The Sam Elliot/Caretaker Discussion

This is him as General Ross in the Hulk

Excellent casting! That gravelly voice of his will sound AWESOME for Caretaker!
I didn't think Blaze ever knew the Caretaker before Ketch took over the Ghost Rider mantle :confused:
Although I think he's a great addition to the cast, I don't like the idea of one actor having different roles in two major Marvel franchises.
So can someone summarize who Caretaker is because I still don't understand who he is.

Real Name: Unrevealed

Identity/Class: Human variant (Blood)

Occupation: Guardian of the family line associated with Medallion of Power

Group Membership: Blood

Affiliations: John Blaze, Ghost Rider/Dan Ketch, Francis Ketch, Jack Russell (Werewolf), Shriker, Suicide, Vengeance,
Midnight Sons (Blade, John Blaze, Frank Drake, Dr. Strange, Ghost Rider/Dan Ketch/Noble Kale, Hannibal King, Morbius, Vengeance),
the Nine (Blade, John Blaze, Sam Buchanan, Frank Drake, Ghost Rider/Ketch, Louise Hastings, Hannibal King, Victoria Montesi, Morbius);
Speakeasy (pawn)

Enemies: Centurious, Fallen, the Lilin, Lilith, People of the Dust, Zarathos;
formerly Vengeance/Michael Badalino

Known Relatives: Presumably some of the Blood

Aliases: "old man"

Base of Operations: a base beneath Cypress Hills Cemetery

First Appearance: Ghost Rider III#25, 28 (August, 1992)
[Faustinas] said:
I didn't think Blaze ever knew the Caretaker before Ketch took over the Ghost Rider mantle :confused:

he didnt..
the movie combines elements from both 70s and 90s comic series.
it will be Blaze in character and basic origin story but Ghost Rider will have the powers and look of the 90s Ketch series. w/ of course some villains and supporting characters (Caretaker and Blackheart).
to me i dont mind this at all....and ive been a GR fan since the late 70s.
apparently MSJ wants to take the best elements from both series and make the best possible movie from it....which naturally im all for :ghost:
TreNt said:
So can someone summarize who Caretaker is because I still don't understand who he is.

in the comics he gave advice (and sometimes help) to both Dan Ketch and his brother John Blaze on matters of GR and the supernatural. he always seemed to hang around the Cypress Hills cemetary and pop up unexpectedly to help.

think of him as a supernatural/tough/irritable version of Obi Wan Kenobi....
BIGGUN said:
it will be Blaze in character and basic origin story but Ghost Rider will have the powers and look of the 90s Ketch series. :ghost:

Now I did read in one of MSJ updates(about3rd or 4th one ago) the questioner asked if the movie GR would use chain, hellfire blasts, or penance stare. And MSJ's response was "all of the above". So actually he would have all the powers of both GRs. Which is cool.
Fettstyl said:
Now I did read in one of MSJ updates(about3rd or 4th one ago) the questioner asked if the movie GR would use chain, hellfire blasts, or penance stare. And MSJ's response was "all of the above". So actually he would have all the powers of both GRs. Which is cool.

thats true.....although i wonder how often GR would use the power of shooting hellfire? realistically...if GR had unlimited used of firing Hellfire whenever he wanted to he would literally be like a walking flamethrower. why even bother using the chain or beating someone senseless if you could just fry his soul from a distance?
there was an idea in the 95 script that GR would use (but sparingly) a shotgun that was mystically altered so that it would shoot hellfire. i think the idea was that he comes across a shotgun...picks it changes .....and he uses it to merely channel his hellfire through it.
but again MSJ may just have GR shoot hellfire from his hands like in the 70s comics. there is no telling at this point....either way im cool w/ it :up:
Hypestyle said:
Will Suicide be in this movie?

heh...Suicide? i really doubt it.
imo one of the WORST dressed supporting characters ever to grace the GR series.
i liked the idea behind the character....but Mackie just never developed him. they left him w/ Caretaker in that one issue regenerating his lost flesh and was never heard from again. that was another problem i had w/ that series....they introduced characters and storylines and never fully develped them. things got confusing really quick after issue 25.
BIGGUN said:
thats true.....although i wonder how often GR would use the power of shooting hellfire? realistically...if GR had unlimited used of firing Hellfire whenever he wanted to he would literally be like a walking flamethrower. why even bother using the chain or beating someone senseless if you could just fry his soul from a distance?

Yeah a flamethrower like the 70's comic, that would be great. I don't think it would be senseless to use other weapons because he could use the chain to grab someone and pull them to him, hang on to something or if something was eluding the hellfire due to dexterity or such, he could throw the chain at them and have it turn into those little bits of chain kinda like throwing stars he did in the comic. It'd be like laying down a spread of shotgun fire. The penance stare could be used when he's really really pissed and wants to get up close and personal about the pain and punishment.

BIGGUN said:
there was an idea in the 95 script that GR would use (but sparingly) a shotgun that was mystically altered so that it would shoot hellfire. i think the idea was that he comes across a shotgun...picks it changes .....and he uses it to merely channel his hellfire through it.
but again MSJ may just have GR shoot hellfire from his hands like in the 70s comics. there is no telling at this point....either way im cool w/ it :up:

I never heard that idea before. I don't like it myself. It's cool that GR has a western feel to him, but a shotgun? wielded by a flaming demon? Too cowboyish. and goofy. imo.
Oh, I just remembered. In the hulk cartoon GR used Hellfire blasts, penance stare, chain and even Fire balls. I personally thought it was great.:ghost:
I always like Caretaker and I'm very happy that he's going to be in the movie. I talked about him a bit in another thread (which I wish I didn't now that I got to this thread) so I'm not gonna repeat.

BG's comment is quite a true statment; "supernatural/tough/irritable version of Obi Wan Kenobi" I'm not sure how he's gonna play in the movie, but thats exactly how he is in the comics... with a little more of a father figure in him. I always pictured him as a dad to the Ghost Rider's (Blaze, Ketch and Badalino versions) and no so much to the human entities. If you remember the 90's version on the Character, he didn't have a clue who he was and what he was doing at the start. He only lived for vengeance and nothing more. Caretaker helped the entity know who he truly was.

So, the question is... is Caretaker there for Blaze or Ghost Rider?

I love the fact that MSJ is taking from both series because there is a lot of good in both... along with a lot of bad. Especially when you're dealing with the powers. I was never a fan of the hellfire blasts from the hands but I love how they developed Blaze in the 90's. His ability to channel the hellfire was a great plotline. If they do use hellfire blasts, I hope it with a shotgun.

As for the rest of the powers, I wanna see that chain in action; The choking, the dragging of people down the streets, the seperating of links to create projectiles, the unseaminly never ending length... all of it.
Retroman said:
Although I think he's a great addition to the cast, I don't like the idea of one actor having different roles in two major Marvel franchises.

Oh well it's pretty much too late now. Look at Rebecca Romijn Stamos for example (X-Men 1 & 2/The Punisher)

FlameHead said:
As for the rest of the powers, I wanna see that chain in action; The choking, the dragging of people down the streets, the seperating of links to create projectiles, the unseaminly never ending length... all of it. of things that i liked about the Ketch Rider (even though Blaze was my fave) was that he was much more brutal in his taking down the bad guys.
that one annual where GR broke every single bone in Scarecrow's body and left him a cripple is a great example.
but regardless of whether he uses his hands or a shotgun, the Hellfire effects are going to look awesome on screen.
Fettstyl said:
Oh, I just remembered. In the hulk cartoon GR used Hellfire blasts, penance stare, chain and even Fire balls. I personally thought it was great.:ghost:

Yeah!! that was a great cartoon. I was surprised they used fireballs, especially since the Blaze Ghost Rider rarely used them, much less The ketch gr he was supposed to be modeled after. I thought it was really cool.
It was also cool how everytime they showed Ghost Rider you could hear tortured souls wailing in the background. I loved that. That was an awesome cartoon. Thank God for DVD recorders.
I've never seen the cartoon myself but I'm dying to see that episode at the very least. That tortured souls thing you speak of sounds awesome. I think I remember somebody talking about that in the "Sound of Hellfire" thread here on the boards... but I could be wrong. I'll have to check that thread again...

BG, your right on GR2's asswhopin'. Especially at the start of the series before he realized that he wasn't just the spirit driven by Vengeance but an actually entity as well. Before he learnt that he has a soul and can decide for himself what he can and cannot do.

You damn strait those hellfire effects are gonna be sweet; the head, the wheels and the power.... all of it.
FlameHead said:
I've never seen the cartoon myself but I'm dying to see that episode at the very least. That tortured souls thing you speak of sounds awesome. I think I remember somebody talking about that in the "Sound of Hellfire" thread here on the boards... but I could be wrong. I'll have to check that thread again...

BG, your right on GR2's asswhopin'. Especially at the start of the series before he realized that he wasn't just the spirit driven by Vengeance but an actually entity as well. Before he learnt that he has a soul and can decide for himself what he can and cannot do.

You damn strait those hellfire effects are gonna be sweet; the head, the wheels and the power.... all of it.

Yes, you definately want to see that me. The cartoons are listed on yahoo auction sites from time to time. but not ebay, since they are copies. I actually recorded mine years ago from tv, but seen them on yahoo recently. Also you can find the Fantastic Four cartoons there. FF episode-When calls Galactus- that was cool too, though GR only had 2 min appearance, it was agreat appearance. After Galactus was beating FF, and thor, GR rode in and saved the day by giving Galactus the penance stare(it was awesome)
2 min appearance or not, I wanna see it... sounds freakin' cool.

I hoping that I can find somewhere to d/l it actually... or maybe somebody here has it on the PC and could send it to me.... Anyone?

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