Comics The "Ultimate" "Marvel 616" "M2" Corssover


Austrian Psycho
Sep 29, 2003
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Ive thought long about this, and now ill post a story i have written before civil war...

"Ultimate Fantastic Four:
Reed invents another cool machine that is doing something. he builds it (its huge9 and when he activates it, it only emits a small light in the centerfor a short epriod of time and then the light disapears. Reed does not know whats going on... The issue closes with Reed and Susan talking about reeds recent failures...

Ultimate Spider-Man:
Spidey is batteling some lame ass villian, probably the Shocker, when all of a sudden, another villian appears. he seems rather clueless, as if he would not know whats going on. also, he looks wierd. peter battles him and the villian keeps brabbling about that this is allwrong and he does not know where he is and stuff..
issue closes with pete and MJ talking about it...

Amazing Spider-Man:
Spider-Man battles a villian, and all of a sudden, the villian is disapeared. at the same time, spideys costume changes from his metal suit back to his original costume. spider-man goes to reed but he doesnt know whats going on. issue closes with spider man facing tony stark in his ultiamte costume!

The Ultimates:
Stark has been missing. He was flying over NY towards the triskelon when all of a sudden he disappeard from the radar. When fury gathers the ultimates, Iron man appears, but teh 616 version, not knowing whats going on. The issue closes with the sky turning purple...

Fantastic Four:
Reed wonders how this with spider-mans costume could happen. he looks into a few space time streams and discovers amazing stuff. issue closes with reed running towards susan who is actually ultimate susan...

As may swings through the city, she suddenly hears soem police sounds. she swings over just to see ultimate spider-man batteling 616 shocker. she ziplines down to aid him. the issue closes with both on a rooftop starign at each other...

Charles Xavier talks the whole issue to somebody hes playing chess with. he talks about that this is strange, and that even he cannot belive this even if he knows of course that its true. then we see wolverine batteling each other and beast holding hands with ultiamte storm.
the issue closes with revelaing that charles bplayed chess against ultimate charles...

Ultimate Spider-Man:
spider-man and spider-girl are on the rooftop, not knowing whats going on. may asks him if he is pter parker and he says yes. she then answers she is may parker and this calls a weird reaction in peter. when they both unmask, peter does not know whts going on, neither does may, but then 616 reed shows up and starts to explain. may asks whats going on and suddenly, another new peter says: this may sound funny, weird and of course clichee but..

The Crossover:
FUry gathered all heroes. Ultimate Spider-Man, the other spider-man (basically the one from the 90s show) Spider-Girl, 616 Iron Man, The Ultimates, The fantastic four, the ultimate fantastic four, the X-men and the ultimate x-men and even the ultimate hulk (he has control of himself by now). the reed richards of both iniverses explain: when the ultimate reed build his machine, the machine should basically allow to look in any other dimension there is, by basically pressing the next button. but somethign went wrong, and instead of looking into the universes, the universes fused. basically, five universes: The 616, the Ultimate, the M2, the TV show and one yet unknown. while this sounds of a problem, ther is more. the fused universe is too big to be stable. it will collapse and probably destroy all five universes at the same time...
while reed and reed try to explain how this could have happened, spider-man, ultiamte spider-man and spider-girl all say at the same time: get down!
and then the whole place blows up!

The heroes look up and they see: the series hulk batteling the series iron man and the series fantastic four. the series spider-man swigs off since he knows those guys. the other stand there and watch, not beliving what they see.
all of a sudden, they get aided by another spider-man in black armor. not costume, armor.
they manage to defeat the hulk and he turns into banner.
they put him in custody and ultimate hulk takes care of him. they talk.
the black armored spider-man revelas himself to be ben reilly. he explains that he was batteling some overpowered criminal known as the spot. the sereis spider-man begins to laugh. "you have problems with the spot? get real^^"
the black armored spider-man says: yeah, i am real. this is not the spot you might know. he was it, until he accidently opened a portal into the N zone. there, he was emited by rays that came from a huge bomb. dont know how this got into there.
the ultimates look at ultimate thor who says: "so you call asgard the N-Zone hnm?"
the other look at them and fury says: nevermind. so what has happened?
spider-man continues: "when he got this rays, his powers grew thousand times bigger. now he has somewhat combined powers of himself, electro and to a degree of the silver surfer and galaktus. the side effect: he needs energy. he drained almost all the energy from our planet, adn when the energy was low, his powers affected the humans. almost everyone died.
i am one of the last survivors, and i finally found a way to defeat him, when i am suddenly here"

the reeds suddenly look amazed: "so this could be the reason why all this happened. the overpowered spot began to drain the energy from our universes aswell. the only way to undo all of this would be taking his powers away and reverse the proves with reeds machnine!"

ultimate spider-man: "and how are we going to defeat him? if he sucks out the life of us all, the only thing that could defeat him would be zombies..."
the ultimate fantastic four look at each other and reed says: "well..."

the armoerd spider-man tells them how he was able to battle the spot. the spot cannot absorb energy throughdead objects except metal. so basically stone. thats why he is armored. its black vulcano stone.

while the scientists build this machine thingy, the spider-man aid and watch them becuase of their scientific interest.

mayday meanwhile goes to 616 peter who is also here already, with the rest of the 616 and M2 and tv show population.
peter looks at her with tears in his eyes and their relationship once again is visible.

after a few personals tores revolving the characters the machine is build again and the starks of all three dimensions have build enough armor for everyone to battle the overpowered spot.

we learn that in his unvierse, ben was relly the real spider-man and peter got killedby the golbin, that aunt may died instead of uncle ben at the beginning and that ben is well known as spider-man, at least he was untill the incident...

with the sky turning purple, the last barrier has been broken. the universes has bonded completly. spot has arrived, and the buldings everyowheren and the people begin to fade away. the heroes battle spot and battle him, and some even die. the ben reilly spider-man the tv show hulk and the 616 iron man bite the dust. the two thors get wounded badly and ultimate spider-man loses an arm. spider-girl dies, and even ultimate fury bitrs the dust.
the ben grim get transformed back to normal, since their stone emits some energy spot can take.
ultimate reed bites the dust and 616 torch too. no-one of the x-men dies.
they manage to beat the crap out of spot and then TV spider-man activates the machine. spot isn transportet into the N-zone again and the machine keeps him from coming back. he draisn all the erngy from the n-zone and the dimension colapses, and with a huge explosion gets reborn. spot is dead and the n-zone becaem a new universe.
the explosion and the machine caused the other universe to unfuse... it is over...

Ultimate line:
The ultimate line continues where it left off with everyone knowing what has happened. Those who died are back to life again, and even ultimate beast is alive again...

M2 Universe:
The M2 universe also continues where it left of, but no memories are rmaining. everyone who died is back to life...

616 Universe...
the 616 universe continues, to exist, but those who diead are dead, and the timestream is set back a few years. its basically reinvented after the maximum carnage crossover, with no memory what happened after the maximum carnage crossover but with the memory of the galactic spot crossover...

The TV SHow universe...
it is as it was, but the hulk is dead. no one remembers what happened except once again spider-man and charles xavier...

the black armored spider-man universe...
the blast galactic shocker had also infected this universe. it was over saturated with energy and a new universe was born, or basically replided back to normal. ben reilly is spider-man, and peter parker is his late brother, who sacreficed himself to aid ben saving the world once again..."

so this is basically my retcon crossover story.

of yourse its not up to date anymore, and of course a few things and charcters are mising. the marvle zombie storyline got mentoined, but i decided to take anotehr route..
i hope you like it, and if, why dont you tell marvel to do this?^^

nevermind the last sentence^^

it'll never happen...Quesada has said that when it comes to the Ultimate line, it's not part of the 616 multi-verse
I really hated the idea of the Ultimate line but after the new costume and everyone knokwing who Spidey is (not to mention The Other and Sin's Past)....perhaps I was too closed minded then.
DACrowe said:
I really hated the idea of the Ultimate line but after the new costume and everyone knokwing who Spidey is (not to mention The Other and Sin's Past)....perhaps I was too closed minded then.

Well, almost everybody knows who Spider-Man is in the Ultimate Universe too. :)
Indeed. In fact....everyone knows there too.
Indeed. In fact....everyone knows there too.
no not everyone..
just the ultimates, the x-men and a few others...

most of his enemies have seen his face but dont know his name. the goblin knows, ock knows... well that basically covers it...

it was jsut an idea though...
the crossover must not beeen made with ultiamte, can b made with any other universe....

alternate reality for example...
Shin-Natsume said:
Most of his enemies have seen his face but dont know his name. the goblin knows, ock knows... well that basically covers it...

Venom, Lizard know prob the rest of the Ultimate Six and Ben Reilly as well

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