The "What is are hopes for the movie now" Poll

OK OK, listen.

When you start a poll, it posts the thread before you are done filling out the options. This time the options were long and i really ****ed up with them because they are too detailed and no one will agree with one exactly. So suck it up and choose the one you agree closest to. It took me forever to cut all of then down to less then 100 characters.
Omg I ****ed Up With The Title.

Darn You Spell Check For Messing Up My Typing Skills And Never Prof-reading What I Write.
OMG, this thread is a disgrace (an omen?) can one of the mods reword the title or just delete this ******ation.
I expect it not to be better than X2, but better than X1.
Geez, i just read the options and the grammer is way off. I sound like ******ed drunk. I'm so stupid.
well...i am dissapointed in all i hear...but you know...i have small hopes
I'm disappointed in some character deaths, but I expect it to be the best of the three still.
Mr Lex Luthor said:
I have to say that my hopes for this movie went down from 88% to like 40% just today :down
I'm like really embarrassed by how choppy and crappy my grammer and spelling is. I'm sorry but i was in a rush to get it all written out because i knew that the thread appear before the options. I'm just happy that you guys aren't all over me for ****ing up on the title and grammer.

Hmm, i did a crappy job because it was rushed. and now it feels choppy.... sounds like X3.

Slim_X said:
I have to say that my hopes for this movie went down from 88% to like 40% just today :down

I totally agree with you man.

I'm really pissed off at Fox more then anyting for not budging with the release date.

I'd rather have a great movie a year from now, then have a so-so one in two weeks.
Well, I'm very disappointed with Rogue's outcome. I thought she'd be mentally tougher than that...hopefully the cure's temporary come X4, otherwise you might as well omit her from future films...
WHAT THE HELL. I didn't want to know ANYTHING ABOUT HER!

geez man, you are supposed to keep the spoilers on the downlow. I'VE BEEN AVOIDING all the major spoilers thread and people like you keep ruining it for people like me by just casually mentioning MAJOR SPOILERS. I found out about cyke like this, and now you ruin it for me by mentioning what happened to rogue.

ShakiraRocks said:
WHAT THE HELL. I didn't want to know ANYTHING ABOUT HER!

geez man, you are supposed to keep the spoilers on the downlow. I'VE BEEN AVOIDING all the major spoilers thread and people like you keep ruining it for people like me by just casually mentioning MAJOR SPOILERS. I found out about cyke like this, and now you ruin it for me by mentioning what happened to rogue.


ShakiraRocks said:
WHAT THE HELL. I didn't want to know ANYTHING ABOUT HER!

geez man, you are supposed to keep the spoilers on the downlow. I'VE BEEN AVOIDING all the major spoilers thread and people like you keep ruining it for people like me by just casually mentioning MAJOR SPOILERS. I found out about cyke like this, and now you ruin it for me by mentioning what happened to rogue.


Spoiler forum sweetheart. You should be elsewhere.
No one is talking to you MoFo. And, it has been said by the mods, that spoilers should be kept specifically in spoiler thread or if mentioned else-where they should be written in spoiler font. So **** off.
the other forums are dead, i know i'm not the only person here who reads up on stuff but doesn't want to be super spoiled.
ShakiraRocks said:
No one is talking to you MoFo. And, it has been said by the mods, that spoilers should be kept specifically in spoiler thread or if mentioned else-where they should be written in spoiler font. So **** off.

Don't ***** about being spoiled if you're in the goddamn SPOILER forum. If you don't want to get spoiled then YOU need to **** off. Do you really think the mods are checking every single post just to avoid big spoilers?
Pauluz said:
Don't ***** about being spoiled if you're in the goddamn SPOILER forum. If you don't want to get spoiled then YOU need to **** off. Do you really think the mods are checking every single post just to avoid big spoilers?

No they aren't, but they did say that people should post spoilers randomly so ****s like you wouldn't ruin it for the rest of us.

BTW, i'm heated right now, not trying to be mean, but i have no choice.

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