The unESCABLE DC Boards Lounge 9.9

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SNL Sketch about a musician in Blue Oyster Cult who is all about cow bell. The sketch features Christopher Walken.
christopher walken wearing gold plated diapers.
You know what's sad? There's no full video of it on effin' youtube.

This is the best I could find.

snl is p. good but only with DVR

there's about 35 minutes of actual content each episode
35 minutes?

More like 10 minutes of decent to meh stuff and the rest is trash. Occasionally, they'll put up something awesome, and More Cowbell? Was awesome.

I still say the late 80's early 90's was the best the show ever was. Dana Carvey, Phil Hartman, Mike Myers, etc.
35 minutes?

More like 10 minutes of decent to meh stuff and the rest is trash. Occasionally, they'll put up something awesome, and More Cowbell? Was awesome.

I still say the late 80's early 90's was the best the show ever was. Dana Carvey, Phil Hartman, Mike Myers, etc.

we meant when you take the ads and music out

it's not a great show but we still enjoy watching it
So, I'm curious if anyone knows what happened to all the usual Loungers? I saw Corp post once since I've been back, but I guess he doesn't post much in general. I'm guessing that Franklin Richards finally got banned. What about the Womp? And that gay chick who only loved other gays or whatever her ****ing deal was (Mysterious, I want to say, but don't think that's right).
Corpy's not around as much I suppose, but I don't go everywhere so he may post a lot in other places.

The Wompus got Married, so Mrs. Womp, a meat airess, pretty much has all his attention. :o

Mysty's still around every now and then. She's cool. She like LBGT characters. She says this in almost every thread she visits, then there's 3 or 4 pages of people calling her a bigot or whatever, then she says something adorable and I assume skips away to go do some S&M stuff with her hot Scottish girlfriend.

Frankie did indeed finally get banned for good. I don't know why but I'm sure it was his own fault.
A meat airess? almost afraid to ask...

yeah, I didn't have a problem with the gay chick per say, but Christ Almighty, I remember that **** got really annoying after awhile. I'm a LGBT supporter, too.
Sorry, I meant "heiress". GD silent letters. :argh:
I demand a definition for "Meat Airess". Let's make history, people.
Hmm, well, it'll have to be sexual obviously

Wait, what :confused:

So, she's an...*******, then, is that what we're getting at?
Nah, that was just a chicken butt......enjoy.
Oh, so you mean she is literally an heiress to some meat-related industry. Okay, I thought you were saying she was a ***** or something in a roundabout way and wouldn't let Womp come and play anymore.
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