Which scene would you like to see 'open' X-Men 3?


Amazing Amazon
Jun 4, 2005
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Thinking back on scene openings:
X-Men (a young Magneto in a concentration camp in Poland discovering his powers when attempting to re-join his parents)


X2 (a mind-controlled Nightcrawler infiltrating The White House, making short waste of the guards and attempting to assassinate the President)

What scene would you like to see 'open' X-Men 3?
The opening scene's already been confirmed. Its of younger Magneto and Xavier visiting a 13 year old Jean at her house and recruiting her into Xavier's school.
lordofthenerds said:
The opening scene's already been confirmed. Its of younger Magneto and Xavier visiting a 13 year old Jean at her house and recruiting her into Xavier's school.

If that's the case, sorry for creating a thread on this topic. However, still take the poll on what you would have preferred to be the Opening Sequence.
The Danger room starting the movie with a bang, followed by the memorial and Alkali lake. :up:
Does anyone know what the time period is between X2 and X-men 3? With X-Men and X2 it was about 6 months (give or take).

Is it a couple of days, a few months or a whole year??
I think Young Jean Grey discovering her powers and being helped by Professor X, would be a good opening as Phoenix and Jean will play a big part in X3 so that would set it off well.
Young Angel's scene: shocking and visceral.
Well, the young Angel scene was first in the script review, followed by the young Jean Grey scene.

Seeing as it was confirmed that the young Jean scene is first, I'd say that the Angel scene will follow.
I think I'd like to see a few people in a lounge or something with Dazzler singing in the background. Then either leads to or parallels a fight/Danger Room sequence that includes Beast or Juggs in some way. That would be fantabulous.

I'd rather the Jean scene be more of a surprise twist in the early/middle of the film that Jean discovers, causing her to turn.
I think Young Jean Grey. Then the Danger Room training sequence.
Young Jean Grey might be too slow. I want it to start with a bang like in x-2 with the whitehouse scene.
CapBeerCino said:
Young Jean Grey might be too slow. I want it to start with a bang like in x-2 with the whitehouse scene.
In that case it'd be the Danger Room... that scene is gonna be huge, we'll see Wolverine, Storm, Iceman, Rogue, Colossus and Kitty showing off their powers :up: Plus the Sentinels.
Jean and Angel first.. seeing as it's in the past. ;)

We don't want it to be confusing. Plus, I think Jean is plenty capable of giving us a bang.
Young Jean Grey discovering her powers and being helped by Professor X
i voted for young jean grey!!! i dunno, but i think it will set up the main themes of the movie well.

but perhaps the very first thing in the movie is another prof. x speech about mutation or something. or perhaps the speech he says in the teaser.
flashback scene to cyclops and jean in bed :eek: !!! time to raise the "x" factor hehe
I think the opening scene might be the Angel flashback of young WWIII trying to cut off his wings, possibly followed by the Jean flashback...... (Or in reverse order)

-Keeping in thread with the "double flashback" style start of X1:up::)
hahaha. It would be nice for those two to get some intimate alone time!

I think it could be Jean followed by Angel, like X1's opening of Magneto and Rogue. I think if done right they could be quite attention grabbing. Imagine Jean going insane and her telekinesis going nuts with objects flying everywhere... Imagine Angel, trying to cut off his wings, or being locked away and hidden... could be very dramatic.

BTW, where was it CONFIRMED that young Jean opens the movie?
neemer5 said:
I think I'd like to see a few people in a lounge or something with Dazzler singing in the background. Then either leads to or parallels a fight/Danger Room sequence that includes Beast or Juggs in some way. That would be fantabulous.

I'd rather the Jean scene be more of a surprise twist in the early/middle of the film that Jean discovers, causing her to turn.

I think Ratner said in an interview recently, that he was sorry, he couldn't open X3 with a musical scene, like he is used to...
Yes, it was confirmed with all those set reports a few weeks back.
I think it should start with the Jean flashback, just as it's been confirmed to do.

It's just like Return of the King when it started off with the Smeagol flashback. It really helps to set the tone of the movie, what the driving plot is going to be.
I'm one of the two people who voted for the Phoenix rising scene!:(


But I guess it wouldn't be appropriate to open with that scene! Still looking foward to it though!

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