World What was the Other about?


Nov 22, 2005
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It's over now right? I just read the tpb of "Avengers", the story right before the Other and now I'm interested in seeing why Peter kept blacking out.
Morgoth said:
It's over now right? I just read the tpb of "Avengers", the story right before the Other and now I'm interested in seeing why Peter kept blacking out.

Run away as fast as you can and forget that you asked the question.
Morgoth said:
It's over now right? I just read the tpb of "Avengers", the story right before the Other and now I'm interested in seeing why Peter kept blacking out.

for Synapsis of most Spidey books, go to >comics. core titles.
Morgoth said:
It's over now right? I just read the tpb of "Avengers", the story right before the Other and now I'm interested in seeing why Peter kept blacking out.

The "Other" really doesn't answer the question as to why Pete was blacking out.....The "Other" started out referring to Pete having an illness..(which in the first 3 issues or so, explained the blacking out) the "Other" fell more and more towards the totesmic spider god storyline, Pete's illness was essentially forgotten......We were never actually told what Pete was dying from .....
Pete is dying of ominous disease. Man named Tracer a supervillian. (I actually liked these first two things. The good stops there) Morlun back from the dead without explanation. Stalking MJ, Pete, without explanation. Aunt May and MJ in Iron Man suits. In Latveria. Spiderman in Space! Oh No, Morlun has returned, and this time, instead of stalking in the shadows, he comes out to kill Peter. Avengers no where to help. Spidey gets eye ripped out. Almost dead in hospital. Morlun is back to finish the job. Wait, MJ will smack Morlun to stop him! Now Morlun turns and is about to kill MJ! Peter is Dead! But the Spider remains! The Spider hops out of the bed with fangs, a red eye, and some large boney poisonous spears popping out of his wrists! Kills Morlun! Again! Because he was already dead, remember?! And then, the Spider dies too! So now, Peter AND the Spider are dead! YaY!
Avengers all show up just in time to miss everything happening!
Death arrangements are made, but when they go to look at Peter's dead body, it's a hollow collapsed shell- like a snake or spider skin! In a park, Peter/the Spider are cocooned in some goop. He pops out, with two eyes and a sexy body!
He has a talk with a totem Spider God that tells him he's ignored his true powers forevah and evah! He has all sorts of nifty abilities that could awaken within him at whatever time, depending on what kind of fix the writers need to get him out of! Peter is back! Not dead! YaY! Let's go have a calm dinner with no emotion in it. And um... That's it!
So what ever happened to that spider demon that was created from him comming back to life?
Morgoth said:
It's over now right? I just read the tpb of "Avengers", the story right before the Other and now I'm interested in seeing why Peter kept blacking out.

Get out....leave while you still can. There is no "Other"...
Caution Avoid= Worst Spider-man? Story Ever!
Wow that sounds horrible. Why couldn't they just leave it at, Peter was bit by a Radioactive Spider, got powers that is it, no, then they had to bring in some Spider-god. Yeesh.
Morgoth said:
Wow that sounds horrible. Why couldn't they just leave it at, Peter was bit by a Radioactive Spider, got powers that is it, no, then they had to bring in some Spider-god. Yeesh.

Nice to see you have common sense.
The Other showcases the problem with ideas that you come up with while sitting in the john.
Far be it for me not to include a quip!!

"About" $55.20 Cdn Taxes in....that I aint ever getting back :(:down
Wow, people really have no clue how to be objective anymore now do they?

All the guy asked for was what it was about, not your opinions of the story. Yet people never seem to answer a question straight up without flooding a post with their biased opinion, bashing something so completely that the person that was interested never has a chance to see if they'll honestly enjoy the story when they actually get to read it themself.

Damn shame.

Personally I enjoyed The Other. There were parts here and there that could have been done better I felt but thought it was a nice addition to Spider-man. As for the Totem's being apart of why he got bitten, that doesn't bother me at all. I like to see the story expanded. It doesn't ignore that he was bitten by a radioactive spider. That's what happen. Just that there is now more behind the scenes of that event, which if a person reading Spider-man from the beginning or in any order wouldn't find that out until later one when they reach The Other storyline.

When ever I hear so much bashing of an event or a change I can't help but consider that these most likely would be the same people complaining about how stale and repetitive the story is if new things didn't happen. That if things really did stay more of the same and didn't expand they'd complain there would need to be change. Yet when there is a change they want more of the same. Never satisfied it seems. A damned if you do and a damned if you don't situation.
Effect said:
Wow, people really have no clue how to be objective anymore now do they?

All the guy asked for was what it was about, not your opinions of the story. Yet people never seem to answer a question straight up without flooding a post with their biased opinion, bashing something so completely that the person that was interested never has a chance to see if they'll honestly enjoy the story when they actually get to read it themself.

Damn shame.

The original poster asked why Pete was blacking out....I answered that question, Dan1 pointed the person to a website that would answer any other questions he had, Rez later added his own synopsis......

.....the rest of the thread consist of posts meant to be viewed as nothing more than humourous jibs ......

...had you read this thread thoroughly you would have noticed that the original poster's question was answered thoroughly and maybe you could have been more "objective" about your opinion pertaining to the people in this thread....just a thought
Man, you guys are a bunch of angry, ******** fanboys...

...and I'm proud to be a member of your ranks. ;)
MaxCarnage said:
Man, you guys are a bunch of angry, ******** fanboys...

...and I'm proud to be a member of your ranks. ;)
LOL. Good avatar.:up:
WhatIfTales said:
The original poster asked why Pete was blacking out....I answered that question, Dan1 pointed the person to a website that would answer any other questions he had, Rez later added his own synopsis......

.....the rest of the thread consist of posts meant to be viewed as nothing more than humourous jibs ......

...had you read this thread thoroughly you would have noticed that the original poster's question was answered thoroughly and maybe you could have been more "objective" about your opinion pertaining to the people in this thread....just a thought
Agreed. My questions were thoroughly answered. I am satisfied.

You have all helped me decide to spend my money on something better. And to all the funny quips, I had a good chuckle at all of them, thank you to all of you who helped and made me laugh.

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