Tracking Thor's return


Man of Mayhem
Jan 30, 2006
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I may be jumping the gun here (maybe nobody has this info) but i'd rather be safe than sorry


Does anyone have any information regarding which issues I would need to read so as not to miss a moment of Thor's return?

(excluding FF 536 and 537 which I already have)

I'd rather not keeping reading FF if it has nothing more to do with Thor.
civil war is the **** u have to read, but issue 1 just came out yesterday so hold your horses.
I've read Civil War #1

to be quite honest I was unimpressed.

Also, what does Civil War have to do with Thor's return? Is he going to return during the Civil War?
Dont get me wrong. I enjoyed it too.

But what can I say? I'm a sucker for hype, and CW has been hyped for months.

Now that I have it in my hands, I dont see how its worth the hype.

I'm jaded and overly demanding of so called BIG EVENTS, that's all.
yeah you're right

I'm also impatient :O
Now that Cap is on the lamb, he should just go to Oklahoma and use the hammer until Thor returns. Remember, he's one of the few people who can actually lift and use the hammer's power. That would give Iron Man, Reed and Hank something to think about.

Anyway, back to Marvel reality, DB probably doesn't stand for Don Blake. It has to be a clue meant to throw people off track. The sooner Thor returns the better. I'd like to see him kick the Sentry's ass right off of New Avengers.
YJ1 said:
Now that Cap is on the lamb, he should just go to Oklahoma and use the hammer until Thor returns. Remember, he's one of the few people who can actually lift and use the hammer's power. That would give Iron Man, Reed and Hank something to think about.

Anyway, back to Marvel reality, DB probably doesn't stand for Don Blake. It has to be a clue meant to throw people off track. The sooner Thor returns the better. I'd like to see him kick the Sentry's ass right off of New Avengers.

HA! That's funny :o
Makes me laugh too.

I'd definitly put money on Thor returning during the Civil War.

What side would a god choose during a civil war?

Millar wouldn't pass up the chance to answer that question.

Mark was previously supposed to write the story of Thors' return in a mini-series but the idea was scraped. I'm guessing for this.
I'm thinking he sides with Cap on this one
YJ1 said:
Anyway, back to Marvel reality, DB probably doesn't stand for Don Blake. It has to be a clue meant to throw people off track.
Who else has those initials that would be signaled to go to Oklahoma?

The simplest (and in this case, most obvious) explanation is usually the right one. :o
I think its Donald Blake, you cant drop that obvious of a hint then go the other way. We call that cheap.

Like for example:

Everyone guess who this guy Ronin is

HA! He's a girl suckers!

(that was bad enough)
DB: *shifts eyes* Err... Doom-bot.
hah I suppose it could be

not that doombot would be able to lift the hammer anyway
bkhedr said:
hah I suppose it could be

not that doombot would be able to lift the hammer anyway
Yes he would be able too. Artificial beings (such as the Air-Walker android) have been shown to be able to pick up the hammer.
Fair enough
but then what?
its not like the doom-bot would get the power of Thor
not that it matters since its Don Blake :D
bkhedr said:
I think its Donald Blake, you cant drop that obvious of a hint then go the other way. We call that cheap.
No, we call those red herrings and they're used all the time in literature. Without them mysteries would never be interesting because people would figure everything out too quickly.
bkhedr said:
I'm thinking he sides with Cap on this one
I agree. He's sided with Cap against Iron Man before, he respects Cap a hell of a lot more than Iron Man, and he's probably not in favor of any paltry mortal law that would hinder the warriors of Midgard's effectiveness in protecting their world.
TheCorpulent1 said:
I agree. He's sided with Cap against Iron Man before, he respects Cap a hell of a lot more than Iron Man, and he's probably not in favor of any paltry mortal law that would hinder the warriors of Midgard's effectiveness in protecting their world.

Yeah he basically said as much in Earth's Mightiest Heroes when the idea to work for the Pentagon was brought up.

Should be interesting. Expecially when it looks like the Sentry will side with Iron Man.

Oh and given where the Sentry's power level seems to have settled at, I think Thor could take him
Purple Man said:
Mark was previously supposed to write the story of Thors' return in a mini-series but the idea was scraped. I'm guessing for this.

Very interesting. I hadnt heard about this
You guys realize I was joking when I said Doom-bot, right?
I figured. It'd be funny and much more surprising than Donald Blake, though. If they wanted to make Thor's return a comedy, that'd be the way to go. The explanation of why a Doombot is traveling with engraved baggage would probably be hilarious just by itself.
Its a sentient Doom Bot that wants its own life, and Thor's hammer. :p
As far as I've Heard and Read, Thor is supposed to return during Civil War they haven't said just the Civil War Title
the important thing is that its not going to be continued in the Fantastic Four

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