The White Stripes appreciation thread


Jun 29, 2004
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As the title says, come in here and appreciate the White Stripes. You know, your favorite song, what you own, the works. As for me, before coming in, a topic about Homosexuality caught my eye. I'm gonna go see what's up.

Some of my favorite songs, though, are "Blue Orchid," and "Seven Nation Army"(and the Flaming Lips cover thereof). I also have a really odd fondness for "My Doorbell." I don't know, maybe it's seeing that little kid do the hop on stage in suspenders. Eh.
I'd say I'm a fan, but I don't actually own any of their cds, so whatever.
I only own one; I pirate the rest. Don't feel too bad.
Why's that?

BTW, Wilhelm, I'll be buying them all anyway when the Box Set comes out at the end of the year. So, meh!
I own the "Get behind me Satan" album. Some of my favourite songs are "forever for her (is over for me)" , "Blue orchid", "instinct blues" and "denial twist":up:
Superhobo said:
Why's that?

BTW, Wilhelm, I'll be buying them all anyway when the Box Set comes out at the end of the year. So, meh!

Eh, their sound just does nothing for me. I don't know of a better way to explain then that.
FooYu said:
I own the "Get behind me Satan" album. Some of my favourite songs are "forever for her (is over for me)" , "Blue orchid", "instinct blues" and "denial twist":up:
I bought it when it first came out and i can't stand the damn album.
Superhobo said:
That should tell you something, you know.
Like what?
i'm thinking it should tell me to make you shut up and rub my feet.
Hades said:
I bought it when it first came out and i can't stand the damn album.

why even post here, then? it says "white stripes APPRECIATION". when you see that in the title, why even click on it, if you don't like them?
photojones2 said:
why even post here, then? it says "white stripes APPRECIATION". when you see that in the title, why even click on it, if you don't like them?
Because i love you?
I want to get you two together in a mud-wrestling contest. I don't know why; it just popped up.
This thread reminds me why the Hype is the bastard child of Satan, produced in a homosexual affair with Hades.

Hades the mythological figure, not the poster.
This thread doesnt have to do with Area 51?:confused:
I'm listening to Forever For Her right now.

It's not a bad song.
I've never really heard any of their stuff, but I'm strongly considering getting into them. Their music is supposed to be heabily inspired by the great classic rock bands like Zeppelin and e Who that I love ever so dearly.

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