Well, he wasnt a comic reader to begin with by his own admission. He knew and liked the Batman character but didnt read comics. As of now, I dont know
Just like Burton ... but with that said Nolan (and his brother) do have admiration for the actual character and his stories. Burton however, in typical fashion, was just attracted to the "image".
Nolan talked about a few years back of reading some of the hallmark graphic novels (like Bale), but was never like an avid comic book reader.
I think the book he talked about borrowing and/or reading with his brother was TDK Returns. Oddly, the inspiration for TDK Rises.
Christopher Nolan said:
Why the “Batman” Franchise Stalled: “I think that when Tim Burton made his film in 1989, which was a brilliant film, visionary and extraordinarily idiosyncratic, it’s a very, very stylized movie and when you go down that road… I mean to get to four films is pretty impressive because you’re going to hit a dead end at a certain point. I mean it’s so extreme in its approach it’s bound to.”
He's absolutely right. With such a stylized and ultimately flawed approach (from a franchise, multiple movie, and story perspective) it was the wrong way to go. For instance, B89. As a one off movie, it's fine. A triumph of style of substance.
But, Burton also limited himself by basing the mythos off the early 1930's Bob Kane stuff. The characters, story, and mythos wasn't as fleshed out and layered yet ... so it didn't lend it self off those circumstances alone to making many movies or compelling stories.
It was a mistake IMO to base the story off the 1939 stuff in 1989. Batman was presented as mysterioso to us as readers in 1939 because they were still coming up with his story. Even if in 1989 if the general audience still knew him as a goofy, camp character, you didn't have to go to the underdeveloped and basically infancy stages of the Batman mythos to base your story off of. It has too low of a ceiling.
And that shows in the sequels. The audience is supposed to be rooting for BRUCE WAYNE, but there is such limited character arc, growth, and peril to put Bruce Wayne through to MAKE him a HERO to root for in the film ... it makes everything ultimately really boring, and lacks any kind of tension. There isn't enough pathos and backstory given for us to care about the damn protagonist haha ...
We end up getting more character development and screen time, through both B89 and Returns to the people he faces. Which ultimately leaves the viewing experience polarizing. Those are supposed to be the monsters or threats of the movie. You're supposed to give those people less development, and more for your protagonists. The person we the audience are rooting for to overcome obstacles has to be given more rapport and care.
As they say if something is too much of an image (whether its a movie, just a good looking woman you lust after) ... but you don't actually love, or have depth to ... if it's just an image, it loses its VISCERAL impact.
Case in point, Burton's fancy and interesting looking ... yet totally hollow and boring Batman films.