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Tom Hiddleston: Loki Redux - Part 1

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They had a moment like that in the Thor1 online script, when Loki and Thor are fighting in the observatory. For some reason, they didn't implement it. But maybe we'll see that in Thor2!

of course they got rid of it :doh:
that would have been cool

but my point is who the hell cares if I or anyone else says that? We can't change what Marvel decides to do with the character. They are going to do what they want, and if they want to develop him in another new direction they WILL do that, if they don't want to do that, they wont. However, I would most certainly never say absolutely they could or would never give a character a major arc changing them either from good guy to bad guy or bad guy to good. I would never presume to say that it's impossible. This is a fictional character, after all, and most certainly not set in stone no matter how many years he's been around. They can do whatever they want with him, some aspects will always be with him sure, the mischievousness, for instance, making wrong choices, complicated plans, extreme measures, selfishness, self pity, all probably.... But per the recent kid Loki comics...


at another point, he explains to Kid Loki "No, change is all I desired. For me to change not you.... if the world will not let one change it's near impossible to do so. With your innocence you reestablished my name. And now I have a chance to be something else..."

I could write more quotes from the Loki's about changing but I dont want to get too spoilery. It really is an amazing read.

what has happened in JIM with Kid Loki and Old Loki is incredibly complicated and interesting and heartbreaking and I can't put into enough words all I feel for that story. It seems that Old Loki wants to change, a fresh start. but unfortunately per usual he uses some pretty terrible methods to go about his new plan for a new Loki. But does he really want to change? And in what ways exactly? And Why? We all have to wait and see I suppose. I have seen some very sincere regret in what I've read of more recent comics Loki though. Could he be lying and i'm being fooled? It's possible. but that's all part of the fun of reading it. It makes it all much harder to predict. And If I want to hope for a better Loki in comics and in MCU, that is MY right to hope for that, because that is my nature to want to hope for people. I haven't read A LOT but most certainly much of what I have read, the more recent stuff, is an pretty strong indicator that Marvel themselves are reinventing how the character has been seen for so many years. Whether it'll all come crashing back down in another terrible complex scheme by Loki is yet to be seen, but I think that you are short changing Marvel and the character by not at least considering that he might change. And what an amazing story or stories it would be if they managed to pull that off! Not to mention, as a fan of Thor I'd think you'd want to see him happy and have is brother back, and no longer his enemy, in both MCU and comics, if that's possible. That would be AMAZING! and quite frankly I HOPE that Marvel has the guts and the talent to tell THOSE stories because that is the kind of story I want to be told. That would truly open things up for Thor stories that are a "new recipe with the same ingredients". :oldrazz:

and going back to the quote in the picture there a second. Villains in comics are handled differently than in films. in films as soon as a villain has outstayed his welcome so to speak, meaning, he's done bad things, and then he dies or goes to jail and the hero moves onto the next villain in the next movie. I dont want that for MCU Loki, I want him to stay and be active in these films as long as there are Thor movies. So he MUST change, they can't keep telling the same story in the films, that is ok in comics but it will get stale fast in the movies, if it hasn't already. The relationship between him and Thor MUST change or i fear it will soon be the end of Loki in the MCU. :csad:

in the Thor 1 script they did have Loki suspending Thor in the air for part of that fight, while Loki jawed at him, don't know why they didnt keep it.

Technically they *can* do whatever they want. but like I said, to me, and to a lot of people, turning him "good" just doesn't seem like the right thing to do for such an iconic villain, and that's why. But sure, let's not beat a dead horse, back to just discussing Loki,

oh, the picture, obviously Loki doesn't like who he is. He has his moments, and he did in siege as well. But he is still who he is. He's seeming like an anti-villain.. Unlike freakin Kletus Cassidy that psychopath lol but that's why loki is great, and marvel's second best villain behind Thanos :p

off topic for a second, but it seems like MCU Thanos will probably be pretty damn evil. Through out the 90s, in my eyes anyway, he went through a character change, into what I see as an anti-villain. and has actually aided heroes.

but back to thor 1, I don't understand why they would cut something like that out. That's certainly somwething Loki has been missing. Fan of him or not, you gotta admit, you're tired of seeing him JUST create astral projections. Also, I don't see MCU Loki biting the dust anytime soon
off topic for a second, but it seems like MCU Thanos will probably be pretty damn evil. Through out the 90s, in my eyes anyway, he went through a character change, into what I see as an anti-villain. and has actually aided heroes.

Magneto did as well for a time yes? didn't he lead the X men and the school for a time, when I think Xavier was dead.

From an early draft of the Thor 1 script...

I've changed.

So have I.
Loki hits Thor across the face with Gungnir.

Fight me.
He swings Gungnir at Thor again. Thor catches it in his
hand, rears back his hammer as if ready to return the blow,
but instead takes to the air and flies past Loki, back
towards the frozen controls.
Loki spins around, aims Gungnir, and fires a blast which
immobilizes Thor in the air. He hangs there, suspended.

Is the throne really worth what
you've done? What you would

I never wanted the throne. I only
wanted to be your equal. Now fight

With a gesture of Gungnir, he flings Thor to the ground.
Thor rises to his feet, turns to Loki.

I will not fight you, brother.
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Magneto did as well for a time yes? didn't he lead the X men and the school for a time, when I think Xavier was dead.

From an early draft of the Thor 1 script...

I've changed.

So have I.
Loki hits Thor across the face with Gungnir.

Fight me.
He swings Gungnir at Thor again. Thor catches it in his
hand, rears back his hammer as if ready to return the blow,
but instead takes to the air and flies past Loki, back
towards the frozen controls.
Loki spins around, aims Gungnir, and fires a blast which
immobilizes Thor in the air. He hangs there, suspended.

Is the throne really worth what
you've done? What you would

I never wanted the throne. I only
wanted to be your equal. Now fight

With a gesture of Gungnir, he flings Thor to the ground.
Thor rises to his feet, turns to Loki.

I will not fight you, brother.

oh yeah I remember reading that. But, it was with gunjir. I'd rather see him do this stuff under his own power.

and iirc the magneto story you are reffering to is Age of Appocalypse. Legion, who is Xavier's son, travels back in time, kill charles, and in an alternate universe, he leads the xmen
yes lol. But my point is once again missed. I am not saying you or her is wrong, as for my comment for "how long someone may be into it, with the source material stuff", you misunderstood my point as well. I didn't explain it. My point was simply that the perspective from a long time comic book fan is totally different. And you got to understand that like music, and any type of pop culture media, things DO change, yes I know, but the originality always has an influence. Essentially, Loki won't be getting a revamp, aspects of his 616 will still be there.
I don't think I missed it though. I think we're simply talking past each other here. ;) I keep quoting you but I'm not just addressing you here, so don't feel like I'm singling you out.

And as for where Loki's character comes from... Well, let's just say I'm Swedish. This playes a significant role in how I look at any characterisation that has borrowed Norse gods (and this is about all the characters, not just Loki). I cannot free myself entirely from a cultural influence that has been part of me 42+ years. I have been comparing the original myth to the comics since I was a kid, and I always will, because the Norse myth got to me first (thanks mum, dad, school, the list goes on). My husband, who loves X-Men, will not touch Thor for that reason alone.

The essence of characters as they have been won't change, that I know and that's not something I question (and they are all, more or less, in line with the original ones Marvel decided to borrow). I just want to say that because someone won't describe a character such as Loki as evil or crazy, that doesn't mean they are fangirl smooching Loki (nor are they necessarily calling Thor a villain when pointing out that he has done some thing that definitely aren't all that charming). Loki is a villain, but the question is why is he a villain. That may not interest everyone, but it piques my interest and that's why I came here - along with the fact that spoilers can be found here too. I'm also an academic, used to picking anything apart, analysing everything, question everything and I will not retort to simple explanations or use labels that has little value if you want an insight in someone's scenic brain, and that goes for Loki as well as for Thor.

They had a moment like that in the Thor1 online script, when Loki and Thor are fighting in the observatory. For some reason, they didn't implement it. But maybe we'll see that in Thor2!
Hopefully, but that all depends on if it fits in the film. Time should allow for more of the things that explains these people though, and if we are to believe what some actors have said, there's a good chance we'll get just that. Yay for us! :woot:

On a side note, I hate this. I want to be spoiled. :argh:
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Happy Valentines Day Everybody (created by LokiafterDark on Tumblr)



Thor- “I admit tis a humorous prank Brother but I fear it is playing with fire.”

Happy Valentine’s Day!

And Loki has been nominated for a Nickelodeon Kids Choice award for Favorite Villain (along with Simon Cowell LOL) Hey, jaqua99, you are still young enough to vote for a Kids Choice Award, right? (LOL I KID! I KID! Joking!! :p)

Favorite Villain

Reed Alexander (iCarly)
Simon Cowell (The X Factor)
Tom Hiddleston (The Avengers)
Julia Roberts (Mirror Mirror)

Chris and RDJ are nominated for favorite Butt Kicker and Avengers for Favorite film (up against Hunger Games so that one probably they won't get). But I definitely think there's a good chance Loki will win. :D
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Kids choice awards?

A friend sent me this today.

I really had a beverage moment there when I opened the file. Had to clean up the laptop actually. :funny:
Okay time to cleanse the pallet and get that image out of my head. LOL


Loki is not amused. :BA

I wonder how much he'll wear the helmet in Thor 2. I mean he's said how hot it is, how it scrambles his brains from the heat, and uncomfortable. Seems like he may not wear it as much due to being in prison for part of it. Not like Thor ever has to wear his... :whatever:
I wouldn't mind Thor using his helmet a bit more actually, though from the pics we've got it seems he's not.

If Loki wears his it's probably during some of the outdoor scenes, and if it's during the Iceland ones, heat won't be much of a problem. :cwink: Good lord, they dress up in shorts and Hawaiian shirts when it's 15 C/60F and call it summer. Says something about temperatures over there.
Happy Valentines Day Everybody (created by LokiafterDark on Tumblr)


And Loki has been nominated for a Nickelodeon Kids Choice award for Favorite Villain (along with Simon Cowell LOL) Hey, jaqua99, you are still young enough to vote for a Kids Choice Award, right? (LOL I KID! I KID! Joking!! :p)

Chris and RDJ are nominated for favorite Butt Kicker and Avengers for Favorite film (up against Hunger Games so that one probably they won't get). But I definitely think there's a good chance Loki will win. :D

No Elizah, I am a MAN :cmad:


I wouldn't mind Thor using his helmet a bit more actually, though from the pics we've got it seems he's not.

If Loki wears his it's probably during some of the outdoor scenes, and if it's during the Iceland ones, heat won't be much of a problem. :cwink: Good lord, they dress up in shorts and Hawaiian shirts when it's 15 C/60F and call it summer. Says something about temperatures over there.

See. I think that's a good thing though. If he looks hot/uncomfortable/sweaty, I think it adds a different look to the character. Making him scarier, or more intense
I wonder how Loki feels about the horse meat scandal in Britain :hehe:.
I wouldn't mind Thor using his helmet a bit more actually, though from the pics we've got it seems he's not.

If Loki wears his it's probably during some of the outdoor scenes, and if it's during the Iceland ones, heat won't be much of a problem. :cwink: Good lord, they dress up in shorts and Hawaiian shirts when it's 15 C/60F and call it summer. Says something about temperatures over there.

literally doesn't make sense doesn't it? Loki has worn his, and Thor's head gear is more notorious as part of his physical appearance than Loki is. If they can have loki pull it off, with these giant horns, then they can have thor pull it off with wings. It will work. I think it's more of a crown though.

Think about it. Thor wore it during his correnation. Odin had his on. Loki had his on. Loki put it on when he felt he desevers king. So maybe when thor is king, he will wear it in battle..

you know how he summons armor??? I think it could work like that
In Loki's case he seems to dress up in finery, so to speak, when he's projecting power; he aims to be king, and when he morphs on to that armour with his helmet, it's to show what he thinks is what he's meant to be. "Look at me, I'm your ruler (or at least, I mean to be)." That's not exactly what Thor is about, so from that perspective it's logical why he's not wearing his much.

As far as I can remember, Odin didn't make him king, though he tells him he will be a good one. I always assumed they had come to some sort of agreement there, that Odin would keep being king for now, but Thor would become king eventually, just as it had always been. Thor had learned his lesson and knew he still had much to learn. He didn't have to become king at that point either since Odin's powers were restored. If he's not king, well, it seems there is no winged helmet either. Much, anyway. Ceremonies I guess. Let's hope we'll get some of those then.
I think the helmet for him is about a Napoleonic complex, he wants to appear taller/bigger than everyone else, either due to his feelings of inferiority to Thor, or maybe he even subconsciously knows he's a mini Frost Giant.

Oh, and I read a request for shirtless Loki from Godzilla2000 in the Thor thread soooooo...


YOU asked for it Godzilla2000!


Because you know I will not deny a request for shirtless Hiddles...


Even *that guy* is impressed. LOL

or perhaps you prefer manips to make Tom look more like Loki...



or an artist rendition of shirtless Loki?


or good old shirtless comic book Loki?

Helping Lorelei to make Thor jealous....

or showing his blacksmith skills....

Had enough? No? Okay well I'm putting this one in spoiler tags because it is just TOO hot, and I'm not sure some of your hearts can take it so... open with that caution, because this one will cause quite a reaction. REALLY. I promise you it will...


I think it understood that upon Odin's death the throne will go to Thor.

P.S. Curse you Elizah...and proof that shirtless Loki is canon too. ;)
or good old shirtless comic book Loki?

Helping Lorelei to make Thor jealous....

or showing his blacksmith skills....
Hadn't seem the blacksmithing one before!

There's another one you've posted before where he is imprisoned. . .*and* shirtless.

P.S. Curse you Elizah...and proof that shirtless Loki is canon too. ;)

That's what I've been sayin'! :yay:
oh, yes, can't find it at the moment but I remember it looked like he had no pants in that too. Apparently Asgardians have a no shirt no pants no problem policy when it comes to imprisoning and torturing people.

IE shirtless, pantless, myth Loki...





just thank your lucky stars that snake was hanging over his *face* and not *another* part of his body! :whatever:
I think the helmet for him is about a Napoleonic complex, he wants to appear taller/bigger than everyone else, either due to his feelings of inferiority to Thor, or maybe he even subconsciously knows he's a mini Frost Giant.
Well, yes, it is a projection, as much for him as for the everyone else.


:funny: That one really cracked me up when I saw it a while ago.

I think I'm about to get an overdose actually. I've been wading through enormous amounts of Loki pics and gif's on Pinterest lately, because everyone seems to have gone crazy about him (and Hiddles). When did that happen? It was quite calm just a while ago and then suddenly, KAPOW, everyone. It's like a delayed after effect from Avengers or something.
I think it might have something to do with the recent showing of Hollow Crown here in the States on PBS and his portrayal of Prince Hal. All I have to say is that his sauna scene must have caused a fair amount of lusty attention to images of Tom lately.
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