I suggest you purchase West Coast Avengers vol. 2, issues 42-45, and what the heck, issue 46 as well (first appearance of the Great Lakes Avengers!).
That being said I'll give you the jist of it:
*Ahem* If you will recall in Avengers 233
http://www.comics.org/coverview.lasso?id=37588&zoom=4 the Vision went comatose while trying to fight Annihilus's barrier that was causing havok in Manhattan. Well, in order to fix him the Avengers put him up to a life support system to see what could be done. In Avengers 238
http://www.comics.org/coverview.lasso?id=38047&zoom=4 Starfox found a way to communicate with the Vision by hooking him up with a computer called Issac. I'm not sure what Issac was all about exactly since I'm currently missing some Avengers issues but Issac convinced Vizh to try to find a suitable solution to create everlasting peace on the world through the internet (bare with me).
Anyway, with his new found power as Avengers chairman Vizh started to go crazy and seek a perfect utopia free of hate and violence and full of peace and love. Thus, he left his physical body and become a spectral traveller in cyberspace creating a disturbance in computers worldwide (see Avengers 252-254). But his fellow Avengers were able to talk him out of it without the use of violence ( Avengers 254). Thus, it seemed the whole matter was settled. But unbeknownst to the Avengers many high ranking government officials around the world, particularly in the U.S., traced the disturbance to the Avengers and ultimately the villain and decided to put a stop to it. But the Vizh and Wanda quit the Avengers shortly thereafter. As a result, the government officials put their plans against him on hold in case he rejoined the Avengers.
When he and Wanda joined the West Coast Avengers in issues 33/34 then scientists and gov't officials decided to take action. This they did in Vision Quest (Avengers 42-45), using Mockingbird as an unwitting pawn in their ruthless game (further alienating her from her estranged Hawkeye and from the Scarlet Witch as well), and dismantling him completely. See West Coast Avengers 44 if you wish to see the Visions guts.
Anyway, the Whackos found him. Wanda destroyed the lab in fury. Hank tried to fix him up but unfortunately Wonder Man didn't want to put his brain patterns back in Vizh because he loved Wanda. As a reult, the Vision had less emotion than when he started out with and didn't feel any emotional attachment to anything, including Wanda. He was turned white because that is the color because as Hank Pym said when he was working on him in issue 45, page 9, panel 2 is "My primary concern now is what to do with his bio-synthetic skin. When it was removed, its circulatory system was badly traumatized, as you can see...." To which Wonder Man replied, "Yeah....I wonder what Wanda's going to think about he husbands new hue...?"
On page 27 panel 1 of the same issue (45), USAgent, newest member, government assigned member, and Hawkeye's new rival, is having an argument with Vision. Actually, he's arguing, Vision is merely replying with no emotion. Agent wants Vizh to put on clothes. But Vizh says he doesn't need clothes neither for protection, vanity, or modesty, because he has no emotion and doesn't feel these things. Wasp comes up to Vizh and gives him his tattered old uniform to call everything down. He took the uniform and bleached it down to match his skin color.
"But, why the bleaching of the color, Vision? Why...?" asks Wanda.
"I am called 'the Vision.' is it not logical that I look the part? Spectral... Unearthly..." replied Vision.
Thus, you have the new no-nonsense Vision.
Dang, that was a lot. I hope you'll excuse me but I am EXTREMELY BORED!