The team as of now:
Hawkeye II (Kate Bishop)--daughter of a wealthy businessman; no powers but she trained heavily in unarmed and armed combat with a variety of weapons after being raped
Patriot (Elijah Bradley)--grandson of Isaiah Bradley, the only survivor of the original Captain America experiments on black soldiers; originally powered by MGH, now super-strength and super-senses (that we know of so far) from a blood transfusion from his Super-Soldier Serum-enhanced grandfather
Hulkling (Teddy Altman)--son of Kree Captain Mar-Vell and the Skrull empress; super-strength and shapeshifting powers
Wiccan (Billy Kaplan)--suspected to be the son of the Scarlet Witch and the Vision; magic powers
Stature (Cassandra Lang)--daughter of Ant-Man Scott Lang; enlargement and reduction powers thanks to prolonged exposure to her father's Pym Particles
Vision II--futuristic armor with the original Vision's core programming, given sentience by absorbing Iron Lad's brain engrams; super-strength, density manipulation, energy blasts, and likely much more, but he seems to be limiting himself to just the powers the original Vision had for some reason
Speed (Tommy Shepherd)--suspected to be the son of the Scarlet Witch and the Vision; super-speed and the ability to vibrate the molecules of other objects until they explode