Have any of you read his remarks? Because judging from your responses, none of you actually have.
He doesn't call for an increase in the federal government's role in race relations. In fact, for most of you "libertarians," he calls for something you should all agree with: Personal responsibility. Holder is referencing how we, as a society, have the ability to stay silent when silence is not merited. He refers to how we, as a society, should discuss things which we are afraid to discuss because we may be embarrassed.
Have any of you studied the Civil Rights movement? You do know that segregation in the South didn't just end because Martin Luther King, Jr. gave a rousing speech many people liked, right? You do know that there were movements in individual cities, which collectively added up to the removal of many segregation laws? And that in some places, African Americans and whites stood in the way of progress by ceding to segregation, as if not to seem "out of place"?
All it took, for me, was once glance at the comments in the CNN article to understand what he was referring to. He didn't lambaste whites, blacks, Hispanics, Jews, etc.-- he criticized ALL of America for failing to speak up when necessary, for constantly yielding to the perceived majority. He claims that some subjects make people uncomfortable. He believes that we should NOT act this way.
Christ, he was speaking at a Black History event, where he was discussing RACE.
Some of you really need to put your anti-government sentiment aside before attacking politicians who you already have a pre-conceived bias against.