I was at an X-Men chat room earlier tonight and somebody came in and released this info: "I work at Fox and want to tell everyone about a BIG error - FOX by accident included 21
pieces of Value Added deleted scenes on the DVD on only some of the DVDs. These extra features
were supposed to be held for the second special edition DVD release later next year. If your DVD only
has 10 pieces of VAM you can return it for a refund. If you don't believe me, when you buy it compare your
DVD with your friends."
pieces of Value Added deleted scenes on the DVD on only some of the DVDs. These extra features
were supposed to be held for the second special edition DVD release later next year. If your DVD only
has 10 pieces of VAM you can return it for a refund. If you don't believe me, when you buy it compare your
DVD with your friends."