When Will You Die?


Be Your Own Hero
Nov 11, 2003
Reaction score
Ask The Deathclock.

My day is apparently Wednesday, April 26, 2056. I'll be 87. Death will have to look awfully long and hard to find me, though. I know some great hiding spots and camoflauge techniques!

interesting, I checked it for smoker and non-smoker...the smoker lives longer!!
my grandmother smoked, never jogged or anything, ate candy and chocolates like there was no tomorrow and she lived to 88.

Apparently I will die Friday, September 10, 2083. At the ripe old age of 93.
Sunday, April 10, 2061 I'm gonna be 74 when I die.
Saturday, March 14, 2043. Same day of the week I was born.
Sunday, May 26, 2058

It feels so close... :(
I'm out living all of you. OWNED!:D
Black Sabbath said:
Friday, 13, 2065


Maybe Jason will be the one who kills you!, that would be a cool death:up:
[FONT=ms sans serif, verdana]Sunday, January 7, 2091. :eek:

I'll be 103. :eek:
Mr. Thing said:
[FONT=ms sans serif, verdana]Sunday, January 7, 2091. :eek:

I'll be 103. :eek:
:eek: :up:
This things a scam. I just tried it again and it said Monday 26 4230.

I wonder if the hype will still be around?
Thursday, November 18, 2060

Seconds left to live...

Black Sabbath said:
This things a scam. I just tried it again and it said Monday 26 4230.

I wonder if the hype will still be around?
Arg, he's right, I just tried again and it was different. Boo!:mad:
[FONT=ms sans serif, verdana]Sunday, July 5, 2082[/FONT]

So i'll live to be... 95.
Black Sabbath said:
This things a scam. I just tried it again and it said Monday 26 4230.

I wonder if the hype will still be around?

Maybe 2,250 years old isn't so bad. :) :up:

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