
... :-(

The love of my life told me that she, and to a lesser degree, myself, were a lot like the two leads Bella and Edward... so I read the first book, and she was right.

And now we aren't together and these books are EVERYWHERE and I will CONSTANTLY BE REMINDED OF THE PAIN!

Twilight is the name of a movie with Paul Newman and Reese Witherspoon that came out in the late 90's...Reese Witherspoon got naked.
What is the tone of the book ? is it like Buffy or darker ?
it has humor to it. i wouldn't say it's all that darker then buffy


the scene with bella and james in the dance studio is pretty dark and graphic, lots of blood and glass
The Cullen Family



What sort of action can we expect ? Are those the first still Lil' sis ?
yeah they are the first stills of all of the cullen characters together, there are no single shots yer.

well there is lots of stunt work being put into the movie such as

when edward takes bella on his back while they are running in the woods, however they are changing the story a bit and instead of him running through the woods, he is running over the woods, not too keen on that idea, but i'm still waiting to see how that goes

and there is of course the baseball game where they are playing under a storm which i am glad they kept in the movie

that's all i've heard so far on meyer's site and the mtv interview with kristin stewart
The woods part sounds interesting, does the Baseball game turn into something more ?

Which are Bella and Edward in those pics ?
The woods part sounds interesting, does the Baseball game turn into something more ?

Which are Bella and Edward in those pics ?
i'm sure there is more they are going to add now that i think of it there is the scene where

where bella is about to be hit by an out of control van when edward throws her out of the way by her legs and literally pushes the van out of the way with his bare hands

bella is not in those pictures but edward is the one in the front with black pants and the dark blue shirt. he played cedric diggory in the goblet of fire btw.
i'm sure there is more they are going to add now that i think of it there is the scene where

where bella is about to be hit by an out of control van when edward throws her out of the way by her legs and literally pushes the van out of the way with his bare hands

bella is not in those pictures but edward is the one in the front with black pants and the dark blue shirt. he played cedric diggory in the goblet of fire btw.

That sounds like it has potential to be a pretty cool scene if the director is on his game.

How do you feel about the choice of the guy playing Edward ? is he how you imagined from the book ?

Have you got a pic of the actress playing Bella ?
That sounds like it has potential to be a pretty cool scene if the director is on his game.

How do you feel about the choice of the guy playing Edward ? is he how you imagined from the book ?

Have you got a pic of the actress playing Bella ?
yeah in the book it happens pretty quick but i'm hoping it'll turn out great

i'll admit, at first i was surprised by the choice of edward. in the book, edward is nothing but pale perfection. everyone was thinking they were going to pick a drop dead gorgeous choice, not that robert isn't attractive or anything. by now, he has grown on me, and i'm excited to see how he plays the role. he is a talented actor.

this is a recent picture of her at sundance

The Bella is a terrible choice for the girl from the book. She's the girl that was in Panic Room and Catch That Kid, she's grown up, is too old for the part, looks and acts nothing like her... it's a dissapointment.
I've never read the book, so I know next to nothing of what to expect. But with what Jolie is saying, i'm interested. :up: I'll look for the book next time i'm at the bookstore.
The Bella is a terrible choice for the girl from the book. She's the girl that was in Panic Room and Catch That Kid, she's grown up, is too old for the part, looks and acts nothing like her... it's a dissapointment.

i think the only casting choices they've really got done perfectly so far are emmet and jessica. even though emmet's hair is longer in the novel, he looks like he walked right out of the book.

well bella is supposed to be very ordinary looking and a clutz, so we'll see. hopefully she'll do a good job, some people were wanting the girl from a series of unfortunate events though.
yeah in the book it happens pretty quick but i'm hoping it'll turn out great

i'll admit, at first i was surprised by the choice of edward. in the book, edward is nothing but pale perfection. everyone was thinking they were going to pick a drop dead gorgeous choice, not that robert isn't attractive or anything. by now, he has grown on me, and i'm excited to see how he plays the role. he is a talented actor.

this is a recent picture of her at sundance


It sounds like a scene the director can expand.

Good attitude Lil' sis, it's very rare the casting matches our mental image with these things.

She was good in Panic Room and if the girl is supposed to look ordinary she fits the bill.
It sounds like a scene the director can expand.

Good attitude Lil' sis, it's very rare the casting matches our mental image with these things.

She was good in Panic Room and if the girl is supposed to look ordinary she fits the bill.

thanks, i'm trying my best to keep the positive attitude, you're right it is rare, how else am i going to enjoy what could be a great adaption?:yay:

yeah, i'm hoping she can get her clutzy, average vibe as well, that is key.
Thanks. I'll be sure to tell you what I think about it when I get the chance to pick it up. :yay:

can't wait to hear your thought ;)

i will admit it isn't the most brilliant writing in the world, i consider it a little bit of a guilty pleasure, but nonetheless it is quite enjoyable. :yay:
can't wait to hear your thought ;)

i will admit it isn't the most brilliant writing in the world, i consider it a little bit of a guilty pleasure, but nonetheless it is quite enjoyable. :yay:

That's fine with me, i'm up to reading anything new. :applaud
thanks, i'm trying my best to keep the positive attitude, you're right it is rare, how else am i going to enjoy what could be a great adaption?:yay:

yeah, i'm hoping she can get her clutzy, average vibe as well, that is key.

Exactly. :up:

I thought she was good in Panic Room and had an awkwardness about her, so she should work.

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