Which adaptions of the Joker do you find funny?


Mar 17, 2007
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I mean this literally. Because I've been catching up on my Joker mythos, and a lot of the things he says that I'm assuming are jokes, just kinda fly over my head, or I just dont find that amusing. However Jack Nicholson, Batman TAS, and Soft Target's Jokers - Have given me some pretty good laughs. But which Joker do you find funny?
I find The Joker to be a sick, creepy, crazy clown and dont find him too funny but messed up and evil. But of the jokers.

TAS one is the best, i like the design and the voice and laugh of him. He can be quite amusing - saying he is gonna make his own Joker burger: "Thats what you call a happy meal - hahaha"!

Practically every interpretation of The Joker has been humourous in some way. Some more than others.

It's one of Joker's best traits. He can be genuinely witty and funny, and then creepy and scary.
^ Yeah but creepy, scary killer joker is better than funny joker! :)
I like when creepy scary killer and funny are the same character.
TAS...I was watching the Christmas special when Joker takes over the TV station and I was laughing out loud! He always has to throw a quick Batman-bashing joke in there.
I never knew that the "Jingle bells, Batman smells..." song was actually from the cartoon. I thought it was some made up song that we all liked to song in elementary
The "Jingle bells, Batman smells..." song has been around wayyyy before the cartoon. It's not really a song licensed by WB so it was kinda cool that they did a small homage in TAS.
He was a failed comedian. If he was funny, he wouldnt be the Joker
B:TAS version is still the best!!

they found the balance between the killer and the clown like no one else before!!

But i always enjoy a good laugh at Ceasar Romero - classic!!!
Watch the laughin bat in the batman

by far the funniest and most disturbed joker ep you are likely to watch...so many homages and references to other batmen portrayals, it's truelly great.


I am a really a huge fan of 'The Batman', but i'm the first to admit that they just got Joker wrong!

1) His design could have been so much better and creepier!

2)The voice - i like it but it took about 3 seasons to warm of to him, it does pale in comparison after 15 years of Hamill every saturday morning!

3)The episodes he has starred in have been lackluster - but i quite like 'the laughing bat'.
All in all, his episodes have always been either a hit or miss but when he's on form, he's my favourite interpretation of the character.

I welcomed the change after the while, i don't think hamill is the be all and end all and i like micheal's tweak to his original take, the same way i like shirley walker's take on elfman's original batman score for the btas score and also the mask of the phatasm.
All in all, his episodes have always been either a hit or miss but when he's on form, he's my favourite interpretation of the character.

I welcomed the change after the while, i don't think hamill is the be all and end all and i like micheal's tweak to his original take, the same way i like shirley walker's take on elfman's original batman score for the btas score and also the mask of the phatasm.

Thats fine - but to me Hamill is the standard which no one has met yet!!!

'The Batman's' joker is a step down in my opinion!! :csad:
The "Jingle bells, Batman smells..." song has been around wayyyy before the cartoon. It's not really a song licensed by WB so it was kinda cool that they did a small homage in TAS.

Hmm, well I'm glad my thinking was right the first time.
BTAS joker always cracks me up, just the lines he would throw out

Oh CHuckers!

My favoirte episode with the Joker is the laughing fish, I just love how he so easily gets pissed that the guy wont let him copyright the fish smile. So Joker threatens to kill him, maybe not a joke but damn I found it funny.
BTAS joker always cracks me up, just the lines he would throw out

Oh CHuckers!

My favoirte episode with the Joker is the laughing fish, I just love how he so easily gets pissed that the guy wont let him copyright the fish smile. So Joker threatens to kill him, maybe not a joke but damn I found it funny.

PAPER PUSHER: *sees joker* Great Scott!!

JOKER: Actually i'm Irish

Great stuff!!
Ok, the Joker in The Batman is a horrible, horrible interpretation in my opinion. He looks, sounds, and acts all wrong. He made me sick rather than make me laugh and marvel at how deep the character is.

I'll use this as an excuse to state my displeasure with the whole series. In watching about 5 minutes of the show I found some huge flaws. Like Bruce, in TAS he's a large, bulky, yet swift and light character, however in The Batman he is much more small, and it makes him seem less strong as a character. Also I thought it was a very bad idea to have Adam West do a voice. I don't think you should have him do any voice because people cant connect with a character if they are always reminded of the actor. Also, Alfred looked way off, and the overall animation was much too exaggurated for my taste, not to mention much lighter in terms of atmosphere.

TAS and Mark Hammill are by far the best interpretation of the character I've seen thus far.:hoboj:
I've never found Joker's lines particularly funny in the comics, though I've always had trouble deriving humor from print. I don't know; I'm a very auditory person. It's all in the delivery for me.

So, needless to say, the funniest Joker bits for me have been in live action and animation.

Nicholson goes without saying; but let me think of some of his best moments -

-"Honey, you'll never believe what happened to me today!" The little head tilt, with the martini in hand, and the little hat - drop dead hysterical.

-"He stole my balloons!" - I would just keep repeating this scene over and over again, heh.

- (to gargoyle) "WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT?!" - It's partially the look on the gargoyle's face, but that part slays me.

Of course, Hamill had some classics -

- The Joker fish commercial - "Tasty, tempting, and of course - naturally low in colesterol."

And yes, Romero sends me into giggle fits from time to time. It's fun seeing him be completely silly. "Well pip-pip to you sir!"
The one in that Grayson trailer was funny. Funnily pathetic. Whoever made that should have been shot, castrated, hung til half dead, cut down, gutted, had his arms and legs amputated and then beheaded.
Seriously. Long green fingernails. constant laughing, weight problem. What ****ing druggie thought that was a good idea? Moron.
I must say that when he hit the phantasm with the sausage instead of the knife, it tickled me inside
When the Joker first meets Captain Schmidlapp in Batman: The Movie. that scene is so ****ing funny! "Oh pip pip to you sir!" And schmidlapp even notices the jokers makeup but still dosn't know its him "I say your face has the most ghastly pallor", Ahaha!!! Ahahaha! hahaha! ha! ha! hahaha! hahahah! ha ha ha.....ahhhhh..ha....hah.....heh....oh man.....ahah......ahhhhhh....oh man....oohhhh gawwwd oh GAWD! ahhhh....heh......ahaha

"isn't hazel here a cutie? sure she's a bit homie, but you can't help who you fall in love with." *pinches cheek, cheek breaks off, puts cheek in pocket*

priceless. TAS joker's at his best in MOTP.

"can't be too careful with all those weirdos around"

and that clip only reminded me of why i hate The Batman. the joker isn't so bad, but why the f**k is the penguin able to jump 20 in the air and do kung fu? and where the hell are the joker's shoes?
"isn't hazel here a cutie? sure she's a bit homie, but you can't help who you fall in love with." *pinches cheek, cheek breaks off, puts cheek in pocket*

priceless. TAS joker's at his best in MOTP.

"can't be too careful with all those weirdos around"

and that clip only reminded me of why i hate The Batman. the joker isn't so bad, but why the f**k is the penguin able to jump 20 in the air and do kung fu? and where the hell are the joker's shoes?

I love MOTP, and I think that's Mark Hammill's greatest preformance in TAS. Me and my friend watched it a few days ago and still laughed histerically at all of the Joker's jokes. He will always be the funniest Joker in my book...

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