Come on, who doesn't have a secret play list on their MP3 player filled with Weird Al songs? Talk about your favorites here.
I love Weird Al and really, really, really want to see him live. Next time he's touring, you and me should go Ferret.
So many good songs that it's hard to pick a favourite. My favourite album might be Bad Hair Day or Poodle Hat. Straight Outta Lynwood had too many rap/hip-hop parodies.
Anyone ever seen his movie, UHF?
Anyone ever seen his movie, UHF?
I'll say something else about UHF. As far as spoof movies go, it's certainly no Airplane!, but it's thousands of miles ahead of the seemingly endless cavalcade of [Insert Adjective Here] Movies. Al's character is a constant daydreamer and that's where the spoofs come from.