this show is a ripoff :/


Jan 4, 2004
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i don't know how many of you remember Roswell but Smallville blatantly ripped off it's formula in far too many ways.

besides the general style of Clark and Max looking similar. we have Lana an Liz running their restaraunts. Lana at the Talon and Liz at the Crashdown. they both were dating athletes (Kyle on Roswell and Whitney on Smallville) then finally out of nowhere, notice they have a crush on guys who happen to be aliens that they've known since they were 5 or 6. funny thing about it is these guys have had crushes on them since that age and the girls both start realizing they like them at the later teenage age. besides some of those obvious ripoffs, we have entire episode concepts ripped off.


Roswell does flashback to 1947


Smallville... Surprise Surprise


Also they've basically made Jor-el the same character of Nacedo on Roswell without pushing his physical presence... yet. Oh and *gasp* the destiny lies within the native american walls.







how about Max and Clark leaving the small towns behind for the big city?



hell they both even have the crazy ships with weird powers to heal and sh** :o
Originally posted by HqaPaz
Who gives a rats ass?


Superman was around a long time before roswell, but the "similiarites" do seem to be close, though i never watched roswell.
i dont know if you have read a comic before but yeah, clark kent went to metropolis...ohhhhhh.....carry the one....add the 2....ABOUT 60 FRIGGIN YEARS AGO!!!!!!
They are also both like 30 years old playing 16 year olds :p
I persoanlly don't care. never watched Roswell but watch Smallville, so everything that happens is new to me.
Originally posted by punishermax
i dont know if you have read a comic before but yeah, clark kent went to metropolis...ohhhhhh.....carry the one....add the 2....ABOUT 60 FRIGGIN YEARS AGO!!!!!!

This made me chuckle. Good one. Good thing I hadn't been drinking anything when I read it. LOL
Wasn't Roswell a WB show? You can't rip off your own products, you can only rehash them. The WB is the king of "pretty white kids with problems" teen dramas which seem pretty formulaic and not that different from eachother, so it's not suprising their latest teen show featuring a supernatural premise is similar to their last.
Since Superman was around long before Roswell does'nt that mean Roswell ripped it off?
Originally posted by LarryLegend
Since Superman was around long before Roswell does'nt that mean Roswell ripped it off?

not really. individual plot points that they have not took out of the comics seem to be ripped off from Roswell.
I watched Roswell, it was a great show.

If anything, Smallville has ripped off more plots from Buffy than anything.
the results so far are similar but who cares! Even if they are similar Smallville has been way more popular than Roswell! if i remember didn't the WB send Roswell packing to the UPN like midway through second season? So obviously one of the shows is doing something right and it's not, wasn't roswell!
Originally posted by IcemanX
the results so far are similar but who cares! Even if they are similar Smallville has been way more popular than Roswell! if i remember didn't the WB send Roswell packing to the UPN like midway through second season? So obviously one of the shows is doing something right and it's not, wasn't roswell!

Someone writes a book. It only sells a hundred copies.

I proceed to plagurize the book and it becomes a huge success.

by your logic that's alright?
Originally posted by Matt
Someone writes a book. It only sells a hundred copies.

I proceed to plagurize the book and it becomes a huge success.

by your logic that's alright?

Good point :o
Uhmmmm.... excuse Moi... I watched ROSEWELL n its PRETTY clear ROSEWEEL is the one tht ripped off SUPERMAN...
not the other way around.
the whole premise of Roswell was a LOT like Superman to begin with, I dont think it's clear cut to say what "ripped off" what. Hell most everything you see on TV today was in some way influenced by something else that came before it...
Originally posted by The Incredible Hulk
the whole premise of Roswell was a LOT like Superman to begin with, I dont think it's clear cut to say what "ripped off" what. Hell most everything you see on TV today was in some way influenced by something else that came before it...

while such a thing may be true, when they start taking individual plot points from one show it is ripping off.
Originally posted by WallCrawl
Wasn't Roswell a WB show? You can't rip off your own products, you can only rehash them. The WB is the king of "pretty white kids with problems" teen dramas which seem pretty formulaic and not that different from eachother, so it's not suprising their latest teen show featuring a supernatural premise is similar to their last.
Entire plots being lifted is kind of lame, but like it's been said... It is a WB show anyway so there is more room to rip it off.
Originally posted by JcDc
Entire plots being lifted is kind of lame, but like it's been said... It is a WB show anyway so there is more room to rip it off.

I disagree.

I go back to my book analogy.

If I write a book under someone we'll call it ok to completely rip off another book from X-Publishing?

WB simply broadcasts the show...they have very little creative imput. Each show has a different creative team.
Originally posted by LarryLegend
Matt its the other way around

I kid you not

no it's not, while WB may be controling Smallville, they had very little power over what happened on their early shows like Buffy and Roswell and even Dawsons Creek, while they were still struggling for ratings.
Dude, it's Smallville.... SMALLVILLE ROCKS!!!

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