This will make some fanboys very happy !

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Mar 11, 2006
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I don't know how he could fit into wolverine movie, but supposedly the mutant called ............... Gambit will be in the movie after all.

In my opinion, they want to introduce gambit to the general public, so they could do x-men origins : Gambit in the future. May be after Magneto movie.
This is your second thread with a rumor you say you can back up yet you can't.
Please, close this thread.
This is your second thread with a rumor you say you can back up yet you can't.

Exactly which part of my thread that i say i can back this up ????? Thats what the board is for. We discuss truth and rumors. I only let you know the information that i came across so anyone else who may come across similar information could furthur the discussion. Dont be so agressive guys ! :cwink: :lips:
Why do I feel like its deja vu again with the Gambit stuff?

Personally, I can't even really comprehend how Gambit could be excluded from 3 team X-Men movies only to end up in a Wolverine origin film.

Does anybody who makes these movies do ANY research?
Exactly which part of my thread that i say i can back this up ????? Thats what the board is for. We discuss truth and rumors. I only let you know the information that i came across so anyone else who may come across similar information could furthur the discussion. Dont be so agressive guys ! :cwink: :lips:
If everyone had that attitude, there would be 100+ threads over different rumors, most being made up or lacking any truth. Youcome onto these boards and as your title of this thread indicates that 'This will make some fanboys very happy'. Believing rumors and getting your hopes up will only lead to dissapointment if it isn't true. Creating momentous threads like this should be reserved for proper evidence. There has been too many times when fans were given false/bad info only to be let down. Once again you may be telling the truth, but without proof no one on here, save for a few kids, will get their hopes up.
I'm sorry if i upset you guys. I only want to let you know what i "hear". I didn't think this board is only open for stories with proof.

With all the news that people who are involved have to sign contract to keep their mouth shut, yet people here still ask me to tell the source. my goodness !

I live in Bondi, Sydney and saw Huge Jackman and Aaron Jeffrey at Bondi Beach many times. Also local celebrities were invited to try out many parts in the movie, so we tend to hear a lot of stories. Other stories i came across such as Agent zero, deadpool i'm afraid i have to keep my mouth shut of how i know.
The board isn't only open for stories with proof, but you'll have a hard time gaining people's trust w/o it. Don't take offense, but we've been lied to in the past by people claiming to know what's going on with the X-films. If you're telling the truth, then we'll give thanks and credit to you when the evidence arrives. :)
If not, the Gambit fans will kill you. They've been muching on lies for almost 8 years.
We can do Jean VS Xavier like in X3 and lets see who will win. :woot:

I do not know how they can fit him into the movie. They will find a way to incorporate him to give him his own movie i "beieve".
tell you what guys il try and get my mate at fox to do some digging for us all

to see if it is bull****
tell you what guys il try and get my mate at fox to do some digging for us all

to see if it is bull****

Ok, merbass just used the term 'mate' in a previous thread and out of the blue you show up having connections to Fox? How are we to believe you as well? Sorry if I'm being mean, but I just find it odd :huh:
I know I am like very new here and all.

But I find it very hard to believe that Gambit has been cut from the X-men movies in general, but would appear in a WOLVERINE spin off. Ok the two have had some comics together and all... but to introduce him here.

I don't see it happen.
i might have used the word "mate" loosely or i might have actually meant it. :grin: Anyway I am wondering and trying to find out too of how they could fit Gambit into the wolverine movie but i am sure if they wanna do it they can.

Look at X1 - X3. Don't u think there are many things that happened in the movies that we thought would never happen ?

Mystique with naked blue body
Black leather X-men suit
Younger-non existent Rogue
Silly Storm.
******ed Sabretooth
Jean Grey doing Emily Rose power
Killing Scott and curing Mystique / Rogue

The list goes on and on. So If they want him in it, then i'm sure they can !
If you go to Wolverine casting/ news topic, the person named Octoberist is also awared of the latestest draft of the script with Gambit too, so it seems i'm not the only one after all.
Hmm Deadpool that sounds pretty cool. Do you think he will be replacing Agent Zero? It might get pretty crowded for an origin movie to have all these rumored characers in there.
At this point i hear both Deadpool and Agent zero are in the movie. The major scene with deadpool and logan will take place in the forest with logan doing backflip from tree to tree. almost the same as the scene with him and spike in X3.

And just to remind that i was the first one who posted on here about Deadpool.
Deadpool could work in this movie. Just so long as someone like dane cook stays away from him. I think ryan reynolds could do it. But what I'm curious about is that article mentions they are mentioning Iron Man in the Hulk movie or vice versa...very strange
Dane Cook as Deadpool...let's hope not. :wow: That would not be good. I do like the idea of Reynolds though. I just hope they don't start throwing in all sorts of characters now, don't want it to be overcrowded.
ok ive just got back working in hollywood at universal and vinnie stancarone who i lived with works at fox he is my MATE he took me down to fox for a day and i helped him do a trailer spot for family guy also i was working for another guy who also works at paramount

i know people talk some right tripe on here but ive got nothing to prove and dont really give a rats ass if you beleive me or not but i do know what your going on about

il see what i can find out but that will probably be nothing anyway

wherever you choose to beleive me or not is up to you
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