The unESCABLE DC Boards Lounge 9.7

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Goddamnit Kane. You're ruining my lounge with that ****.
You're right, we need to start some kinda flame war to keep this thread alive. I suggest TDKR fanboys vs Avengers fanboys.
Eh it's about Team Nic Cage as Superman vs Team Henry Cavill as Superman?

I'm all for Nic Cage as Superman.
The Fantastic Four movies were better than the first two spider-man films. business suit electro doom and cloud galactus are better still better film translations than spider-man 2's doctor octopus.
Super Nic Cage would be the best superhero period. Not even Batman could be as awesome. and Coming from me, that's quite a statment.
Don't be a dick Darth

I'm not but when someone says "Coming from me..." I expect some weight behind it. For example "Man that issue of of Green Lantern was pretty good. Hal Jordan was pretty cool in it and that's coming from me."

I'm not but when someone says "Coming from me..." I expect some weight behind it. For example "Man that issue of of Green Lantern was pretty good. Hal Jordan was pretty cool in it and that's coming from me."


He's a guy with a Batman reference in his avatar, banner, and location.
Say, did anybody read that piece of **** Phantom Stranger comic? Didio is a hack writer. And that's coming from me. . .
I'm a guy with a ****** Star Wars name, avatar, X-Factor title and Superman location. What does that mean?:csad:

It means if you say you like something better than Star Wars or Superman it's saying something fo real real.
Went to see The Watch I thought it was pretty funny not the best movie I've ever seen but bits of it did make me burst out laughing :)

Richard Ayoade is fab

Regular Nic Cage is a truly terrifying entity.

This be the truth :ninja:

Manic said:
He looked like a good Doom. That's probably the only positive thing I can say.

Though he suffered from Tobey Maguire syndrome

An inability to keep his darn mask on :csad:
Don't you mean Andrew Garfield's inability to keep his mask on?
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