What Is Wrong With Me?!

i kinda really dislike answers like this.
sometimes it feels like due to things that occurred in the past, the hype populace has a distorted view of females, particularly ones that post on this forum.

I'm a lady, and if anyone wants to try and say the typical yet unfunny 'no girls post on the hype, they are really males' types of lines, then i say :whatever: to them. it's probably stuff like that that has turned a lot of the former female hype members away. I don't have to prove I'm female on here. I could if I wanted to, and there are people here who could verify, but that's not important. We shouldn't have to justify our gender or sexuality or whatever just cuz we don't fit "the norm". (And for those who feel we need to, i am a straight female.)

there are some awesome female hype members here (FHM:heart:). If we wanna speak stereotypically here, there are plenty who enjoy the "feminine aspects" ie: shopping, salons, going to mall, etc. There are plenty who don't. Just because one doesn't fit the cookie cutter image some seem to think we should fit in, doesn't mean that we are any less female or feminine.

Aw, I think the majority of the replies in this thread have been people joking around, but I know you're a woman, CC :heart: An awesome one!

In all seriousness, I highly doubt godzilla is a lesbian...she's made it obvious that she's straight. I simply hope that as a grown woman she doesn't truly mean some of the things she posted, because they were honestly mind-blowing to me. If she does...well, I hope she can learn to have a better outlook on our gender and be more confident in herself.
Evolution, that's how.
I don't watch Lifetime movie to cry I watch them to laugh. I like the Desperate Housewives re-runs and some of their original television shows are really good imo.

Ever since I came to college I have urges that I feel like I NEED to go shopping for clothes. Where when before I came to school I didn't care for shopping that much. :confused:

Never been a fan of Sex and the City.

I like musicals and am planning on renting Mamma Mia! soon.

I really don't wear makeup.

I don't think anything is wrong with you. Who gets to define what's normal anyway?
I'm a musical theatre freak and I don't even like Mama Mia! I have an avoidance of jukebox shows... though I may yet see We Will Rock You...
There is nothing wrong with you, G2K and don't let anyone convince you otherwise. Just because you do your own thing that doesn't fit in the mold of a 'normal' girl, it doesn't make you 'wrong'. Society's standards change all the time. Just be yourself and be happy. :)
i can totally see Wonder Woman saying Bella's post
I have been contemplating this for a very long time, and I've come to the conclusion there's definitely something wrong with me, but I have no idea what it is. You see, I just never could get into anything people labeled as strictly aimed at "the female demographic" whatever that means. I don't watch anything on the Lifetime Network. Movies/TV Shows like Sex and the City, Twilight, Mamma Mia!, or any chick related media medium makes me want to vomit. And whenever I go into the mall I get really bored really fast browsing in clothing stores unless I know what I want and where to get it. I also just hate styles of clothing that are "feminine", especially things that are splashed in the color pink. I tend to like a more "rock star" type look, or I'll wear sarcastic T-shirts with those Happy Bunny phrases on them. At the mall I'd rather spend my time actually having real fun at the arcade. But seriously, is there something wrong with me because I despise all things that have been labeled as "feminine"?
chances are youre gay

Where in G2K's post (the one that you quoted) did she say she's sexually attracted to females? If not liking anything on Lifetime Network, hating Sex and the City, the color pink and not enjoying shopping at the mall makes a woman gay, then you really need to expand your mind a bit more. Being a woman, imo, is more than just liking 'girly things'.

Let's say you're right and that she is gay (which I doubt very much), how does that make her 'wrong'?
i kinda really dislike answers like this.
sometimes it feels like due to things that occurred in the past, the hype populace has a distorted view of females, particularly ones that post on this forum.

I'm a lady, and if anyone wants to try and say the typical yet unfunny 'no girls post on the hype, they are really males' types of lines, then i say :whatever: to them. it's probably stuff like that that has turned a lot of the former female hype members away. I don't have to prove I'm female on here. I could if I wanted to, and there are people here who could verify, but that's not important. We shouldn't have to justify our gender or sexuality or whatever just cuz we don't fit "the norm". (And for those who feel we need to, i am a straight female.)

there are some awesome female hype members here (FHM:heart:). If we wanna speak stereotypically here, there are plenty who enjoy the "feminine aspects" ie: shopping, salons, going to mall, etc. There are plenty who don't. Just because one doesn't fit the cookie cutter image some seem to think we should fit in, doesn't mean that we are any less female or feminine.
Don't take it so seriously/personally, I know real females post on the Hype.

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