The unESCABLE DC Boards Lounge 9.8

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You need to come in with more one to three word posts.

Somebody post a massive wall of text? Post TLDR.

See a flame war going on, post a picture of Michael Jackson eating popcorn.

Use "Whatever" constantly.

You'll bump that post count up in no time.

Also quote Dave Chappelle for no reason.
The best way to up your post count is to hate on everything. Hate on everything in a way that won't get you banned though. It has done wonders for me.
Hate like you mean it.

Let the darkside wash over you
I'mma totally read your posts in an Emperor Palpatine voice from now on :up:

Speaking of which watched Revenge of the Sith last night

Anakin's motivations do not become any less bizzare on repeat viewings :o
You mean "OMG I had a dream where Padme dies so I'm going to kill everyone now!"
You mean "OMG I had a dream where Padme dies so I'm going to kill everyone now!"


Plus the fact that he apparently helps Palpatine because he cant bear the thought of Padme dying...and then he kills her himself :dry:

Logic what is logic this film does not care
7 and 8 should be better

but then they have that guy that wrote XXX state of the union and x-men the last stand writing one

or something
unless they've got a double helping of lando calrisian i do not care
That makes it slightly less worrying

unless they've got a double helping of lando calrisian i do not care

More Lando is something that gets a :up: from me

Bobba Fett should get some love too :)
Don't be racist against the space fish :(

They are a proud, brave people
I know ya'll ain't hatin' on the Pancake Kid?!?
The best way to up your post count, I've found, is to read a lot of comics and want to talk about them a lot consistently over a very long period of time. 'Cause that's basically how I reached 150k+.
I would just post gifs/pics/movie news articles/talking sh** about know, the usual.
i went to the movies without my ******ed aunt and now she's been screaming that i'm dead to her at the top of her lungs for hours

guys help
Okay, you'll need Sleeping pills, a pie, and a syphilitic hobo.
That sounds more like kid sibling behavior than aunt behavior...

Plus the fact that he apparently helps Palpatine because he cant bear the thought of Padme dying...and then he kills her himself :dry:

Logic what is logic this film does not care

...that was the whole point. It was meant to be a Greek tragedy, it wasn't a plot hole or faulty logic.
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