Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. What guest stars would you like?


Life is infinite
Jan 31, 2011
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I'm taking a guess at who we might be able to get in some capacity...

Also some of these are definitely "dream cameos" since they have television roles, although they could fit in a couple of scenes possibly. Another hold back is that MARVEL might want these guys for someone else. Basically just looked at Whedon's circle of friends that we know of.


Neil Patrick Harris


Fran Kranz


Nathan Fillion


David Boreanaz


David Arquette (was in the Buffy movie)


Sarah Michelle Gellar


Amy Acker


Alyson Hannigan


Julie Benz
For existing characters possibly having cameos, I want the guys who played

Mr Blue
Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury
And Bruce Banner
For existing characters possibly having cameos, I want the guys who played

Mr Blue
Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury
And Bruce Banner
Tim Roth
William Hurt
Liv Tyler
Tim Blake Nelson
Max Hernandez
Hasn't it become official that this guy is playing Luke Cage in the series?
Nobody, they can drip a few Marvel Cameos in but I'm cool with new characters and really minor ones for the time being.

In particular Cage and Iron Fist, Cloak & Dagger, Jessica Jones all have potential as tv shows and I wouldn't mind them being introduced.

Plus I expect cameos from RDJ, Sam Jackson, etc. Note I said cameos, not extended appearances.

Ultimately I'm cool with the showrunners doing their own thing, there will be enough MU references without needing a guest character of the week.
Are we talking guest stars as in actors, or as in characters? Cuz I'd like to see Taskmaster on the show. I think he'd translate fairly well to a live action show.
Taskmaster would be the stuff... especially against non-powered Agents, he would have all their moves... it'd be epic.

From Actors, I'd want:
Dichen Lachman
and might as well bring Amy Acker on permanently for my money

For characters...
All of them.
All the Avengers
All the Avengers Solo movies Supporting Cast
- Yes including Flashbacks - a Howling Comandoes Episode
All the Thunderbolts
All the Defenders
All the Heroes for Hire
All the Marvel Knights
All the Kree/Skrull
All the Masters of Evil
All the Power Pack
All the Runaways

But especially:
Nick Fury
Maria Hill
Jasper Sitwell
Captain America
Black Widow
Sentry (yeah, I said it)
Are we talking guest stars as in actors, or as in characters? Cuz I'd like to see Taskmaster on the show. I think he'd translate fairly well to a live action show.

Originally meant just actors, then it became both and that seems to work best. So, both works.
If we're talking characters then I agree with the choice Taskmaster. I'd also like to see Jennifer Walters.
Ben Stiller
Chris Tucker
Justin Beiber
Rosie O'Donnell
Kathy Griffin
Flava Flav
New Characters:
Luke Cage
Iron Fist
The Punisher
Ms. Marvel
Jessica Jones
Sharon Carter
Peter Quill
Hank Pym
Baron Zemo

Old Characters:
Nick Fury
Maria Hill
Black Widow
Agent Sitwell
Captain America
Tony Stark
Bruce Banner
General Ross
Samuel L. Jackson is a must, not just because Nick Fury is the head of SHIELD but also to expand on the relationship between Fury and Coulson. In the Avengers it was clear that the two of them are close colleagues and maybe friends, but we weren't shown much of them interacting. That is something I would love to see, even if only in short glimpses. Jackson has openly advocated for being involved, so hopefully it will happen at some point.

It would be great if Robert Downey, Jr., Chris Evans, Jeremy Renner and/or other movie cast members made cameo appearances, too. That isn't something I expect to happen, though.
I hope they don't have Ms Marvel turn up until she appears in a movie. Otherwise they might get someone like Ali Larter who I see is like the Oded Fehr playing Iron Man type suggestion.

SLJ as Nick Fury would rock though and I reckon he's nice enough to do it too. Maybe have a cameo from the Agents of Sword for season 2?
Sam Jackson has to appear somewhen and his presence should be felt at all times. There are countless Marvel characters that could appear. Not gonna speculate too much, I can't wait to see.

As for Whedon allums, the more the merrier. I'd really like to see SMG appear, just because she hasn't appeared as anyone but Buffy.

I want to see a lot of low-level and street-level thugs and villains, powered and unpowered. Mostly I want to see SHIELD battling the villains they should be battling:
- loyalist Hydra agents
- rogue AIM scientists
- Ten Rings insurgents
- maybe eventually a Skrull invader or two

Villains I think would fit very well:
- Taskmaster (Anthony Masters)
- Madame Hydra (Ophelia Sarkissian)
- Crossfire (William Cross)
- Trick Shot (Barney Barton)

And I'd be alright with non-ridiculous versions of the following villains:
- Trapster
- Whirlwind
- Wrecking Crew

If they go into the realm of heroes, they shouldn't do one off episodes of the greats. Especially not starring C-list actors. For instance, if they do Luke Cage it should be because they are preparing for his spin-off television show or feature length film. Heroes I'd be okay with:
- Spider Woman (Jessica Drew)
- Machine Man (Aaron Stack)
- Mockingbird (Barbara Morse)

I put all the names in parenthesis because I don't think they should use a lot of superhero names or eccentric costumes... I just don't trust their budget to pull off that kind of stuff. Keep it simple.

I'd love if they could have pre-recorded footage of people like:
- Dominic Cooper or John Slattery's Howard Stark
- Neal McDonough's Dum Dum Dugan
- Hayley Atwell's Peggy Carter

and finally, guest appearances by virtually any MCU characters... but namely:
- Nick Fury
- Maria Hill
- Sharon Carter
- Black Widow
- Hawkeye
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As far as actors go, I'd think that anybody with an ABC and/or Disney pedigree are definitely fair game. Hoping they'll sneak Emily VanCamp in with a hint about whether or not her "Agent 13" from CATWS is going to be Sharon Carter or someone entirely different.

Also, I'd think that Joss would be in touch with a lot of former cast members of his shows....or vice versa.
I'd like to see GSP reprise his role as Batroc in a recurring role, possibly as a constant thorn in SHIELD's side. Also, I think we will definitely see SLJ in a couple of episodes and probably RDJ in one.
Fury, Hill and Sitwell are just haves, period. I'd LOVE to see General Ross, some allusion to Abomination and mention of Sterns. They have been forgotten since TIH
Actors, I'd like to see a number of cast members from Firefly. Tudyk (Pym?), Torres and Baccarin (Wasp?). Baldwin as a retired agent? Staite as another scientist or hacker?
Adam Baldwin definitely. He could be any number of tough guys.
As far as actors go, I'd think that anybody with an ABC and/or Disney pedigree are definitely fair game.
I wonder if ABC may try to push Joss into casting some Disney Channel actors. I don't watch DC anymore but a few old stars I could see in roles are Brenda Song, Emily Osment, and David Henrie.
You know someone who just came to mind that I'd love to see on this show? Chris Hardwick. I don't know who I'd want him as though.
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