White House to release footage of plane hitting Pentagon...


Apr 16, 2004
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I just heard it on Fox News. Haven't seen it anywhere else yet. I imagine, at least I HOPE, that if they do indeed release actual footage of a 777 hitting the Pentagon, it'll send the conspiracy theory whackos away crying.
The conspiracy wackos will claim it's just computer generated.
You know as well as I do that any footage at this point will just bring cries of special effects and doctored footage, lazur.

so, it took em almost five years to get the effects done right?
PLAS said:
so, it took em almost five years to get the effects done right?

Well, ILM had the prequels to turn out. So, this was on the back burner
Addendum said:
Well, ILM had the prequels to turn out. So, this was on the back burner

Don't be surprised if you see King Kong, in the shot, they might have just reused that footage.
I wonder why it took them so long to release the footage?
I usually stay out of these conspiracy issues but why did it take them so long to show that tape. I mean really, how many times have we seen the other planes hit the twin towers?
POWdER-man said:
I usually stay out of these conspiracy issues but why did it take them so long to show that tape. I mean really, how many times have we seen the other planes hit the twin towers?

Considering that it hit the Pentagon, there may have been security issues of some kind.
POWdER-man said:
I usually stay out of these conspiracy issues but why did it take them so long to show that tape. I mean really, how many times have we seen the other planes hit the twin towers?

War Lord said:
Considering that it hit the Pentagon, there may have been security issues of some kind.
not to mention the damn computer crashing while using photoshop

that musta been a pain in the butt
lazur said:
I just heard it on Fox News. Haven't seen it anywhere else yet. I imagine, at least I HOPE, that if they do indeed release actual footage of a 777 hitting the Pentagon, it'll send the conspiracy theory whackos away crying.

Well, it only took them, what, nearly 5 years? Yeah, there's no way they could have computer generated anything in that time... :rolleyes:
TheSumOfGod said:
Well, it only took them, what, nearly 5 years? Yeah, there's no way they could have computer generated anything in that time... :rolleyes:
just the actual footage, everything else will be legit
TheSumOfGod said:
Well, it only took them, what, nearly 5 years? Yeah, there's no way they could have computer generated anything in that time... :rolleyes:

TSOG makes a point you know.
what security issues could've been generated from showing video from the outside of the pentagon in conditions that have no doubt changed in the last 5 years.
It's so f***ing obvious that they're hiding the truth, that they're acting like fascists, I don't understand people like lazur, who drink up the "official" story like it was mother's milk, who still support them no matter what.
Mr Sparkle said:
TSOG makes a point you know.
what security issues could've been generated from showing video from the outside of the pentagon in conditions that have no doubt changed in the last 5 years.

Security issues goes out the window when you consider you can see the Pentagon from the road at any time of the day or night. If any terrorist orginization really wanted to document the Pentagons outside security they would only have to pull over with a camera of choice as thousands of tourists do every single day of the week. Why does the government not confiscate all the other video cameras that record it for securitys sake?
I got your Pentagon footage right here:


Does this include the all too infamous gas station footage?
Demon Within said:
Security issues goes out the window when you consider you can see the Pentagon from the road at any time of the day or night. If any terrorist orginization really wanted to document the Pentagons outside security they would only have to pull over with a camera of choice as thousands of tourists do every single day of the week. Why does the government not confiscate all the other video cameras that record it for securitys sake?

You can't see the inside of the pentagon from the road any time, day or night. When the plane hit it, it opened up areas that aren't seen by anybody without security clearance.
TheSumOfGod said:
It's so f***ing obvious that they're hiding the truth, that they're acting like fascists, I don't understand people like lazur, who drink up the "official" story like it was mother's milk, who still support them no matter what.

Err, just because I don't buy your silly conspiracy theories (and I'm in the MAJORITY on that), it doesn't mean I believe everything the "official" story claims.

But thanks for being rational :rolleyes:.
lazur said:
Err, just because I don't buy your conspiracy theories, it doesn't mean I believe everything the "official" story claims.

And what exactly DON'T you believe about the "official" story?
War Lord said:
You can't see the inside of the pentagon from the road any time, day or night. When the plane hit it, it opened up areas that aren't seen by anybody without security clearance.

Umm I remember 9/11 and they were filming the large opening on the news over and over again. You could pretty well see everything inside in that area.
War Lord said:
You can't see the inside of the pentagon from the road any time, day or night. When the plane hit it, it opened up areas that aren't seen by anybody without security clearance.

The part of the pentagon that was hit was under reconstruction meaning nothing was in there that needed security clearence to see. There was no furniture,no papers, no people. Walls.
War Lord said:
You can't see the inside of the pentagon from the road any time, day or night. When the plane hit it, it opened up areas that aren't seen by anybody without security clearance.
Uhhh... that is a horrible reason not to release the video(s). There are pictures all over the internet of the aftermath of the destruction. It shows the inside of the building and whatnot. The video wouldn't show anything classified... it would show the plane going into the Pentagon, big thing of fire and smoke... and that's it. Anything classified would be destroyed when the plane hits the Pentagon. I would think the aftermath pictures and videos would be the thing to worry about... not the initial crash of the plane.

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