I think the Nolan Bros. intended for most people to like the writing except TruerToTheCore. They said in some interview that they wrote it that way.Or good writing to make him a truly frightening villain for the movie.
Or good writing to make him a truly frightening villain for the movie.
He was a bit too Darth Sidious in that alot of things that seemed like exciting events were really planned and were controlled the whole time, allegedly. And he does alot of things that you wouldn't think would be easy like get ferries filled with weird bombs and he can just do that cause he has men.No, that's about as lame as "Of course his actions don't fit with what he was before HE IS TEH INSANE!!!"
Why do people keep saying Nolan should stop with TDK, am tired of hearing people think TDK is the second coming, comparing it to the Departed etc,
2nded. I like the feel of that movie and thats about it. IA was so much better.actually TDK is ten times better than The Departed.. Departed is one of Scorsese's worst films.
Nolan this Nolan that lol , Yh he did a good job,he aint God, Heath is the God in TDK
Why in sweet God's name would you want to go from The Joker and Two-Face in TDK to a Nolanized Penguin in the third installment? Talk about a jarring downgrade.
I believe there is no topping TDK. That's why I vote that Nolan needs to end while it's good. I don't want to a Batman movie disappointment of catastrophic proportions. And let's be honest... that's all it'd ever be.
when we say faithful, we're talking about Catwoman of the comic books, not some idea of what Catwoman should be based off Batman Returns or TAS. If you knew the first thing about her in the comic books you'd know Michelle's Catwoman was FAAAAR from close. and not just talking about her origin either