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Thoughts On The Different Series?


Jun 26, 2006
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I was wondering the current views on all the different series that each band of heroes seems to have. Likes, Dislikes, which you think is currently the best. Also I'd like to know if you read one, two , all of them! Im trying to get the most out of this thread instead of making four or five for each series, so I have made a little chart you can paste and fill in your views.



Friendly Neighborhood -





Uncanny X-Men -


Ultimate -


Wolverine: Origins -

I have left out a few that dont interest me, but feel free to add them if you want.

UPDATE: Im gunna add these to the mix.

Incredible Hulk -

She-Hulk -

Incredible Hulk has the arc volumes so I should be able to catch up if I get those. I searched and saw that Incredible Hulk Vol. 1: Return of the Monster picks up at issue #34, is there not a paperback collection of the previous 33 issues? And I have heard good things about She-Hulk, though Marvel.com lists a She-Hulk and a She-Hulk 2, what's the difference?

Lately, it's kinda just been unreal. I mean it's become very far removed from old-school spidey. I'm not saying that's bad, just that it seems by now that JMS is just going for change for the sake of change. I wish they would bring on a good solid writer, one of two different ways. Option A: Give it to an all-star, super name, big hitter like Loeb or someone else that has an interest in the charecter and can bring some freshness to the book. I want some talent that can keep things new, but not stray as far out as constantly as JMS does. Option B: Give it to a guy that is a big fan favorite that needs the kind of exposure that ASM gives. Of course I'm talking Slott here. Give him the title. Make hi play it a little more stright up that Spider-man/Human Torch and She-Hulk, but not anywhere near as straight up as his Arkham stuff. This guy can write. When was the last time you heard people complaining that Slott has no continuity, or is boring, or relies on one or two tricks in his bag of writing skills? Give him a title that will sell no matter what, and then let people fall in love with his stories like we all know they will. Also, for art, in my book, it's gotta be JRJR. Deodato was nice, but not best suited for Spidey. JRJR is amazing and can draw anything.

Friendly Neighborhood
- I like that this is the title where I can expect normal Spider-man fun despite whatever else is going on. Peter David isn't what he used to be, that much I have come to suspect. He's still a damn fine writer though, and he writes Pete like I've come to know him. I can't quite understand why he pulled that BS Flash move with him forgetting that he and Pete were best of pals, but I'm certainly willing to see where he can take it.

- I like Aguirre-Sasaca, no matter whether or not I know how to spell his name. Plain and simple, this guy has had the tough luck of being put on hard books. He gets Nightcrawler right off the bat, which is a hard pitch to a jaded market that is tired of X-Spin-Offs. Still, he delivered what I felt to be a faithful portrayal of the charecter, create a decent support charecter, and managed to introduce a cool background story into his past that didn't stink of retcon. After Nightcrawler's inevitable cancellation, he gets put on the already dying Marvel Knights: 4, the little MK book that couldn't. He manages to keep that title going for a nice little while, and even gets to continue his mystical story in a way that didn't feel overly forced. I enjoyed it, along with the rest of his run. Now, he's on a book that will NOT be cancelled anytime soon, and I think he's going to really get a chance to play around with his ideas more.

- Bottom line here is that Bendis did great out of the gate, but has been spinning his wheels ever since Hollywood. His gang war arc was pretty good, but it was also his forte, crime comics. I can still enjoy it, but I think it's kinda funny how this book is following 616 spidey's career. Started off as a fun loving guy, then he gets tangled up in the kingpin stuff, alot like the earlier ASM issues (before 100 and such). Has a big run in with the Goblin that kind of changes the tone of the book. Next, he gets mixed up in Symbiote business for a while, then he goes to meeting Silver Sable and a bunch of new charewcters like Spidey introduced in the later 80s. Now that we are appraoching the early 90s analogue to the book timeline he gets mixed up with the X-men big time, much like the entire Marvel U did in 616. Now he's dating an X-(wo)man and fighting X-Villians and such (Genosha, Omega Red, Deadpool). Lo and behold, what will save us from early 90s X-fever? THE CLONE SAGA of course! I'm hopeful, but lets wait and see how it turns out.


- Doing everything well, except tying in with the larger universe. I like Astonishing, don't get me wrong, but the original premise was that they were going to be Super Heroes again. They've been fighting at the mansion now for two arcs, no wonder the MU isn't stopping in for a visit. Thing is though, it's still entertaining, and that's what matters in the end.

Uncanny X-Men - Ugh... Claremont is that guy you knew in High School that was always head of the pack. Quaterback, Prom king, most popular, whatever. And X-men was that Girl that he always had on his arm, and in the beginning, when they were young and fresh, hot damn did they look great together. Now it's 20 years later, and you're at the reunion, and it turns out that Chris isn't exactly doing so hot. He's let himself go, gotten lazier, and he keeps trying to tell stories from his glory days. That girl of his? oh yeah, she's still around, but now she's not quite the petite simple franchise she once was. Chris kept her spitting out the spin-offs till there were too many to count. She's only recognizable by that big X-Emblem she wears on that "Hi My Name Is" sticker. She's been dragged down with him, but you feel bad cause you know she could be so much more. Lucky for her, that quiet, smart, cute guy Joss that always had a thing for her still does, and he wants to make good on it. He's got his competition though, cause that Ed Brubaker guy is kinda honing in too, and he's gunning for the prize as well.

- This book is not for Milligan. I'm not really sure what bok is, but it's not this. Things just don't seem to be getting better either with Bachalo on the horizan either.

Ultimate - Kirkman's doing ok. I think we all loved the magic that was BKV, but Kirkman is a good replacement. The biggest trouble is that it's not an easy, or really smart thing to do to bring in a new charecter to Ultimate that wasn't in 616. I don;t know why he's hell bent on doing it, but he is, and it's hurting him. The art leaves some to be desired too.

- I like Ramos, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. It's a weird style that I didn't care for at first, and I'll admit that Wolverine isn't the charecter I think of when I hear his name, but I can definately deal with it. I guess the Tie-in is definatly appropriate, but I'm not sure its easy to tell how good the book will be afterewards. I'm not familar with the writer so I couldn't tell you if he'll be able to come up with decent stories for after the CW tie-in arc. Time will tell.

Wolverine: Origins - To be honest, it feels disjointed, and not what I'd expected. We havn't learned anything about Logan thats really new in this book, and I'm not a fan of Wolverine having pupils while in costume. It's one art thing that bugs me. It just doesn't look right to me. Not to mention that while he's a good artist, Dillion's faces are all identical.

Rellings said:
I was wondering the current views on all the different series that each band of heroes seems to have. Likes, Dislikes, which you think is currently the best. Also I'd like to know if you read one, two , all of them! Im trying to get the most out of this thread instead of making four or five for each series, so I have made a little chart you can paste and fill in your views.


Amazing - Crap! SinsPast Crap!

Friendly Neighborhood - Not bad, not great.

Sensational - Decent art at times (Clayton Crain) but crap just the same.

Ultimate - Started out good, became tedius and predictable with King Pin every other story arc.


- Grade A!

Uncanny X-Men - Useless chaff, more excess.

X-Men - Dribble, more garbage shovel down our throats.

Ultimate - Boring.

Wolverine - Meh!

Wolverine: Origins - Has no reason to be, what is being done in this book could have been done in the regular ongoing.

I have left out a few that dont interest me, but feel free to add them if you want.

There ya go.

Amazing - one of my fav marvel titles at the moment, loving the civil war lead up and tie-ins.

Friendly Neighborhood - alright nothing special, will give it one more arc to see if it gets better.

Sensational - haven't read, starting with the new arc in #28.


Astonishing - great, great and even more great.

Uncanny X-Men - haven't read, starting when the new creative team start.

X-Men - same as uncanny.

Wolverine - Civil War tie-in has been pretty good so far, love the art.
Astonishing X-Men: Pure awesome. Currently the best Marvel book. Before Whedon, none of these characters were my favorites (some of them like Wolverine and Emma were my least favorites) but he has made me love them.

Uncanny X-Men: Claremont's books were confusing, boring, static, and suffers from uneven and sometimes unintentionally funny writing. However, he does genuinely love these characters, and sometimes it shows. A generally mediocre book, but with some rare shining moments. Brubaker is taking over, and seeing as how he made Deadly Genesis, I doubt I'm going to be pleased with what he does.

X-Men: It's okay if you're out of toilet paper and need something to wipe your butt with. As with Uncanny, the creative team is changing, and maybe that'll help; I honestly don't think you can get worse than Milligan here.

New X-Men: I loved this book when it was called "Academy X" and written by the old team. But now...ugh...as thexaxis.com so aptly put it:
"Yes, fine, the new creative team have come on and shaken things up... but by this stage, they're still killing off minor supporting characters, and really, who cares?
"...Presumably this is meant to convince us that the stakes are high, but it's been so overdone in recent months that it just seems rather tiresome. New X-Men, in particular, has become unremittingly miserable to the point where it's just no fun at all to read. By all means take the action route, because the book's previous incarnation arguably needed a kick up the arse, but for heaven's sake cheer up. Or at least think of a different way of being miserable, before you completely run out of background characters to shoot."

X-Factor: As of right now the pacing is a bit uneven -- it's like seven issues in or something and I'm still not quite sure what Jamie's detective agency really does other than snark at each other -- but Peter David's writing and characterization is just so utterly, well, clean and enjoyable, I don't really care what these people are doing so long as they keep doing it.

Ultimate X-Men: I haven't been interested in any of these characters for about twenty issues now; they're all just kinda snarky, annoying, smartass teenagers who don't even really like each other that much.

- used to be ok for awhile, when JRJr was drawing, but has been stinking pretty regularly for some time now. The Civil War tie ins have been somewhat better
Friendly Neighborhood - haven't\ read
Sensational - haven't read
Ultimate - A fun little title that has it's peaks and valleys
- The best, but that's not saying all that much. Cassday's art is amazing, The story is a bit overrated but still good
Uncanny X-Men - very much looking forward to BRubaker taking over with #375, but it's been mediochre for many years before that

- bleah
Ultimate -A pretty good read, usually. BKV and now Kirkman have both infused some life into it.
Wolverine - Overrated character, overrated book
Wolverine: Origins - bleah. Such a squandered oppurtunity to tell, you know, GOOD stories about Wolverine's origin

But reading only X-Men and Spider-Man books (and Superman and Batman Books) is like only listening to a Top 40 Radio station. Yeah, they're popular, but they're overrated and not really that good most of the time. They're flashy. All they have to do is show up and people will buy them. But meanwhile it's the smaller titles who're doing the more amazing things, and actually doing good stories
Im gunna add these to the mix.

Incredible Hulk -

She-Hulk -

Incredible Hulk has the arc volumes so I should be able to catch up if I get those. I searched and saw that Incredible Hulk Vol. 1: Return of the Monster picks up at issue #34, is there not a paperback collection of the previous 33 issues? And I have heard good things about She-Hulk, though Marvel.com lists a She-Hulk and a She-Hulk 2, what's the difference?

Amazing - It's all about change in this one. Everything's shifting and Peter's life is spinning like never before. Everything's in flux, so you might be a little confused off the bat. Overrall, it's a pretty good book with Peter evolving, and I mean that literally.

Friendly Neighborhood - If you're used to old school Spidey, then this is the book for you to go out and get. This book is hijinks and wisecracks, Peter doing what he's been doing for decades now. As they say, 'New day, same...uuuh...shiz'. It's a pretty decent read.

Sensational - This one is a blank slate, ths writer has free reign and you can expect some interesting ideas but less of the earth shattering, let's burn 'em at the stake type of deal. I think that if you're just easing back into mainstream comics, this might be a good place to start since it's a new writer with the same idea.

Ultimate - A book that started off spectacular and that's lowered to 'damn good'. It's not as good as it was when it began but it's still a damn good read. Bendis pushed it into the ozone layer with this one and since the Ultimate line was created so people could jump in without 30 years of continuity in the way, this one is one I definitely suggest you pick up for a fresh take on Peter at a stage we didn't get to see much in the 616. It's got everything; comedy, action, and a good story. Here's a solid read.


- Hands down the best of the X books out right now. Wheddon has fleshed these pretty pictures out into characters you can lose yourself in and really come to love. This book is riding high and doesn't look to come down anytime soon.

Uncanny X-Men - This one gets a bad wrap but it is NOT a bad read. The team is very diverse and has a more interesting interaction than any other team currently working. Good art, good story, and if I had to rank it of the X titles, then I'd put it around #3.

X-Men - To me, this book is in a transitional stage where it feels as if they're still trying to find their groove, find that button that'll turn everything on as it should be. I wouldn't suggest you jump onto this one, give it another month or two and then come back and check it out. It hasn't always been this bizzare so don't write it off.

Ultimate - Kickass. This book, like the rest of the Ultimate line, gives you these guys in ways you've never seen them before, but retains that X-feel that lets you know that you're still reading your favorite mutants. Once again, if you want a good X book to get into without having to have 200 things explained to you, then check this one out.

Wolverine - A good book that let's the man shine as only he can. You said before that you were a Wolverine fan, well from one to another, THIS book gives you the Logan you always wanted to see, but without the team to guage him. This is Wolverine with no restraint, no one to hold his hand and calm him down. In this book, you'll see what Logan does when he has to be his own moral compass and take it from me, it's not stopping him from kicking ALOT of ass.

Wolverine: Origins - It's answering all the questions that were left when Logan's past was given to him in House of M. It's slow going and as with anything that needs unraveling, everytime you think you've got one thing down, another pops up. You know Marvel loves to tease and you'll see plenty of that here. But hey, if you don't always get the secret you were expecting, you get action and in-depth emotion to make up for it. And in the end, you have to keep reading to get to the bottom of the problem, which is what they want and you will to, lol.

Relling, as you were told by several people before, form your own opinons. Most of what you see here are what's given from a subjective point of view, not ojective. So take what you read with a grain of salt, it's all colored with their own personal gripes and praise for this and that, including my own. So if they dislike a certain writer, they're NOT going to suggest you anything positive about the tiltes under that particular person, of course you may like the guy they hate so see for yourself before accepting just anything. These days, the current fad is to be negative about anything that's mainstream, you've been warned, lol.

Go with your favorites, strike out and try something you know absolutely nothing about and then go from there. You'll never get new favorites without stepping outside your 'usual'. Form your own opinons and bias, don't inherit anyone else's.:up:

Have Fun.:up: :up:
Rellings said:
Im gunna add these to the mix.

Incredible Hulk -

She-Hulk -

Incredible Hulk has the arc volumes so I should be able to catch up if I get those. I searched and saw that Incredible Hulk Vol. 1: Return of the Monster picks up at issue #34, is there not a paperback collection of the previous 33 issues? And I have heard good things about She-Hulk, though Marvel.com lists a She-Hulk and a She-Hulk 2, what's the difference?

There's only a trade paperback for Dogs of War in the first 33 issues. I believe that covers 12-20 or something like that.

She-Hulk is being done in 'seasons", much like Ultimates has been. The first 12 issues made up season #1 and the second season of She-Hulk is going on right now.
She-Hulk isn't being done in Seasons, it just got relaunched, that's all

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