Sequels Which other X Team would you like to see?


Dec 12, 2008
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With Fox maybe interested in a New Mutants movie and the possibility of DOFP this could be a chance for Fox to give us some other X Men teams. What other X Teams would you like to see adapted for the screen? And which X characters would be in your roster? If your cool with just one team and dont want another then pick other. Meant to have none as an option, sorry bout that.

I would really like to see a more adult darker/violent X force movie with a mix of any of these characters: Cable, Domino, X-23, Wolverine, Archangel (or Angel), Psylocke, Deapdool, Fantomex, Cannonball, Warpath or Siryn. Mainly cause I dont se alot of those characters showing up for awhile besides Logan.
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None because another X-Team movie equals to another prequel or another spin-off and I fear its going to be too much for me. Even if its not related to the other X-Men movies, its still a X-Men movie. It will also take a lot of time and I doubt FOX would release two X-Men related movies in a year. So I want FOX to just focus on with what they have now.
I think since there are so many good characters/stories alot of X men will never get the screen time or even appear at all with only one film going on. Alot of characters are always said not to belong in the current story. By developing multiple flicks, that could be changed. Fox doesnt seem to have a problem releasing Wolverine a year before FC2. Thats pretty close to each other.

Im sure they have other X films in development as well. The more they open up their universe of characters, the more potential I think the series could have. Crossing over X men films and characters could be pretty awesome imo. If written well and planned of course. At the same time without being planned it could be a jumbled mess ala XMOW. So I can def see the risk as well.
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more x-men movies would be a great watch, definetly.

Fox could clearly follow the Marvel route, having different proyects shared in the same universe, with a young mutans movie and stuff like that...

But I'd preffer to have a x-men sequel each two years, instead of different team movies at the same time. Just my personal desire.

Just take a look at my sig, and you'll know what Id love :D (but with a two years gap)
Haha You def have the dedication Angamb.

I would like to see them open the franchise up more like the comics even if the films arent directly connected. Dont get me wrong, I still want those FC sequels, its my fav X Movie. Maybe just not the same team for a decade . Too many other good characters and stories out there. Would like to see Fox do something with them and maybe make some flicks that are different then what we have now. Variety is good imo, in no way am I saying ditch the FC crew for another. Only thing Im kinda sketchy on with that series is staying in the past for too long and how that effects certain stories and characters ages.
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Fox could clearly follow the Marvel route, having different proyects shared in the same universe, with a young mutans movie and stuff like that...

I'm not just confident enough with FOX creating so many movies in like 2 to 3 years unlike with Marvel Studios.

Like imagine, if we get 5 X-Men related movies in just 3 years. I don't think all of those movies will pass the $100 million mark at the domestic box-office and I don't think all of them will be good. I also fear that the general audience would get tired of the X-Men films series and if that happened, FOX might pull a Daredevil or Fantastic Four to the X-Men movie series and that would just suck.
I'm not just confident enough with FOX creating so many movies in like 2 to 3 years unlike with Marvel Studios.

Like imagine, if we get 5 X-Men related movies in just 3 years. I don't think all of those movies will pass the $100 million mark at the domestic box-office and I don't think all of them will be good. I also fear that the general audience would get tired of the X-Men films series and if that happened, FOX might pull a Daredevil or Fantastic Four to the X-Men movie series and that would just suck.

Yeah, Im not sure either.

I just pointed out that Fox COULD do it, but that doenst mean it will work perfectly.

They have two series right now with First Class and Wolverine. So thats not bad at all.

They could add another spin-off, from one character only, and could introduce some characters from the comics there too, but to create a shared universe to use some actors from one series into another.... its a hard thing, specially with First Class set in the past, and a possible new proyect, in the present (probably).

Thats the main problem with the x-men right now, that they arent following a chronological timeline. So they couldnt do exactly what Marvel has done.

That doesnt mean they couldnt do a New mutants movie, set in the present, and shared in the same universe as X1-X3. But that could limit the evolution of First Class, with future characters and plots, and all of that.... so Im not sure if that would be a good idea at all.

And in terms of boxoffice, Id preffer Fox to spent all their money and time in making AMAZING First Class sequels, instead of making more x-men movies, with less dedication.

The First Class series can be really really big, long term. The question is HOW far do they want to go with this new series.

I hope the sequel brings much more money and Fox decides to create a long and great franchise with this concept and cast.

They can use Cyclops, Jean and Storm on this new series too, since they are three of the core x-men in their history, so adding these three to Beast, Havok, Banshee, and possible future additions like Polaris, Sunfire, Psylocke and more x-men from the 70's and 80's, they can create a pretty big and decent franchise with all of these characters.

So I hope they take advantage of all this potential and go as far as the audience wants.
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