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The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn

The reason why I'd say Transformers aren't a fad is because they've lasted over 25 years now in different incarnations. The movies are just the latest incarnation of the franchise. A fad can last for 3-4 years, how long were the Backstreet Boys and N'Sync around? However, now that their fad is over, you hear about only one of them and that's because he changed his career path. I'm not knocking the franchise, but Twilight isn't going to stand the test of time like Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter. Those are true franchises.
You think that the Transformer movies are going to stand the test of time?:huh: REALLY?

And of course I don't think that the Twilight movies are going to stand the test of time, they aren't good movies but neither are the Transformer flicks. So why pick on this one franchise?
Most of the women who saw the movie this weekend were over the age of 21. The idea that this is a teen series is just flat out not true.

I have no problem with people bashing the films and disliking them but they should not pretend that this is the first bad film series to make a ****load of cash.

And it's not a ****ing fad. You hating or disliking it doesn't make it a fad.

Eh, I don't really follow demongraphics too closely.
I was under the impression it's more of a teen girl thing. When I watched the red carpet on tv it basically comprised of hundreds of them making an un-holy sound and attempt to grab and rip apart the pretty young men.
twilight imo is a fad it is something that blew up huge pretty much out of nowhere but once it is over no one will really bring it up again it was short lived

it is the definition of a fad
I think it's a fad. These movies are pretty empty and meaningless, with horrible messages for young girls, i.e your identity is tied to whatever man your with and you are worth nothing without them.

The characters are nothing but empty shells. There's nothing to them, they really don't develop and the mythology is really just a novelty and nothing more. It could have easily be swamp monsters and Yeti's as opposed to Vampires and Werewolves.

I've not read the books (nor do I intend to), but if they are anything like the movies it's no wonder Stephen King ripped Stephanie Meyer so much.

Just because the movies made money, doesn't mean their good (see Transformers). They make money because they have a couple of hot guys and a hot chick, and it's really nothing more than soft porn for teenagers.

BD pt 1 was in particularly bad compared to the others. After all the build up to the sex, it was pretty dissapointing (kinda like real life HA!). I mean they freaking teased about those two getting it on for 3 movies, and now they're all embarassed about it, after the countless publicity shots of Bella and Edward together in bed.

I guess what's sad, is that somwhere in all this mess, I can see the sembalance of what might be a good movie. It's just not this one, and it probably wouldn't have made as much money. What can I say? Sex sells, even bad sex.

The only character I like in any of these movies is the dad. Now you could make a great movie about the dad going out drinking reineer beer and killing vampires. Now that's a movie I'd pay to see.

As for BD pt 1? 3/10

As someone who has read the books and seen the movies I am inclined to agree. I don't think the books or the movies will stand the test of time. It's part of the reason that the movies have been released in such rapid sucession; it's about capitalizing on the NOWness of it.

I've been in the theater opening night for every one of these movies and the majority of the viewing audience is teenage girl. Honestly there has not been a time when I have felt more out of place in an audience. Now my sister is 16 and Bella's story resonates with her, so she enjoys the movies a hell of a lot more than I do. I'm not saying there aren't older women there or that they don't read the book but the marketing for this is not geared towards them. When I worked in Borders, grown women weren't buying notebooks and pencils and bookbags and mugs and keychains with Edward and Jacob's faces on them. Since I have a habit of dissecting books I can see exactly what the appeal is for the teenage girl. It weirds me out a bit but I see it.

I think part of the problem with BD is that it was not really what Meyer planned to write. If I remember correctly Eclipse was supposed to be the last book but the demand was so high that she churned BD out without really being commited to it. The publishers forced her hand and I've found, just from working in the bookstore, that BD is the least liked of the series.
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When I watched the red carpet on tv it basically comprised of hundreds of them making an un-holy sound and attempt to grab and rip apart the pretty young men.

That's why I feel bad for Pattinson. I'm pretty sure if the fanbase were calmer and more mature, he, Stewart and Lautner wouldn't need security everywhere they go.

But people need to stop calling it a fad. This is a franchise, pure and simple -- and it'll end next year, provided the author doesn't write a followup/prequel. Summit realizes this and they've quickly turned out four movies in four years, and they've all been pretty successful. It may be a franchise with a short shelf life, but it's not a fad right now.
We'll Meyer could always finish the book from Edward's prospective as soon as she feels her "artistic integrity" has returned.
When exactly did Irina find out about Laurent's death? How could she have known? And given what the Volturi did to Sasha for creating an immortal child, why would she rat out the Cullens and Renesmee to them?
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WHO CARES if it stands the test of time or not, not everything needs to be the next bloody Star Wars. In fact, Star Wars COULD use a bit iof "fad" to be honest and simply die already since the qaulity of what it produces just gets worse and worse as the years go on.

The book series will live on as a well known tween romance series for years to come, just like other books aimed at mostly young female readers like Sweet Valley High ect. I'm not saying they are the same, nor am i saying ONLY girls read them, but the market the books are aimed at will always be there, even if it remains only aimed towards a very particular group of people.
They'll never be classic reading or but they have their audience, which in turn will refeclt on the films, which will no doubt see 400 dvd editions released over the next 10 years.

Stephen King can rip Stephanie as much as he wants, he isn;t the voice of the entire planet though, and even though the books aren't brilliant masterpieces, they are well liked by LOTS of people of ALL ages. I know people who hate the films but really love the book series.

Really though, why do people give a ****?.........fad, not a fad, who cares, people like it, it's a big pop culture movement, either watch it and enjoy it or leave it alone and move the hell onto the things you like instead. Geez. I just don't understand why people take all this SO seriously, they try and decipher a teenage book series like it's a scientific equation. It's just fun fantasy romance, people really need to build a bridge.
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Wolf Boy your post made me laugh haha. Good points.
This last movie kinda blew compared to the others. This is probably a result of the splitting in half.

As a person with passing interest in these films, I was often grabbed by the promise of conflict present in the previous films, eclipse being the strongest. In this film there is none, supposedly the wolves but really...It's obvious where that was going (psst nowhere).
I think this film may be getting some lower grades because if your not swept up in the fad, then you are literally watching a twilight film that spends 2/3rd's of it's time doing playing at a real romance for the first time and 1/3rd a creepy alien baby film with a heavy handed message. No tangible (legitimate)threat for our group, and a bunch of characters with less to do than ever before. Fun for some, but no 3rd act pay off as we've been accustomed to getting means it really sucks for others. Again this may be the result of split plot.

For the person that said this film is hated by fanboys because it's got pretty guys in it...you must be new to hollywood film making, animated or otherwise.
I don't care for this series at all but I will say to all my fellow male nerds out there bashing on it - stop being hypocrites, we've had more than enough of our own crappy franchises over the years, girls are entitled to their own crappy franchises too.
i dont hate the franchise because it is aimed at tweens i hate them because they are poorly made films,poorly acted films,terrible characters,cgi is awful,romance is melodramatic and cheesy instead of heart felt and realistic.

has nothing to do with teenage girls demographic

but dont get it twisted i am not bashing the films i just dont care for them
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Twilight is too popular to be a fad. Even if the hype dies down, in 10-15 years, it will become nostalgic to those who grew up on it. And studios will figure out a way to make money out of that.
I really liked how Bella was reminiscing about Edward. Very good scene right there. Very intense and this coming from someone who doesn't like the series except for new moon. Jacob really needs to grow some and stop protecting a girl whos so annoying tho. Why turn on ur own family.
I don't care for this series at all but I will say to all my fellow male nerds out there bashing on it - stop being hypocrites, we've had more than enough of our own crappy franchises over the years, girls are entitled to their own crappy franchises too.

Twilight is too popular to be a fad. Even if the hype dies down, in 10-15 years, it will become nostalgic to those who grew up on it. And studios will figure out a way to make money out of that.
Agreed. If it were a fad BD's opening weekend would have been much lower because this last book is not as favored as the other ones. BD is headed for over 250mil domestically and maybe like 390 to 415mil internationally. The Matrix series is more of a fad than Twilight.
It's as though the series gets worse as it progresses in film (never read the books and never will), with Breaking Out the (Y)Dawns getting an F from myself. Going from C-grade to F-minus in a short span. Darn tweens out there and their lust for shirtless men biting their lips. :doh:
You think that the Transformer movies are going to stand the test of time?:huh: REALLY?

And of course I don't think that the Twilight movies are going to stand the test of time, they aren't good movies but neither are the Transformer flicks. So why pick on this one franchise?

I didn't say the Transformers movies will stand the test of time, but the brand/franchise has. 20 years from now do you really see Twilight still being a large property/franchise, enough to greenlight a remake of the movie series? Hell do you really think it'll have the same following a year after the final movie is released? Or do you think it'll be like the New Kids on the Block and all the girls that were so into the band, now see it as something really silly that they liked as kids? Not bashing the movies or anything, glad girls have their franchise. However, girls tend to move on pretty quickly to the latest fads aimed at them, then look back on the fad as silly and with a bit of embarassment.
The minute they stop creating Twilight movies (i've never seen an entire Twilight film before, fyi) it will vanish. It doesn't have the staying power.
This discussion is silly. Because it's yet another example of the sexism on the web. It's not surprising though.

I'm done though.
Why does it matter if the series will be remembered years from now? Hell, anything any of you like could be forgotten. But that doesn't mean anything. It doesn't matter. What matters is that you enjoy it now. The future is the future.
Why does it matter if the series will be remembered years from now? Hell, anything any of you like could be forgotten. But that doesn't mean anything. It doesn't matter. What matters is that you enjoy it now. The future is the future.
You know what Angel, you are right! I couldn't give two craps what survives and is seen as a classic.
I tried reading the books but I disliked her writing style. Not sure why but that is just the way it is.

I saw the first one the other day on FX just to see what the fuss was about. I must say that I actually liked it. The only thing dragging it down for me was the whole sparkle thing, as they don't really explain why. Just a 'this is what i am' kinda thing.

I'd give it a B. So now I need to watch them all and hope they stay the same quality.
Agreed. If it were a fad BD's opening weekend would have been much lower because this last book is not as favored as the other ones. BD is headed for over 250mil domestically and maybe like 390 to 415mil internationally. The Matrix series is more of a fad than Twilight.

I disagree. People who read the books, liked the series, even with the last book being the least favorite, were alwys going to go see BD. People who like the previous movies were pretty likely to go see BD. It was always going to be frontloaded as hell. Every review I read prior to release classified two types; the people who KNEW all along they'd go see it and those who would steer clear. BD isn't exactly the movie you'd go see if you had a free weekend.

I don't know if I agree with you on The Matrix as an examle of a fad since it's influence has been seen and felt in other films. And it's still thought of and praised for it's innovation. Well, at least the first one is.

The Twilight series is predominately liked by females.....most of the posters here are male.....most of the males who complain about the series manage to throw in rants against the females who like it.

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