Which of these upcoming films has the best chance of getting a 2nd movie?

Aug 19, 2004
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I think the Fantastic Four reboot has the best chance. For Ant-Man/Guardians of the Galaxy, I see them as a stand-alone movie then after that they would just appear in other MCU movies.
Imo, Guardians of the Galaxy should just be standalone since it makes the most sense with it tying to Thanos and everything going forward with The Avengers 2.

I don't know much about Ant-Man to think it could have a sequel.

Fantastic Four has the bigger chance of becoming a great franchise with the right guys behind the films.
Fantastic Four has the bigger chance of becoming a great franchise with the right guys behind the films.

If FOX hires the right people then they could have the same success with the X-Men film series.

The first two FF movies weren't good and did okay at the box-office but if they were as good as the good X-Men films, they would have earned more money and maybe at this point, FOX have already released a fourth movie.
GOTG shouldn't be a standalone. It's Marvel next team up series and Disney second space movies outside Star Wars. If you know the comics, many stories could be told for the iterations.
if GOTG and Ant-man are at least moderate successes then they are guaranteed to get sequels.
I hope the guardians do. I'm hoping for a full annihilation thing going on
If they do well at the box office they will get sequals all of them. Its all about the $ at the end of the day, if nobody goes to see them because they suck or are poorly promoted then its not going to happen.

Im interested to see how GOTG goes down as outside of the US Im not sure how many people have heard about them compared to say Avengers or Batman unless your a hardcore fan.
I'll vote F4 as the first one of those got a sequal even though it wasn't the greatest comic book film ever made lol!
I want to believe all of them.

Iron Man 3 was the perfect example of a much hated movie by a good chunk of audience that did amazing in the box office so if these films make even a third of Iron Man 3's money a sequel is guaranteed.
Far too early to tell. If we're going on name recognition alone, then FF takes that one, but we all know it depends on the crowd reaction and box office take.

I'd bank on Fox ****ing up again and Ant-Man doesn't have a lot if material to pull from as a solo character for multiple films.

"Inside sources" behind all the recent GOTG casting rumors are already talking about the future in Marvel Studios for John C. Reilly, Lee Pace, and Benicio Del Toro. Rather than indicating spinoff movies, this is more likely pointing to GOTG already in franchise mode, with a sequel already getting mapped out unless the box office turns into a John Carter disaster.
God I would really hate it if GoTG was just there to introduce Thanos...

"Inside sources" behind all the recent GOTG casting rumors are already talking about the future in Marvel Studios for John C. Reilly, Lee Pace, and Benicio Del Toro. Rather than indicating spinoff movies, this is more likely pointing to GOTG already in franchise mode, with a sequel already getting mapped out unless the box office turns into a John Carter disaster.

Those actors could just be appearing in other MCU films, not in a GOTG sequel.

I'd bank on Fox ****ing up again and Ant-Man doesn't have a lot if material to pull from as a solo character for multiple films.

Guardians does seem like the most likely, Through Guardians they can set up all their other Cosmic characters and even switch up team members if things get stale.

I'd say Ant Man has enough story for a ton of films, plus we have 2 possible people to put in the suit (Pym and Lang). You could have the first one as Pym, run through his story for a sequel or two and once people get bored of him u can semi reboot the franchise with Lang donning the suit and go through all of his adventures. Pym himself has gone through so many different alter egos in the comics that you could mine that crap for years.
I'm pretty sure Wright has already said the movie will be based on To Steal An Ant-Man and will feature bother Pym and Lang. Which cuts even more material they could use for a sequel. Ant-Man just doesn't have a lot, hardly any really, solo stories. He's a completely Avengers character. The only solo comic he's ever had (excluding Irredeemable Ant-Man which is something different) was his run as the main character in Tales to Astonish back when he was first introduced.
Those actors could just be appearing in other MCU films, not in a GOTG sequel.

Sure, they *could* be, but as I said, it's unlikely that Marvel Studios would waste precious 2-a-year slots on obscure to *very* obscure cosmic spinoffs, as opposed to more obvious "safe" bets with bigger superhero names in their harem, like Panther, Cage, Marvel, Strange, DD, Iron Fist, and even Ghost Rider and Blade. Unless Marvel wants to move a large chunk of the MCU into strange new worlds and new life and new civilizations (cue Trek theme), it would seem to be a smarter business move to consolidate the outer space stuff into one franchise.
I'm pretty sure Wright has already said the movie will be based on To Steal An Ant-Man and will feature bother Pym and Lang. Which cuts even more material they could use for a sequel. Ant-Man just doesn't have a lot, hardly any really, solo stories. He's a completely Avengers character. The only solo comic he's ever had (excluding Irredeemable Ant-Man which is something different) was his run as the main character in Tales to Astonish back when he was first introduced.

Well they could just create new stories for him.
I think Ant-Man-if done right could be a really cool series.You have Wasp/Ultron- lots of stuff to play with.

FF will likely get ruined by Fox,ending it's run with Fox.

GotG is a wild card.It could be a breakout hit.But 90% of the GA (heck, myself included,and I'm a card-carrying fanboy) have never heard of those characters.The selling point will be: Wanna know who that purple guy was at the end of Avengers?
90% of the GA had never heard of Iron Man or Thor either.
Nah,I wouldn't go that far.I think most people have heard the names before,even if they weren't exposed to much of them.No one but die-hard Marvelites could name anyone in GotG.
Whichever makes the most money. FF will have to deal with the stigma of the previous two films.
i don't think Guardians of the Galaxy will be just a standalone movie,
Its concept as "Cosmic Avengers" has so much potential if handled right.

I've just read the first volume of tradepaper book of 2008 released (plus Thanos Imperative's story)
The characters really intriguing to me (especially Cosmo Dog & Rocket Raccoon ^^), and Phyla-Vell is my favorite member (though she will not appear in the movie)
They better make sequels to GotG... It's the perfect setup. It already sounds like they are setting up Adam Warlock to join the team in a second installment. Not to mention all the other villains they could include. Korvac and Kang. To name a couple.

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