What is Aladygma?


A couple official pictures can be seen there. Maybe it is just a new movie using a campaign similiar to Cloverfield and thats why everyone is assuming? All I know is the girl in the picture on that site's eyes are way too buldgy and it freaks me out.
I don't know what it is for sure, but I really don't think it's Cloverfield 2. It just doesn't seem like it.
I don't know what it is for sure, but I really don't think it's Cloverfield 2. It just doesn't seem like it.

I'd guess that it is unrelated too and we are going to see a lot of viral sites popping up soon for various movies. Afterall, Cloverfield was successful so other studios and directors will try to emulate that success. Oh well, at least we have a fun new viral campaign to speculate about. :up:
I'd guess that it is unrelated too and we are going to see a lot of viral sites popping up soon for various movies. Afterall, Cloverfield was successful so other studios and directors will try to emulate that success. Oh well, at least we have a fun new viral campaign to speculate about. :up:
Indeed. Should be fun.
Not sure how accurate this site is, being as it is on freewebs...but it is kinda mysterious (which is perfect for a viral campaign) and if you follow the help me link you get to a guest book where the page creator states "Case designated Aladygma"

Hightlight everything on the site in the first post. There should be highlights in the corners, though nothing is seemingly there. Click the highlights and you will get a couple pictures and it will change the words on the site. One of the dates the site gives is allegedly connected to the UFO cover-up.
I bet my money on it that this will turn out to be for a really low-budget indie flick... It's worked with Cloverfield, why not with... Aladygma...
I dunno, but at this point the viral campaign is far creepier than Cloverfield's. The girl in that picture freaks me the hell out as does the DiVinci drawing of the skull.
I bet my money on it that this will turn out to be for a really low-budget indie flick... It's worked with Cloverfield, why not with... Aladygma...

It says Room 211. I think it might be one of those horror-flicks with a hand-held camera. There is a video of 'student thomas' and its mentioned on the Aladygma site. Here is the vid: (its in spanish though)


You hear the monsters Roah from Cloverfield actually at around 2 min I think.

btw..the girl is hot in the pic! :woot:
It says Room 211. I think it might be one of those horror-flicks with a hand-held camera. There is a video of 'student thomas' and its mentioned on the Aladygma site. Here is the vid: (its in spanish though)


You hear the monsters Roah from Cloverfield actually at around 2 min I think.

btw..the girl is hot in the pic! :woot:

Her eyes are too buldgy.
If it's not Cloverfield 2, I dont care.
This looks stupid, whatever it is.
I would be more leniant towards a davinci prequel than cloverfield because cloverfield 2 is not as far along in development.
If this is another asian horror remake then i'm not that interested.
Lets get a OFFICIAL confirmation of this flim. I am having a bad feeling about this...
It is a real movie. We know that much. And we already have a thread on this. Let me find it and I will merge.
Hey, for that pic with the girl, can someone invert the colours because I heard there was somekind of alien or creature in the background from this video. Could be wrong but, it's worth the try.

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