Which Villains need a major revamp?

How about we drop the old crappy ones and come up with something new and interesting?
ampersand said:
How about we drop the old crappy ones and come up with something new and interesting?

So Bruce Timm just shouldn't have used Mr. Freeze in BTAS and simply focused on creating new characters instead?
The Overlord said:
So Bruce Timm just shouldn't have used Mr. Freeze in BTAS and simply focused on creating new characters instead?

Notice that I used both old and crappy. Meaning get rid of those villains who have become lame and are no longer interesting as a character. I just feel that rehashing the same old villains is getting boring and tedious in many cases because the villains are often weak characters.
ampersand said:
Notice that I used both old and crappy. Meaning get rid of those villains who have become lame and are no longer interesting as a character. I just feel that rehashing the same old villains is getting boring and tedious in many cases because the villains are often weak characters.

How do you define "crappy"? Johns was able to revamp old Flash rogues and create some new ones at same time, why can't others do that?
Uh...Most of the Spiderman Villians.

Quick question now that I think about it. What the hell are all the super villians gonna be doing durin the Civil War?
SouLeSS said:
Uh...Most of the Spiderman Villians.

Quick question now that I think about it. What the hell are all the super villians gonna be doing durin the Civil War?

Which Spider-Man villains in particular, bercause I think a lot of spidey villains have become more interesting in recent years. I would say many DD villains need a revamp.

Anyway, I would assume Super Villains would take advantage of the civil war to pursue their own goals.
The Mandarin. Guy needs to get some goals beyond restoring China to former glory. This guy has the power to be a Doom or Magneto-class villain but almost never made it beyond getting his teeth kicked in by Iron Man.
Cyclops said:
The Mandarin. Guy needs to get some goals beyond restoring China to former glory. This guy has the power to be a Doom or Magneto-class villain but almost never made it beyond getting his teeth kicked in by Iron Man.

I thought they made Manadarin an anti tech guy and his goal was to turn the clock back and return the world to the age of feudalism.
There are alot of wierd-ass things he's tried to do that just don't make sense. I've seen him try to do that "let's make the world Medieval again" thing and I've seen him blast the crap out of Iron Man with a giant robotic flying dragon fortress.

Hence why he needs a focusing of his goals, what he wants to achieve and how he plans to achieve it.
Cyclops said:
There are alot of wierd-ass things he's tried to do that just don't make sense. I've seen him try to do that "let's make the world Medieval again" thing and I've seen him blast the crap out of Iron Man with a giant robotic flying dragon fortress.

Hence why he needs a focusing of his goals, what he wants to achieve and how he plans to achieve it.

I kinda like anti tech ideology thing, that's what the Khmer Rouge tried to do in Cambodia so its not unrealstic and makes him a good anti thesis to Stark. They should just stick with it.
I would say that Vulture needs a serious revamp.

Also Kraven. Kraven is potentially a really cool villain if he was re-written and had a new costume.
Bring back the High Evolutionary!!! That guy rocked!!! Him and what has thanos been doing lately?
Isnt the Mandarin dead now anyways, and his son took over the role? Thats a revamp right there.
Thanos is busy hanging out with Annhilus (jeez that's a crazy word, I think I can be excused for possibly getting it wrong.) :D
Scorpion. Get rid of Eddie's damn symbiot and give his back his old suit.
Well, there's a long list, but I don't think revamp is the right word. That implies starting from scratch. Bringing out the character's hidden coolness is how I'd describe it. Anyway, I think The Shocker is more than deserving of such a treatment. This is how The Shocker should be written.

Also, alot of Daredevil's villains could use a fresh aproach. Stilt Man, I thought, always had the potential to be the story of them man who always wanted to have a good job and a good life, but everything just spyraled out of his control.

Also, the Tinkerer has some serious potential to be a majorly creepy bad guy. Just play up on the fact that he is, indirectly, responsible for the deaths over thousands of people and couldn't care less.
mysterio really I know he is dead but come on he could be great.
The Question said:
Well, there's a long list, but I don't think revamp is the right word. That implies starting from scratch. Bringing out the character's hidden coolness is how I'd describe it. Anyway, I think The Shocker is more than deserving of such a treatment. This is how The Shocker should be written.

that shocker fanfic was pretty good. pretty dead-on.
Red X said:
Scorpion. Get rid of Eddie's damn symbiot and give his back his old suit.

:up: :up: :up:

Also he should be written as a real threat, not some stupid bruiser. He made such an impact originally and is now wasted.

Also I'd like more focus on Rhino and Shocker, but they don't need revampping per-say...
Belasco could use a revision.

Crimson Dynamo, Sabertooth, and Rhino.
The Question said:
Well, there's a long list, but I don't think revamp is the right word. That implies starting from scratch. Bringing out the character's hidden coolness is how I'd describe it. Anyway, I think The Shocker is more than deserving of such a treatment. This is how The Shocker should be written.

Also, alot of Daredevil's villains could use a fresh aproach. Stilt Man, I thought, always had the potential to be the story of them man who always wanted to have a good job and a good life, but everything just spyraled out of his control.

Also, the Tinkerer has some serious potential to be a majorly creepy bad guy. Just play up on the fact that he is, indirectly, responsible for the deaths over thousands of people and couldn't care less.

I still disagree about Stilt-Man, if his motive is money then it doesn't make sense, it would take a ton of money to build, maintain and upgrade his armour, him spending millions of dollars on that armour so he can steal thousands of dollars makes no sense. Stilt-Man going to crime because he is desperate for money makes no sense, maintaining that stilt-Man armour by himself is too expensive to make any money as a criminal.

I would focus on other DD villains, like Mr. Hyde. Hyde is suppose evil incarinate, but he acts like a generic thug ast best and a total goof at worst. He should be a blood thristy monster, a very brutal foe who is cunning, unforgiving and without mercy.
deathshead2 said:
mysterio really I know he is dead but come on he could be great.
He's going to be coming back in the pages of FNSM towards the end of the year, IIRC.
Johnny Blaze said:
He's going to be coming back in the pages of FNSM towards the end of the year, IIRC.

No, Mysterio has already come back. Beck is dead, but someone else has put on the costume.
The Overlord said:
I still disagree about Stilt-Man, if his motive is money then it doesn't make sense, it would take a ton of money to build, maintain and upgrade his armour, him spending millions of dollars on that armour so he can steal thousands of dollars makes no sense. Stilt-Man going to crime because he is desperate for money makes no sense, maintaining that stilt-Man armour by himself is too expensive to make any money as a criminal.

Hey, maybe he made it out of cheap parts. And maintains the suit by stealing the parts he needs. He is a theif, you know. Besides, his motive, while having to do with money, isn't because he's greedy. Way I see it, he had higher ambitions for himself, but his life just spyraled out of control.

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