Villain Predictions


Jul 31, 2006
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Does anyone remember far enough back before Sandman and Venom were confirmed to remember who were the predicted villain(s) for Spider-Man 3?

I know GG2 (New Goblin) was always predicted... Lizard was too... but was there any others that were predicted? What other characters were predicted. What storylines were predicted?

What weird and whacky ideas were formed and what "rumors" were made?
New Goblin was inevetible because of 2's ending.
They better use Lizard in 4. At this point everyone wants him in it, I don't know one perspn who dosen't & everyone on forums wants him too.
Well Lizard for Spider-Man 4 is a no brainer, if they don't use him I'm probobly gonna form a riot. :p

But it's Spider-Man 3 i'm talking about... before the real villains were announced.
Everyone predicted Venom because: a) it was the third movie, and b) Raimi pretty much gave it away in early '05.

Nobody predicted Sandman until Church had been cast, at which point they started assuming he would play either Sandman or Venom. When Grace was cast, people were really thrown for a loop and theorized that he was either Venom, Electro, or Chameleon.

And then around September '05, Dunst spilled the beans and revealed that the villains were both Sandman and Venom, and that Church and Grace would be playing them respectively.
I remember when it was speculated that Church and Grace were both Chameleon, just in different disguises.
Man Wolf was an early rumor too, to keep the whole John Jameson angle.
New Goblin was thought to be either Green Goblin II or Hobgoblin.

Man-Wolf was an idea.

Lizard was an idea since number 2.

Electro was an idea.

Sandman was an idea and of course was in it, lol.

Vulture was an idea and shelved for Venom at the last second.

I believe Venom was never thought of until Raimi's meeting with Arad over Sandman and Vulture being the main villains.
Can someone post the pic of Vulture and Sandman from the "Art of Spider-Man 3" (highest quality would be appreciated)

I believe Venom was never thought of until Raimi's meeting with Arad over Sandman and Vulture being the main villains.
Venom came in when they couldn't come up with a way to have Vulture be part of some aspect of Peter's personal life.
I predicted Venom, Sandman, Man-Wolf, and I think the Lizard. If I remeber correctly, people used to say that Thomas Hayden Church was going to play Chameleon. He defenitley makes a better Sandman.
There's still a prediction recorded where the person thought that Topher was to play the "voice" of the symbiote, that Haden Church was to play a Sandman who would bond with the symbiote at the end, and that someone else would be playing Eddie who would bond with it as a cliffhanger.

All of that over confusion of whether "Venom" meant the being or the's funny how the rumor mill worked even after the script leak. I still say "BRUCE IS MYSTERIO!" is a classic.
Oh yea, cause when Avi said there was a 4th villain, everyone crapped the pants and went all "Bruce is Mysterio!"
Then he backtracked and said he meant the suit, yet people kept on thinking Campbell was going to play Beck. Ah, good times...
Back in 04 I predicted GG2 and Lizard
I remember Sandman being heavily predicted because he was a favorite of both Raimi and Tobey
I called GG2 in SM3 back in 2002 after I saw SM1. That was obvious to me even then.

As for who else I thought may be in the movie, well I was one of those flat out wrong people who argued to the death that Venom would not be in it. I admit that. I did see Sandman after all those interviews where Tobey mentioned him. He didn't surprise me in the least.
I called GG2 in SM3 back in 2002 after I saw SM1. That was obvious to me even then.

As for who else I thought may be in the movie, well I was one of those flat out wrong people who argued to the death that Venom would not be in it. I admit that. I did see Sandman after all those interviews where Tobey mentioned him. He didn't surprise me in the least.
I also argued that Venom wouldnt be in it. Even when images had been revealed, I thought it'd only be a cliffhanger. I also thought that Cyclops wasnt going to die in X3 even after he had.
Anyone besides me think that that Silver Goblin mask they showed could be used for Hobgoblin?
I think the New Goblin and Venom are comming back in the SpiderMan 3 remake.:woot:

i rememer before they even had a script for SM3, Tobey said how he wanted Sandman, and thats how i had a good feeling were going to see Flint in sm3
Venom came in when they couldn't come up with a way to have Vulture be part of some aspect of Peter's personal life.

Yes...that was in the meeting because I believe it was Avi Arad that asked that question.

Because Sam Raimi, even though Vulture wasn't connected to Peter's life, the Vulture was going to be a past foe stuck in prison and Sandman breaks him out because he found out that Vulture has a past with Spider-Man.
How will we get symbiote Spidey then? Venom should always be after symbiote Spidey!

Kinda keep the same story line but a hell of a lot better! Things needed to get more personal between Peter and Eddie because I felt Eddie was really sensative rather than his entire life literally being ruined by Pete. And among other things.

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