This was not a perfect movie (there's no perfect movie, even Casablanca has goofs), but I thought it was a terrific adaptation of the source material.
I'm not saying people should all LOVE the movie, but I am getting tired of people spewing out hateful comments about the squid, the excessive slo-mo (it's not), how this could have been done better, how it was "dumbed-down", how *insert actor* was totally wrong and they would have gotten someone else, blah blah blah.
Jesus Christ, people....what does it take to make you happy?
If you get a 100% adaptation, you whine about "meh, they just filmed the comic, there's no creativity".
If you get changes, you whine about "meh, they totally change the story".
You get an instrumental musical score, you whine about it not being good enough.
You get a new song, you whine about it "dating the movie" or "selling out".
You get an older song representing something in the movie (the theme, the era, etc), you whine about the movie being pretentious and trying to be deep.
I think Snyder ought to get a goddamned medal for taking on this huge project and making sense out of it without having to do a 12 hour mini-series.
There's criticism to be done, of course, I mean, I ask again, what movie is perfect?
But it pisses me off the way some people voice their complaints, as if they were some kind of know-it-all connoisseur, in a very annoying and snobby way, like they could have done better (like I said in a different thread, grab a damn camera and do something about it then).
This is not limited to just here, of course, and I'm not saying people shouldn't's just that I believe some people focus exclusively on the negative things, as if not being satisfied with the movie and acting so cynical about it somehow makes them unique or cool (it doesn't).
I'm gonna get blasted for this thread, I'm sure, and I don't care.
I guess some people will understand what I'm trying to say, though.
Me? I am 100% grateful for the great movie that I got, and 100% grateful to Snyder who had the balls to make the best movie he could, for not backing down to a PG-13 rating, for getting "actors" instead of "stars" or "flavors of the month", and for many other things.
I'm not saying people should all LOVE the movie, but I am getting tired of people spewing out hateful comments about the squid, the excessive slo-mo (it's not), how this could have been done better, how it was "dumbed-down", how *insert actor* was totally wrong and they would have gotten someone else, blah blah blah.
Jesus Christ, people....what does it take to make you happy?
If you get a 100% adaptation, you whine about "meh, they just filmed the comic, there's no creativity".
If you get changes, you whine about "meh, they totally change the story".
You get an instrumental musical score, you whine about it not being good enough.
You get a new song, you whine about it "dating the movie" or "selling out".
You get an older song representing something in the movie (the theme, the era, etc), you whine about the movie being pretentious and trying to be deep.
I think Snyder ought to get a goddamned medal for taking on this huge project and making sense out of it without having to do a 12 hour mini-series.
There's criticism to be done, of course, I mean, I ask again, what movie is perfect?
But it pisses me off the way some people voice their complaints, as if they were some kind of know-it-all connoisseur, in a very annoying and snobby way, like they could have done better (like I said in a different thread, grab a damn camera and do something about it then).
This is not limited to just here, of course, and I'm not saying people shouldn't's just that I believe some people focus exclusively on the negative things, as if not being satisfied with the movie and acting so cynical about it somehow makes them unique or cool (it doesn't).
I'm gonna get blasted for this thread, I'm sure, and I don't care.
I guess some people will understand what I'm trying to say, though.
Me? I am 100% grateful for the great movie that I got, and 100% grateful to Snyder who had the balls to make the best movie he could, for not backing down to a PG-13 rating, for getting "actors" instead of "stars" or "flavors of the month", and for many other things.