Using Elements of "Superman Lives" in a Sequel - Could it Work?


Jan 16, 2011
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So the other day I watched "The Death of Superman Lives - What Happened?" the documentary about the failed Superman project that almost got off the ground in the late 1990s. It's a fascinating film, especially when Jon Peters starts talking about his days as a street fighter (WTF?). We've heard so much about the movie over the years and I'm convinced some stuff would have look awful on the big screen, chiefly Nic Cage as Superman/Clark Kent, Brainiac having some sort of weird spider-legged body, the regeneration suit, etc.

On the other hand, some of the concept art for the film really did look pretty cool. The Fortress, Brainiac's ship, Krypton and LexCorp really had a lot going for them. It got me thinking that perhaps in the hands of the right director--maybe someone like Peter Jackson--these designs might really look good. Tim Burton ultimately might have worked out fine in the director's chair (most of the concepts originated with him, of course) although I have a feeling that in his hands it might have ultimately ended up looking too gothic and weird. But in the hands of someone who knows how to balance out the light and the dark a little bit better, some of this stuff could really look cool.

As for the story elements... well, we know now that Doomsday will be appearing. Whether he ultimately kills Superman in BvS or not I have no idea (I hope not) but if so, or if that's coming somewhere down the road, then perhaps we could see aspects of Superman Lives on the big screen. More interesting than Doomsday though is the way SL presented Brainiac. I like the idea of Giger-esque Brainy having this vast ship full of alien species that he's experimented on and turned into monsters. Something like that could be really, REALLY cool in the right hands. Not a fan of Brainy and Lex "merging" at the end though, or having Brainy massacre polar bears.

What do you think? Do you think the next Superman film might take some elements from Superman Lives? Should it? Or should they avoid it like the plague?
Seeing the concept art from that documentary I did think that it would be nice for Superman to go more bizarre or 'quirky'. Why not have weird looking aliens and not be afraid to go a bit more left of centre for Superman. I don't know how far we'll go with the weirdness with Superman in Snyder's JL movie,s but after that I think they could go more off-kilter, have Superman explore outer space, other dimensions, fantastical ideas and visit strange planets etc. where it would call for more bizarre designs.
Yeah, I'd like to see that too. It would be great to see Superman in a deep space adventure. If we don't get that with Supes, hopefully we'll at least get it with Green Lantern.
Yeah, I'd like to see that too. It would be great to see Superman in a deep space adventure. If we don't get that with Supes, hopefully we'll at least get it with Green Lantern.

Grant Morrison showed that you can go 'deep space' with Superman and also have some really interesting ideas behind it, that is more than just spectacle.
They've already used some elements in both Superman Returns, Man of Steel and seemingly in the upcoming Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, not only from Superman Lives but other Superman projects that were abandoned aka Flyby, Batman vs Superman etc. I mean some it is probably purely confidence and can even be linked back to past Superman movies, TV shows etc but there are things there that match:

Superman Returns
Grey costume (not really the same as Superman Lives black costume but a costume minus the underpants and different to the classic)
Plane sequence, although I believe this was because they'd already spent money on the idea (Superman Flyby)

Man of Steel
Black Superman costume (Superman Lives)
Superman's costume was very similar to some production art from (Superman Flyby)
Faora's costume was very similar Ty Zor's (Superman Flyby)
Kryptonian's at war (Superman Flyby)
Superman killing Zod (TyZor in Superman Flyby)
Alienation, Clark trying to find his way in the world (Superman Lives/Flyby)
Superman vs a Giant Spider [kind of] (Superman Lives)

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Doomsday (Superman Reborn/Lives)
Batman fighting Superman, ok could be attributed to the comics but it nearly happened in the early 2000s (Batman vs Superman)

Others too but they escape me right now
Here is some of the concept art:










Everyone here seen the documentary? I think the big reason it didn't work was because everyone was pulling in different directions. It needed someone to oversee it that actually gave a damn about Superman instead of something to simply sell toys. It's funny how people love to **** on the Salkinds yet they pumped money into Superman and gave us a consistent run of Superman movies (Supergirl and a 4 season TV show about Superboy) yet under Peters it took over a decade for us to get one Superman movie.

The concept art from this movie is incredible though, I really wish they'd do some form of comic book adaptation for it.
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Everyone here seen the documentary? I think the big reason it didn't work was because everyone was pulling in different directions. It needed someone to oversee it that actually gave a damn about Superman instead of something to simply sell toys. It's funny how people love to **** on the Salkinds yet they pumped money into Superman and gave us a consistent run of Superman movies (Supergirl and a 4 season TV show about Superboy) yet under Peters it took over a decade for us to get one Superman movie.

The concept art from this movie is incredible though, I really wish they'd do some form of comic book adaptation for it.

I agree, too many people pulling it in different directions.

And Jon Peters executive producing Superman did mean elements were carried on to other movies.

I just hope that a future Superman movie takes risks, and is a true sci-fi story.

btw here (again) is Jon Peters with the Flyby costume:

I think a Man of Steel did take risks and was a true Sci-Fi story but I would love to see a more cosmic story where Superman takes off into space and takes on a threat.
I think a Man of Steel did take risks and was a true Sci-Fi story but I would love to see a more cosmic story where Superman takes off into space and takes on a threat.

This!!! Superman is so scifi. Would love to see a Brainiac centric Superman movie
This!!! Superman is so scifi. Would love to see a Brainiac centric Superman movie

I'd love to see a movie either like the Superman Brainiac (later adapted into Superman Unbound) or the Panic in the Sky storyline done as movie.
I think a Man of Steel did take risks and was a true Sci-Fi story but I would love to see a more cosmic story where Superman takes off into space and takes on a threat.

I know, just that I want it to really start exploring that side of things and really start going where Superman has never gone before. Really go back to his comic book roots, why he was created and where he's gone in his comic book stories. MOS was a great base to start with, they can really take off from that.

I'd love to see a movie either like the Superman Brainiac (later adapted into Superman Unbound) or the Panic in the Sky storyline done as movie.

Those are good ones. I like what Grant Morrison did with Brainiac in the New 52. Also what he did with Superman in Final Crisis in Superman Beyond 3D.

I also like what they did with Brainiac in the animated series, such as "Stolen Memories".

Another interesting way to go with Superman was in "For The Man Who Has Everything" the Alan Moore story in the Justice League show, where we see Krypton again.

Superman:Godfall was also pretty interesting.
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I know, just that I want it to really start exploring that side of things and really start going where Superman has never gone before. Really go back to his comic book roots, why he was created and where he's gone in his comic book stories. MOS was a great base to start with, they can really take off from that.

Agreed, could make for a hell of a movie

Those are good ones. I like what Grant Morrison did with Brainiac in the New 52. Also what he did with Superman in Final Crisis in Superman Beyond 3D.

I also like what they did with Brainiac in the animated series, such as "Stolen Memories".

Another interesting way to go with Superman was in "For The Man Who Has Everything" the Alan Moore story in the Justice League show, where we see Krypton again.

Superman:Godfall was also pretty interesting.

Yeah there are many good examples, even stories that aren't necessarily executed well but have good ideas behind them aswell.

I do think the Justice League may take us down a more cosmic path, remember on Justice League the two part episode Twilight of the Gods where the JL helped Apokolips take on Brainiac. Something like that would make for an awesome JL movie.
Agreed, could make for a hell of a movie

Yeah there are many good examples, even stories that aren't necessarily executed well but have good ideas behind them aswell.

I do think the Justice League may take us down a more cosmic path, remember on Justice League the two part episode Twilight of the Gods where the JL helped Apokolips take on Brainiac. Something like that would make for an awesome JL movie.

Yeah the Justice League movies will probably get going with that. I thought JL2 would introduce us to Darkseid, but it looks like he may be in JL1. But whatever the case, I'm sure we'll be out in space and possibly Apokolips soon enough, by the end of JL2. That could mark the start of any of the JL characters going cosmic in their own movies. And a director can come in and work with what is already established and have the freedom to go all out.
Yeah the Justice League movies will probably get going with that. I thought JL2 would introduce us to Darkseid, but it looks like he may be in JL1. But whatever the case, I'm sure we'll be out in space and possibly Apokolips soon enough, by the end of JL2. That could mark the start of any of the JL characters going cosmic in their own movies. And a director can come in and work with what is already established and have the freedom to go all out.

Yeah, don't forget aswell we have Green Lantern corps that wil be a cosmic story too.
Where can I watch the Superman lives documentary?
I'd watch Henry Cavill play Electric Superman. That might be fun.

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