits as Commissioner Gordon.
Black Mask as the first villian wouldn't be bad. I personally want to see Freeze in the 1st film
I'd have a trilogy that takes inspiration from Dark Victory that builds up the characters of Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson at once. Give us an older Batman who isn't really seeking a sidekick but knows that Alfred wished he had one and cover the story of Grayson and his family being murdered to build up Dick finally becoming Robin and having an entire trilogy revolving around that up to the point of Robin finally coming to a point where he can get revenge but decides against it, a similar route Bruce had to take against Chill when he was younger.
For me I'd like more focus on the brilliance of Batman's fighting skills,and power of deduction.

-Ra's and League of Shadows I would wanna keep around but only as a rumor or legend Bruce heard while traveling in Asia learning his ninja skills.

-I'd want Alfred to be more of the reason why Bruce becomes Batman like Harry is more or less responsible for the monster Dexter became.

-Ra's I want immortal

- No Bat family at least not as its currently constructed Dick Grayson i'm ok with but Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, I would not wanna see them as the comics have presented them.

=First Villain in my batman movies Kyodai Ken, Bruce Wayne's rival while training overseas. Who comes to Gotham to kill the Batman under contract and Bruce Wayne for personal reasons but finds out they are one in the same.

- Second villain Doc Thomas Elliot who was believed to have died comes to reap revenage on the people who sent him to jail Harvey Dent, Jim Gordon and Bruce Wayne. Bruce he sets up for a string of murders landing him on trial for murder so Dick Grayson tries looking for clues to clear Bruce's name.As his persona of Hush Thomas Elliot would be responsible for taking over Gotham's criminal underworld.

-third Riddler who I would reimagine as a gruesome serial killer in the mold of Jack the Ripper. Who thinks he's too smart to ever be caught even by Gotham's own Batman leaving clues to his next fatal kill.
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Riddler: An intelligent man who sold his soul to the Gotham underworld. He begins to attack the mob in a passive-aggressive fashion with riddles. You fail the solve it, the consequences are dire. He begins to have designs on taking over the mob faction that he is employed by.

I'd want a structured story that begins with a heavy mob presence. The first real "freak" would be The Riddler. Following that you'd have Black Mask and Killer Croc emerge to take their place in the Underworld as bosses. Poison Ivy would be an international mob boss. She'd have a compound in South America, where she creates new variations on experimental drugs. She has a peddler in Gotham by the name of Solomon Grundy. Grundy is pale, almost zombie like because he was Ivy's first test subject. Her early brews of the drugs cooked him.

When Ivy is forced to come to Gotham she has a weaponized version of her drug that creates human/plant zombie hybrids.

While the mob is a heavy presence I would ABSOLUTELY explore Thomas Wayne's connection to the mob and how it affects Bruce Wayne in his crusade.

The tone would be in line with TAS. With Police Zeppelins and everything.
Yeah, because in the Batman comics there have always been so many... Zeppelins!

Well, for Batman's portrayal, I'd like to see a more relaxed and outgoing version who actually enjoys being Batman and where Bruce Wayne isn't just a "mask". So I'd start with a pretty young Batman who's idealistic and tries to balance Batman and Bruce Wayne. Perhaps even a little bit arrogant and he'd learn more humility during the movie. But of course, most people would rather want Michael Keaton sitting in a cave again.

Oh, and the vow.
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I love the Nolan films. Love. That said, given the history and scope of the comic stories, I would be hugely interested in seeing a director approach the next series James Cameron style. Just huge, lavish and epic while still maintaining a dark undercurrent. 'Hush' is a great example in terms of story and style. I like the loner, independent Batman of Nolan's world, but that's been done. I want to see a Batman of Arthurian lore. An established master and leader.
In connecting things with a shared DC universe in mind I'd rehash and tweak the idea floating around a few ago of the Penguin being an illegal arms dealer selling weapons from Apokolpse to criminals needing an edge against meta-humans, Bruce Wayne repeatedly ignoring calls from LexCorp and Wayne Enterprises doing business with Ferris Aircraft. A few easter eggs with very few actual cameos.

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