When was the last time you went to the library?


My name is Stefan, sweet thang
Mar 8, 2004
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I decided to go earlier today to leech their wireless since mine was acting up, but stayed longer to flip through a couple of the newer books and look at some of the art, since they have reproductions of some of the more classic works. Hadn't been for like a year but feel I need to go back just for the ambiance, aka the silence.
I love my local library. I work at a bookstore, but sometimes buying books is too much of a crap shoot since I never know if I'm going to like them. So I hit the library first. I love it; it's so convenient.
Library??? :dry:

Terry, the 20th century ended quite a few years ago... :o

A few years ago, I would go to the library everyday; but it was mainly to use their internet and rent comics and DVDs
I use my school's "library" frequently.
Why is library in quotes? Was this a janitor's closet?
It's a dark crevice where few men enter.
The library got downsized into the womens washroom due to budget cuts?
I was there a few weeks ago.

I'm studying library science (focusing on archives) so I will be in libraries quite often.
I go every three weeks. I pick up around 20 DVDs and 10 CDs. Then I can have them for three weeks. I love this set up a lot more than the old "return within a week" policies. And they have new releases.
If college libraries count, then almost two years. If we're talking regular public libraries, I stopped in one to use the bathroom maybe four years ago. :o
What's a library?

Really, about 7 months ago, I went there to do some research before I went on my vacation to Australia. I'll be going again when I plan a vacation to South America.
I would go all the time, but I never paid my $10+ worth of late fines and can't borrow books anymore. I'm a rebel.
Any sexy librarians there, KaneDigits?

3 weeks ago. I usually check out a few books. The library is too fun.
I go at least once a month. Free books...how can you beat that? It's better than blowing $30 on a book that I may not like or ever read again.

My local libraries actually have ebooks that you can loan out for 3 weeks at no cost. So there is that option for people that don't read physical books anymore.
It's been 2-3 years since I've been to one.
I have my Masters in Library and Information Science so I'm trying to find a way to get paid while while being there.

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