I was pretty shocked, to say the least to see that X got killed off. When it first happened my initial thought was "Oh, so Jean is playing this out in their minds. Thats cool/" But when it continued to show the funeral and all that, I was a bit disappointed. First of all Prof. X's death is just dissappointing, Second; This is a legendary moment in the trilogy, and it seemed all too fast, nonshalant(sp?) even. There was no epic music, no final glance exchanged between the characters, no slow motion. You can call these Cliche's if you want, but these are ways to build up the moment, creating memorable imagery. And lastly Magneto was barely even scathed by this occurance. I was just utterly dissappointed by that sequence (not a horrible movie) but there were many moments that should have been bulked up. I am too young to have read the early X-men comics, and I'm 100% on the phoenix saga. I don't know if Xavier ever dies in the books and if he does, how? but it just wasn't satisfying to me. And YES, I stayed after the credits but that doesn't make it any better to me. Sure, he's 'living' but he isn't professor X. The character. He can walk, he doesn't looks like him...If Fox ever does decide they need some more money and tries to revive the series they are going to have one hell of a time. (Thank god the Cure is temporary...) what do you think?