The Amazing Spider-Man Uncle Ben's Death: Theatrical vs. Deleted


Jan 10, 2004
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I know there are a deleted scenes thread, but this is a big thing I saw from the Blu-ray.

The alt version of his death is completely different, and the Theatrical version just feels like a re-edited style of the original.

When you watch the deleted scene, some minor stuff in the theatrical kinda make more sense visually when you see it, especially the Cop saying he got the sketch drawing from "witness'".

And Peter seeing the image for the first time NOT knowing it was the blonde dude and looking like a bigger impact.
I know there are a deleted scenes thread, but this is a big thing I saw from the Blu-ray.

The alt version of his death is completely different, and the Theatrical version just feels like a re-edited style of the original.

When you watch the deleted scene, some minor stuff in the theatrical kinda make more sense visually when you see it, especially the Cop saying he got the sketch drawing from "witness'".

And Peter seeing the image for the first time NOT knowing it was the blonde dude and looking like a bigger impact.

exactly that´s why he is finding him, because he just has the description he never saw his face, he only knows the star tatoo thing and the drawing
Ya I thought the deleted one makes more sense IMO. I have no idea why it was cut/re-shot.
Oh I disagree. Connors talking to himself in the sewers was cheesy, Bad Lizard was okay but the screaming girls ruined it, the second Rooftop kiss was redundant, and "Connors' Condolences" was give or take and would have probably made the pacing slower. The scene where Connors talks with Billy should have been kept in only if they were to keep in all the other scenes with the Connors family (which they should have). Peter following Connors didn't HAVE to be in the film; same with the "Help Me" scene. I would have wanted the lair scene to stay, though.
The pacing needed to be slower though, imo. I feel all the scenes were needed to develop Connors a bit more and to also show a pure feral beast that Connors had become as the Lizard instead of what we got in the film.
The pacing needed to be slower though, imo. I feel all the scenes were needed to develop Connors a bit more and to also show a pure feral beast that Connors had become as the Lizard instead of what we got in the film.
I agree about there needing to be more of a transition with Connors. If they did something close to the SSM version of Connors/The Lizard, that would have been perfect.
I think I liked the death of Ben more as seen in the theatrical cut. But I hte the fact that he tried to be the hero that got killed :(. But there are also some pretty cool shots that were used in the theatrical cut (from the alternative Ben death scene).
I do prefer the film version of Ben's death.

All the Connors scenes would have made the film better. The transition was a problem for me because it was quick and cheap, and completely undermined Connors humanity (and therefore the impact of the transformation). I foolishly thought we'd get something closer to The Fly, but instead got an uninspired paint by numbers comic-book transformation. Webb was obviously interfered with by Sony execs to cut some of that out, despite what he says in interviews. We'll never get a great Spidey film unless they allow a director free reigns to achieve his vision.

Every other scene (minus the girls in the bathroom) should have been in the film. The sewer monolouge was no more cheesy then the internal monologue, but it was more dramatic at least. Off topic, but wasn't the cheese supposed to be left behind with Webb at the helm? Just for once in my lifetime can we have a Spider-Man film cheese free..

The best parts of the film were the relationships (performances). There were some great moments. You could tell Webb was influenced by Ray in this, even Peter's idiosyncrasies had a Jim Stark quality to them.
I think they both have good elements that I'd like to mix into one.

I liked in the deleted scene for example that Peter ignored the call. I liked in the theatrical cut that Uncle Ben and the burglar fought for the gun just across the street from Peter.
I think they both sucked.Just for the fact the fact that Ben acted recklessly and tried to go for him
Deleted. But none of them is perfect.
I also liked the deleted version slightly more but really didn't make as much sense as the theatrical.

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