Sundancer said:
Other than Alfred and the Robins, who knows anything about Batman's personal life at all in the Bat-universe? (not the whole DC one)
For example, what does the Joker or Catwoman really know about Batman?
A couple of months ago I was over on the Batman board at DC's own website, and someone had started a similar thread. By the time I came along, an awful lot of names had already been suggested by various people, but they weren't in any sort of order. I said to myself, "Hey, someone ought to organize these alphabetically to make it easier to see which names are missing and still need to be mentioned!"
So I ended up doing it myself. I posted a copy of my "first draft" of the list on this forum too, and the following day, partly from suggestions by others and partly from some additional research of my own, I posted (in the same thread) an updated "second draft" with more details on just when various people seem to have "first found out" the secret.
If you follow this link and scroll down to Post #20 in the thread, you'll see the "extended version" that I posted back in November. One of these days I'll do another update of the list.
Who Knows Batman is Bruce? (Very rough draft of a master list)
Notes: I include people who, at any time in the Post-Crisis continuity, "used to know" the secret but have since had that knowledge wiped out somehow (maybe -- in a few cases, it's not absolutely clear if they still know or not). Also, I see you say you're only interested in the Bat-universe -- supporting characters who mainly appear in Batman's own titles (and Robin's, and Nightwing's, and so forth, I'm guessing?). I didn't draw a line that way -- I just listed everybody in the DCU that I or anyone else could think of. Naturally you're free to go down my list and cross off any names that you don't think are really regular faces in the "Bat-universe" in particular!