Fantastic job. Surprised people aren't talking about his performance. Tom Conti as the doctor was an annoying side character friend of the hero. He's like Paul Giamatti from Planet of the Apes.
lol, Conti was cool. His character was really clever, considering he was in many ways an Alfred stand in while Bruce was in the prison.
But yeah, Uri was great. I loved how he started chanting "Deshi, Basarah" when Bruce finally climbed the pit. Man, I teared up so hard during that scene when I first saw TDKR in IMAX.
Amazing? He was annoying as hell. Even when he wasn't speaking he had this dumb Droopy Dog look on his face.HELLLLLLL NO! And i dont mean about Uri Gavriel cuz he was great. Tom Conti was amazing. Not annoying to me at all, very happy with his role.
I thought he was great, especially at the football field. He came off believable.Yes Uri Gavriel was the Doctor, what did you guys think about the performance of Alon Aboutboul as Dr. Leonid Pavel ?
Amazing? He was annoying as hell. Even when he wasn't speaking he had this dumb Droopy Dog look on his face.
I said EVEN when he wasn't speaking he had a dumb look on his face, which meant when he wasn't giving corny performances he was standing around looking stupid. Usually this happens with the crappy extras Nolan usually hires, but it finally seeped into one of the main actors who should have not been in this movie to begin with.So you are judging a man's acting capabilities and his role based on his face? A bit shallow, don't ya think?![]()
Amazing? He was annoying as hell. Even when he wasn't speaking he had this dumb Droopy Dog look on his face.
Amazing? He was annoying as hell. Even when he wasn't speaking he had this dumb Droopy Dog look on his face.
I thought Uri was impressive with the handful scenes he was given. His dialogue and delivery were excellent, in my honest opinion.
"Then make the climb. As the child did. Without the rope"
"...then, fear will find you again."
The prison scenes are my favorite of the whole film.
Definitely shed a few the first few times I saw that catharsis moment.
Very moving. It may not be a stretch to say that moment, that scene, is when
"the dark knight rises"
Is it weird that the prison scenes and Bruce climbing in general have become a sense of inspiration for me as I go through a tough time right now? Whenever anxiety and depression boil up, the image of the climb pops in my head...and it really helps.
It's normal. Batman could be anyone. He is ahuman being who conquers everyday troubles and more. If he can do it in a pit with a box of scraps (yes that was intentional), why can't we do it too?
It's normal. Batman could be anyone. He is ahuman being who conquers everyday troubles and more. If he can do it in a pit with a box of scraps (yes that was intentional), why can't we do it too?