What does it mean to be black?


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May 2, 2004
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What does it mean to be Black enough?

What does it mean to be black or African American?

For myself claiming to be African American just means I acknowledge and claim the origins of my African ancestors over other parts of my genetic background and heritage and also that I'm an American in the sense of me not only being born and raised here but that my ancestors played an important part of the foundation and construction of this country.

With that said I think it’s even more important to live up to our potential as a human being and live down to the stereotypical traits that we as a people have been assigned by others throughout the centuries.

We can have our own culture but I think it should be clean and decent.

We can have our own food but I think it should be fit for optimum human health.

We can and should have our own mind, a free mind that demonstrates our intelligence and ability for moral and rational thought; a grown-up adult mind that no longer requires us to be told what to do or how to think or not to think period. A mind that adds to the American think tank that assists in the progression of American society and in all areas of development from social, economic, political to education and health care for all people. In another word; Leadership. First and foremost to our black children and then to each other and the rest of the public.

We should be a people that in spite of our humble and degrading origins as the children of slaves demonstrate the strength of the human spirit by picking ourselves up and finding solutions to the entire social and economic issues that plague our community OURSELVES. Do for self and show that we are not victims nor do we have a victim mentality that results in waiting for a never arriving Savior to save us.

Its not an issue of being black enough, its an issue of us being man and woman enough to demonstrate that we no longer on the bottom of the global totem pole but we are equal to every other group of people on this planet in EVERY sense of the word.

I know this is a very idealistic commentary but ideas are the substance that reality is made of and ideas start in our mind.

Once we as African Americans change our mentality then we can and will achieve all of the things mentioned and more.

You know, it's been awhile since I've heard someone say something as honest and as real as that.

Thanks for posting that one.
It means having a big dong and a sense of rhythm :woot:
I think,if it was not for the American constitution..the Africans would have been sent back to their own land.
It means having a big dong and a sense of rhythm :woot:
it means, every time i go into a store..the employees always keep an eye on me thinking I'm gonna steal something:(
I think,if it was not for the American constitution..the Africans would have been sent back to their own land.

Africans were brought to this land before the Constitution and kept being shipped over for decades in spite of it.

Once slavery ended, the descendants of the African slaves had already been in American for over 300 years.

At that point there was no way to send all African Americans to Africa. They would have to just go to war with us and wipe us out.

Plus they would not be sending African-Americans back as the descendants were born in America.
What it means to be black is:

You can't catch a cab

Every race, including your own, hates it when your dating their daughter/s.

Your watched constantly at the store.

Your presumed to be ghetto.

They assume your born knowing how to play basketball.
Golgo is a master of the English language.
What it means to be black is:

You can't catch a cab

Every race, including your own, hates it when your dating their daughter/s.

You watched constantly at the store.

Your presumed be be ghetto.

They assume your born knowing how to play basketball.

Yes, in this world. Its time for this world to be destroyed in order to bring in a new world. A world in which all people are valued and appreciated for their human worth and the best of their culture and accomplishments.
Honestly? In this day and age the only difference between any race is skin pigment and perhaps some pride (or lack thereof) in heritage. The socio-economic strata has become diverse enough that people of all skin colors are growing up in every type of environment imaginable and are becoming who and whatever they want to be. Yes, there will always be prejudice of varying degrees but really all that separates us these days is attitude and perspective, even more so than the color of our skins.

What it means to be black is:

You can't catch a cab

Every race, including your own, hates it when your dating their daughter/s.

You watched constantly at the store.

Your presumed be be ghetto.

They assume your born knowing how to play basketball.

This is a racist generalization.

  • Most of the cab drivers here are Ethiopians. If anything they won't pick up a White guy.
  • There are countless happy families that include mixed race marriages.
  • Some store employees are racists. Some are not.
  • I don't know anyone who would consider this guy to be "ghetto".

Style of dress and methods of speech are not a race.

If these things are "What it means to be Black", then you're saying that Black people who don't fit into your classifications aren't Black. That's silly.
I think that it's impossible to define what it means to be "black," because that's just a skin color. A better question for people to consider is what it means to be human, because I'm not sure a lot of people know lol. I agree with jag when he said that the world is now diverse enough that ethnicities don't fall under any one particular category.
Honestly? In this day and age the only difference between any race is skin pigment and perhaps some pride (or lack thereof) in heritage. The socio-economic strata has become diverse enough that people of all skin colors are growing up in every type of environment imaginable and are becoming who and whatever they want to be. Yes, there will always be prejudice of varying degrees but really all that separates us these days is attitude and perspective, even more so than the color of our skins.

It's still not quite that simple. If your black, your chances of being born into abject poverty are 25% as compared to the population as a whole which ranges from 10-12%. You will earn, on average, 30% less than a white person of equal status. And your net worth, on average, will be 40 thousand as compared to the white average of 120 thousand. Yes, some black people are rich and born into diverse areas of the socio-economic strata, but they were even back in Kennedy and Johnson's time. The problem was, and still is, that the odds of black children being able to succeed as well as their white peers is still very unequal.
It means you have dark skin :o

It means having a big dong and a sense of rhythm :woot:

That and it means your very good at sports; all things ve yet to see proven wrong :up:

You can't catch a cab

Actually I have found most cabbies are black and that means more likely to stop for me.

Every race, including your own, hates it when your dating their daughter/s.

Depends; if play it off like your some g than yeah :down:

Your watched constantly at the store.

Tell me about it :cmad: :down:

Your presumed to be ghetto.

Be grateful; being ghetto is cool yo!

They assume your born knowing how to play basketball.[/quote]

^but that IS true
This is a racist generalization.

  • Most of the cab drivers here are Ethiopians. If anything they won't pick up a White guy.
  • There are countless happy families that include mixed race marriages.
  • Some store employees are racists. Some are not.
  • I don't know anyone who would consider this guy to be "ghetto".

Style of dress and methods of speech are not a race.

If these things are "What it means to be Black", then you're saying that Black people who don't fit into your classifications aren't Black. That's silly.

Shut up.

I'm Black, and each and every generalization i named, i've experienced myself and know other Blacks who have also, throughout my well travelled lifetime, experienced it too.

Ethiopians not picking up white guys is probably the dumbest comment i've ever heard. My wife is Ethiopian. She told me that before she moved to the USA, African Americans are thought of as being the lowest race in the country, and to avoid them. When she got here and mingled among other Ethiopians who had been here a while, she was further warned that AA are the ones that will steal, rape, and rob you and are to be avoided. Fortunately for me, my wife is open minded and dated me, and saw that all AA are not the stereotypical blacks you see on tv. My brother in law is indeed a cab driver and is Ethiopian. He told me straight up that he'd much rather pick up a white dude than a black dude, because he's scared he'll gets robbed, etc.

My point is most races that don't know any AA in the flseh presume we are what they see on tv/rap videos etc, as does the rest of the world.

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