The UK Premiere


I loved Halle's description of Storm, and how she is opinionated like her. :D Great interviews. :)
What they had an UK premiere when was that!
It doesn't look like a premiere. I think those are just bits of Cannes so far.
I have no idea, I found the clip on YouTube... but it's weird, I think the title must be wrong (isn't UK premiere supposed to be the 25th, right?), the clip has to be from Cannes.
Thats an interview not a preimere oh well.

Halle annoys me ahhhhh lol.
Scorupco said:
I have no idea, I found the clip on YouTube... but it's weird, I think the title must be wrong (since the UK premiere is supposed to be the 25th), the clip has to be from Cannes.

really so we will get one?
Bastila said:
really so we will get one?
erm i think we do because on radio 1 yesterday they said there was a competiton to win a chance to go to the primere next week :D i think the competiton is tommorow
Bastila said:
Thats an interview not a preimere oh well.

Halle annoys me ahhhhh lol.

Yeah I never thought of Storm as very opinionated :confused:
There was some kind of press junket in London on either the 17th or 18th. I think Halle was wearing the same outfit in the clip shown on the BBC's morning show on Friday.

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